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Displaying a wide grin, he added, "Anyway, you're dismissed for the moment. You can go, I'll just summon you again if I need anything else."

"Hmph." Letting out a muffled harrumph in return which Virus was hardly able to hear, Hu Yuexin turned around and left the suite.


A few hours after enjoying their breakfast, Virus picked up his phone and directly contacted a number he had just extracted from the world-data.

"Hello, who is this?" Soon, a voice arrived from the other side of the line. Naturally, the question was asked in Chinese.

Catching this inquiry, however, just as fluent as the other person, Virus started talking, "Hello, I'm Aizen Vee, the owner of Virus Corporation headquartered in the United States of America. Is this the chairman of the state-owned enterprise 'Shanghai Municipal Investment Group'?"