Very Uncomfortable

In the meantime, Virus was a little surprised seeing Hadelia's sword starting to burn all of a sudden as her speed seemed to increase too, so, with less leisure than the previous times, he raised his hand once again to block the slash with the scales covering his arms all over.


The moment the burning sword and the scaled palm clashed against each other, a rather loud noise of metal hitting another metal was heard as Virus grabbed the burning sword and refused to let go while Hadelia struggled to free her short sword from his grasp.

Amused by her struggle, Virus said with a rather broad smile, "Haha, this one was much better... Show me more techniques like this one." After he was done with his words, he finally let go of the sword.

Seeing how easily he could still defend against her attack, Hadelia gritted her teeth, as she uttered again.

"The Burning Sparrow – Exploding the Fire!"