

"The chosen one did it again. Just who is he?"

"Are such strong citizens even allowed to participate in the monthly competition?"

"What then? Should only weak citizens be sent to be slaughtered like chickens? Did you forget about the fair clause of the event? It doesn't matter, as long as it's a citizen, it is fine."


Concurrently, while everyone was expecting Virus to retreat into the resting room again, Virus suddenly stupefied everyone by yelling toward the VIP seats.

"I don't need to go back, I've already gotten permission to replace the other two remaining chosen ones, but enough of the weak-ass opponents." Indeed, the previous times Virus went back to the room, it was only because he didn't have consent to replace the chosen ones, and that's why he had to go back. But now that they had all approved of him participating in their place, Virus didn't need to waste more time.