
Zhao Lifei woke up in the afternoon, boggled and dazed, not believing she had slept for that long. All she remembered was telling Yang Feng to go brush his teeth and then lying back down on the bed. She didn't think that in just a blink of an eye, she would fall asleep.

She texted Huo Qiudong for her schedule at Feili and he replied, [None.] She shrugged it off, understanding Wei Hantao probably took over the majority of what needs to be done in the company. She figured the only times she would make her presence known would be during meetings and once she made her debut, her schedule would most likely be packed.

When she noticed something in the corner of her eyes, she got out of the bed. Sitting on the black nightstand was a crisp white note in the familiar and neat handwriting of Yang Feng.

'I went to work, will be back before the sun sets. Remember to eat breakfast, I will know if you skip it.' -Hubby ♥