How Do I Look?

After pondering on the matter for a short period of time, she inquired further, "Can't we just sneak in and steal it from them and then run away with the spaceship?"

"No, I don't think that's possible lil Belle, because there is only a single one of this fruit on the whole planet, and according to the place it is placed, it should be something extremely precious to them... so in conclusion, they won't leave it unprotected. On the contrary, there must be very extreme measures of security around the fruit if I'm not mistaken..." Virus explained.

"Then... can't we just attack with the spaceship and level everything to the ground?" She asked further.

Listening to this question, Virus expounded on the matter, "That's too risky, because we have no idea how strong the cultivators at this place are, and also, this spaceship is not as strong as you think, if the cultivators are higher than what the spaceship could handle... we're going to be doomed."