
"Fine, then." Yang Mujian held up a hand and did the inspection himself to which Yang Feng's eyes darkened. "What? Do you have something to hide from me?"

Yang Feng was already in a horrible mood from his test results this morning, not to mention, Yang Ruqin was not updating him on Xiao Lili's conditions. He was infuriated enough. He didn't need his grandfather to poke his nose in everything.


"Then, step aside. I only want to check if the textbook is suitable for the missed points." Yang Mujian didn't wait for Yang Feng's reply before he stepped up to the desk and peered at it. Sure enough, a textbook was opened with a notebook right beside it. In Yang Feng's abnormally perfect handwriting, there were resourceful notes. As expected of Yang Feng, he captured the most important points of every topic.