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"We're going to only visit districts that are inhabited by cultivators or rich families." Announcing their relevant destination, Virus signaled them to chase after him.

Following that, Virus and the two by his side visited the first known district of Outer Ricando that was famously inhabited by cultivators. The area was considered one of the most expensive living locations in the city that housed several powerful and yet rich families of Outer Ricando.

"Watch how I do it and learn." When they reached their destination, Virus ordered them to pay attention since he wasn't going to be the one to do the distribution chore after this. 

Anyhow, searching his surroundings for a split-second and spotting a random passer-by, Virus approached the guy before handing him a flier.

"Here, this is a message for you."

Abruptly being approached by a stranger who apparently had some type of message addressed for him, the other person was dumbfounded, "Huh?"