A Realization

This awakening made him realize something he wasn't able to until this very moment, so, raising his scale-covered left hand in front of his face, he began to contemplate very deeply, 'Hmm, actually, since I entered inside this body... I feel like it's affecting me in some unknown ways… for instance… it's definitely like that when it comes to emotions sometimes… and, since the moment I entered my body, it's rather difficult for me to control my emotions and even some of my actions! Which feels entirely natural at that time but also results in stopping me from realizing it's not like the me of the past since my state of being has also changed somehow in a minor way… however, even though my [Existence Codes] should've slightly changed somehow… the change shouldn't be much… it should be basically just the same as before… but… after entering my body… I also feel like it's getting even harder for me to have them under control as more time passes… hmm…'