Back in the headmaster office
Michael entered the room and said
"Headmaster the mission has been sent out within 72hrs all records of Gray will be erased."
Headmaster Walker inquired
"Good, who has taken the mission?"
Michael answered
"16 Agents have accepted the mission. Commanded by two Alpha Agents; Ethan and Alis."
Headmaster asked
"Has Gray woken up?"
"Yes sir, he was eating breakfast at the cafeteria when I came up."
"Tell him to meet me at the headmasters training hall when he is finished, today he will start learning how to fight."
"Will do sir"
In the cafeteria at the bottom floor a five year old kid was sitting down. He was eating brakfast that consisted of pancakes, egg and bacon.
He was surrounded by other kids his age. While he had a smile in his face as the other kids talked and joked around. Inside he was bored of talking with these dumb kids.
[Why do I have to sit here and listen to this kids talk all day long. I wish I was moved up to higher grades so I could have a little bit more interesting conversations. While they say all these kids are geniuses I highly doubt their genius is that much diffrent from an average person. I hope the headmaster calls me for my daily lessons soon.]
As if invoked a middle aged man entered the cafeteria the moment he did everyone turned to look at him. While the cafeteria was spacious it wasnt big enough as to not be able to find a someone. Adding to the fact that the cafeteria was particularly empty at this time. It didnt take long for the man to find Gray and when he did he motioned for him to follow.
Gray stood up without complaint and followed. After a few minutes of walking in silence Gray asked
"Where are you taking me?"
Gray had noticed that they had long passed the room where he usually took lessons.
The man responded
"From what I'm told from today on you will not only be taking academic lessons but also martial lessons. The headmaster will teach you how to stay alive. Your 5th birthday was not long ago as such we will stop looking after you. Now you will have to look after yourself. Mondays and Tuesdays you will join your upperclassmen in body and survival training. Wednesday and Thursdays you will take your regular academic lessons. Fridays and Saturday's you will take martial lessons from the headmaster. Sunday will be your resting day however all tasks assigned by any of your classes must be completed when asked so I would recommend for you to use your rest day to catch up. You've been complaining that you're to bored all the time from now on you will not have the chance to say that so you better ready yourself. Train well."
The last part was said as the man opened a door in front of him.
I walked in the door and the man shut the door behind me. The lights where off as such i couldnt see anything. Their was no windows not even through the crack in the door would light come in. As soon as the lights where turned on I felt something hit my leg I fell on my side and grimaced in pain.
The headmaster was standing beside me with a bamboo staff in his hand
"From now on you will have no free moment in your life. When they brought you to us they told us you where special, prove your specialness. Grab a weapon. You have till midnight to land a hit on me if you can't, dont even think of going home tonight. Good thing todays Friday."