What's Your Name?

"Sigh…" releasing a helpless sigh, he pondered, 'hmm, this makes me wonder though… why is it that there were no knots from the first to the twelfth level? And why did they appear from the 13th level onwards? Is there a particular reason for this?'

With that thought, he started contemplating intensively on the possible reasons as to why this odd phenomenon had happened.

'Why only twelve disentangled pathways? Hmm, normal people only have twelve energy pathways… could it have something to do with that?' Notions like this kept passing through his head one after another, but unfortunately, he couldn't be certain about any of them.

"Forget it." Shaking his head, he decided to put the matter aside for now.

Then, opening his already heavy eyelids, Virus realized it was already in the middle of the night. So he decided, "I'm going to be very busy tomorrow. I better sleep and replenish my energy."
