Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer

"Standing by the door does not delay this conversation." Yang Feng spoke up upon noticing she was rooted to the ground. She had not moved an inch within the past few seconds. He wondered if something was amiss?

"Really? I was hoping an hour would've passed in the time I stood here and for you to finally realize you have overextended your welcome." Zhao Lifei replied, turning around and crossing her arms. She frowned at his confident posture. He leaned and sat in her couch like she was the guest and he was the owner of this condo.

With one leg crossed over the other, an arm slung on the couch, and the other resting on his thigh, it was hard to deny his charisma. The couch was wide, yet his presence occupied the entire couch. Added with the morning light from the gleaming windows, he seemed to glow like a magnificent Emperor seated upon his throne.