Not Enough

Chen Gaonan's report barely scratched the surface about Jiang Zihui. In an attempt to dig deeper, he stumbled across a complicated code. 

Yang Feng received the first half of the report and decided to be the one who would work on cracking the code. 

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The days passed by uneventfully and soon the birthday of Hua Yuxi, Zhao Lifei's maternal grandmother, approached. After discovering how close Zhao Lifei was with the woman, Yang Feng brought an entire trunkload of gifts including camel-wool jackets, ginseng, abalone, a matching set of jade bracelets and earrings, porcelain teacups, and everything else an elderly woman would need. 

Zhao Lifei glanced out the window, her eyes warily landing upon the two additional cars behind them. There were usually discreetly following cars filled with Yang Feng's private team and bodyguards trailing them, but today, there were more because of the gifts.