Protective Instincts

"This is a spare toothbrush you can use and here's a towel." Pei Qing roughly handed Zhao Lifei the supplies, nearly shoving everything onto her hands.

Zhao Lifei felt her eyebrows raise in surprise, a small fire building within her. She reminded herself to stay level-headed. She didn't want to throw a big scene in someone else's house, especially when the servant didn't even belong to her.

"Oh, and here's the cup. Mr. Yang doesn't like to share things with people, so just throw everything out later." Pei Qing set the cup onto the marble sink, it clunked and made a loud sound.

"And this is the spare clothes for you." She tossed the clothes onto the counter.

Zhao Lifei gritted her teeth to suppress her anger. Her hand itched to smack and punish the maid.