Master and Servant

While dessert was being served, which was the same milk pudding that Zhao Lifei managed to burn a while back, the housekeeper walked in with a medium-sized cardboard delivery box. "Madam, this was delivered to our house this morning. It has your name printed on the top, but there's no return address." 

She found it was strange that this box got through their security without a return address. Usually, every package sent to the house would undergo an intensive search to ensure nothing harmful was inside.

Zhao Lifei's head turned to Yang Feng who was in the kitchen behind her. He was placing the tiny mint onto the milk pudding. It was a funny sight to witness. Such large fingers handling something so delicate… Her cheeks flushed when something incredibly dirty flashed in her mind. She roughly shook her head, slapped her cheeks, and then turned towards the housekeeper.