The Red-Crystal

And due to all of these, Virus was absolutely elated. Because now, he had something new to discover as he was going to walk an uncharted territory.

He was very thrilled with the idea of having many things to uncover regarding the red-crystals and their source, which might change the course of history entirely! And thrilled about being at the epicenter of this world-defying phenomena!

So, grinning from ear to ear, with an intense light of enthusiasm and elation shooting off his eyes, he deliberated his first course of action, 'First, I should place the red-crystal within the microscope…'

As this notion went through his head, he reached his hand and placed the Red-Crystal within the entry that was a bit bigger than the size of the Red-Crystal itself.

"Master, why are you trying to study the Red-Crystals? Don't you already know what they are?" Voiced the golden beauty at this time.