God's Last Prank?

"Dude, is that a gun you have there? Where did you get it?" A male asked his friend as they were currently in school.

Oddly though, the school was very quiet as lots of students were absent, even some of the teachers didn't bother to come anymore.

Then, at this moment, an announcement was made, "Listen, everyone, since most students and teachers didn't bother to attend the school, today's classes will be over right now... and this might happen in the next days as well."

"Dude, I said where did you get that gun?" That person asked again.

"Doesn't matter... the world's ending... nothing matters anymore, I just want to take my revenge from those bastards..." Uttering that, that boy with the gun didn't pay any further attention to his friend as he left the class.

'Hmm... let's see... what was their leader called...? Hmm...yes... his name was Josh!'
