Progress Over Perfection

"Talk to me, Xiao Fei. What's wrong?" Zhao Moyao was seated in front of his granddaughter. She stared into the distance with a ditzy look in her eyes. She reacted as if she didn't know he was in the same room as her. She was unresponsive, her lips were parched, and she behaved like she was watching the most interesting thing ever. What was she looking at?

He turned his head and saw it was just an empty, light blue wall with specks of clouds. What could be so interesting in a wall? This entire morning, he tried to speak to her, but she was unresponsive. He had rushed here first thing in the morning after hearing the news that she was hospitalized at midnight. He would've come here earlier, but no one had informed him of her arrival to the hospital until Li Xuan burst into the main mansion, out of breath and frantic.