Unlucky Child

Dark clouds blocked the sun as rain and lighting strike the ground. A car drove up a narrow road that cut throught the tall trees of the forest. The driver a young man no older then 30 showed no emotion as a middle aged woman sat in the backseat carrying a months old baby who was looking out the window. Staring at the drops slide down the tinted glass.

As lightning struck thunder followed. The windows reverberating from the shockwave. The young child shook and took refuge in the womans arms in fear; however, he did not cry.

The woman with surprise in her eyes said

"What a brave child you are. You will defintly shine among your peers."

The car suddenly came to a stop in front of large black gate.

From the pillars that supported the gate a camara stared at the car.

The floor besides the car opened up and two metal rods came out.

They emmited a bright blue light as they scanned the car from front to back moving along the ground.

After they where finished the metal rods returned underground and the floor closed up and no traces of what just came out remained in the ground.

The gate opened wide, as the car proceeded onwards. As the gate closed behind the car lightning struck and illuminated a pillar where a copper plaque read "Walker Orphanage for Special Children"

As the car slowly drove over a gravel road a massive building came to sight it looked old and haggerd. As the car slowly pulled over the front doors of the Orphanage a man in a black suit came out in a hurried manner. An umbrella in his hand oppened and he opened the back door of the car the middle aged woman walked out with the child in her arms. The man said

"Madam Smith the headmaster is waiting for you in his office please come inside."

The woman without waiting for the man walked into the orphange and never stopped. The man quickly caught up and lead the way.

The woman without needing the guidance quickly made her way up the large set of stair that adorned the main hall of the building.

In an office an old man with glasses on his eyes slowly read a book as the window behind him let the breeze of a rainy day come in. However the rainwater didnt follow the wind, the water hit an invisible screen and slid down.

Suddenly a door was pushed open and the middle aged woman came in and quickly sat down on one of the chairs and the suited man came in after her.

She spoke

"Young man please block the breeze and warm up the room the child isnt old enough to resist the cold yet."

The young man ackowledged the order and moved towards a panel in the wall with a few taps he was done. The screen flickered for a second and the wind stopped flowing. The room quickly warmed up to a warm temperature and the woman spoke once again.

"Headmaster Walker I bring you this new child. He has yet to receive a name. I will leave that in your hands. Also this child is a bit special even at his young age he shows great aptitude for this. Both his mind and body seemed to be well suited for the job. I should also tell you that he has already got Nanomachines  implanted they are the prototype manually designed and built by doctor Morgan. He had said that they are the only ones off their kind and that they will be the only ones for a very long time as he has retired from his research. As well as the fact that he built this from memory alone and no notes or data were written down as such we have no way to reproduce them we will only have the previous generations to work with. As such this kid is of great importance. My higher ups have asked if you would mind training this child personally."

Through out the woman's rambling the old man just listened not once lifting his sight from his book.

The man responded

"Why should I train him personally the only reason he is special enough as to make you come here yourself is his fancy toys."

The woman with a bit of irritation however with utter respect in her face said

"Headmasters thoughts arent wrong however they are backwards. This child isnt special because of his fancy toys. He got his fancy toys because he is that special."

The man with surprise in his eyes lifted his sight from his book and looked at the child's eyes and the child looked back at him with curiosity written all over his face.

The old man stood up and walked towards the child and took him in his arms.

He told the woman

"Mrs. Smith tell your superiors that their luck is good today as I have decided to take this child under my wing. You can see yourself out."

The woman stood up and waved goodbye at the child and walked out.

The driver was waiting for the woman as she approached he opened the door for her when she was in he shut the door. He got in the driver's seat and drove off. The old man watched with a child in his arms from the fourth floor of the building as the car sped away and the gates closed behind it. The Old man looked once again at the child's eyes and commented you have very beautiful grey eyes child, girls will definetly love them."

The man commented once more

"Im not very creative when it comes to names so I will name you after your eyes,

Gray Walker."

He directed to the young man who hadn't left the room

"Michael bring the best nursing mother we have and assign her to this child alone. Tell her he will be her only responsability from now on."

"Yes headmaster right away." The man turned and left the room.

The headmaster sighed and said

"If you're so special why is your luck so bad that you had to end up here. You won't be able to have normal life you know."