Cheers To That!

Their hugging continued for a rather long time as the best friends seemed to have truly missed each other very much these past few days, however, finally separating from each other, they turned toward the Security ugly as Ella introduced, "This is Security bro everyone! He's super strong and he's going to protect us tonight!"

"Hey Security bro!" Faith stated with a smile.

"Hello." Grace too greeted while the other two only nodded their heads which was accompanied by their half-smiles.

"Security bro, umm… how should we enter the nightclub now… I mean, I didn't think the line was this long… it's going to take us forever like this… should we go to another nightclub?" With hesitation apparent on her face, Ella inquired.

"No need to do that, miss. I'll deal with it, follow me." Uttering this, he began walking as the five best friends began to closely follow him as they walked directly in front of the gigantic guard who was in charge of the entrance.