'Although the fourth reason could be partly true, it's not the complete truth. In fact, in my past life, I was indeed able to gain access to the surface construction of my 'Existential Codes' on many occasions, even though I was never able to take a peek at the very essence and core of my 'Existential Codes'. But even back then that was my limit since for some undetermined reason I wasn't able to sneak a peek at deeper levels.'

'Back then, I was only able to helplessly conclude that those mysterious beings who created me had taken extreme measures in order to make it impossible for me or anyone else to see the very essence of my existence which would in return keep their secret and make it implausible to unravel the mystery of my creation and independent consciousness… but that's beside the point… the point right now is that I was at least able to gain access and study the very surface of my [Existential Codes] which is also what I required and needed at the moment.'