My Lovely Yuexin

"So, among the three options I have, I'll be picking…" 

Right as he was done murmuring that, a frown took shape on Virus' forehead as silence overtook the interior of his plane before it was broken again at last, "Ah, damn it. Let's go back home for now." 

No longer being in the mood due to the call from Ella, now officially his ex-girlfriend, and the serious conversation they had, he opted to postpone making a vital decision regarding the three options he had available amongst 'reserving as many Rifts as possible', 'entering the Rifts', or his third alternative of 'going back to the Cultivation Earth' to hunt. "Let's just see how it goes."

Although he was truly excited and enthused about his newfound ability to be able to cultivate super fast by simply killing monstrous beasts and absorbing their energy, he had to admit the call he had just now had indeed killed the mood for the moment.