To Qualify!


Brandishing his weapon backward with a swift spin, the longsword failed to hit anything as it moved unhindered! Whatever that was behind Virus before was gone as fast as it had shown up!

'What was that?' A deep sense of crisis was filling up Virus' heart. Whatever that had been standing behind him earlier had vanished so quickly that Virus couldn't even catch its shadow with his eyes. 

It looked like the assaulter didn't desire for Virus to see even its silhouette, unbeknownst for the attacker though, Virus' sense of awareness had already depicted a complete image of whatever that had flickered in and out behind him.

In his mindscape, Virus shockingly visualized the creature as something that had the head of a male human, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion!

Referring to his own sea of knowledge, the only creature he could resemble and connect what he was witnessing to was something of a legend!