
Cloudy-Sky AU 3

Summary: Where Tsuna was reborn in the Naruto world as Nagato and Konan's son in Amegakure and met Konoha's newest Hokage in the latest Kage Summit.

Warning: Suggestive...uh pick-up lines and swearing.


Yahiko was an old soul.

And not just in the idiomatic sense, although that worked just as well too.

He's literally an old soul.

Although being reincarnated into another world was...jarring, Reborn had trained him well-enough that he managed to adjust after several months. After all, Sawada Tsunayoshi was a mafia boss. The Neo-Vongola Primo of the strongest famiglia in Italy. He had a reputation to uphold and well- his trigger-happy tutor would probably get his hide if he didn't get his shit together.

Yahiko wouldn't be surprised if Reborn would somehow break the laws of time, space and dimension to terrorize him back into shape so he strove to put all the man's teachings into use.

And he meant "to use" in every sense of the word, since the life he had been dropped into certainly wasn't for the faint-hearted.

As the son of Konan, the famed angel of Amegakure, and Nagato, the weilder of the so-called ultimate dojutsu, the Rinnegan, Yahiko had a lot to live up to. He was lucky he was what he was because he didn't think a normal kid would have came out of the childhood that he had with all his pieces intact.

After all, if your father was known the closest thing to a god as a shinobi could possibly be and was the leader of an organization with unstable S-rank ninjas as its members, anyone's childhood would probably be skewed to kingdom come.

Thank goodness for his mother's existence that Yahiko managed to grow up into a slightly dysfunctional, but still relatively normal young man after everything that happened.


Smiling at the curious eyes that followed them warmly, Yahiko looked at the building that they were supposed to conduct the Kage Summit meeting in.

The way it was designed was surprisingly traditional. From the rumors that he had heard from Konoha and its ninjas, he half-expected it to be more...individualistic.

More eccentric.

It wasn't like that at all.

With elegant touches of the modernistic style that was gaining popularity this days peeking in beside the wooden floors and paper doors, the place was beautiful.


And it kind of looked familiar, if he was being honest.

Yahiko wondered why.

"Welcome, Nagato-sama. Please follow me to get to the meeting room." A pretty blonde dressed in a purple crop top and skirt started politely, interrupting his train of thought. She smiled. "Others are already there and our Hokage, Shikari-sama, will be following right after."

His father, Nagato, nodded. "Thank you."

When they went inside, it was oddly quiet. The kages were surrounding a round table and sitting on the sofas around it with their respective guards behind them. Yahiko followed their lead and stood behind his father as he exchange meaningless pleasantries with the other leaders inside the room.

Terumi Mei, the Mizukage, smiled at them along with Sabaku no Temari, the Kazekage. Kisame and Sasori, the kage's respective guards, nodded at them curtly before averting their eyes. A, the Raikage, and Onoki, the Tsuchikage, just looked at them blandly while Deidara, Kurotsuchi and Killer B didn't even spare them a glance.

...It took a while before he finally noticed a certain...tension in the air.

To Yahiko's credit - although this lapse in attention would have earned him a kick in the head from his spartan tutor, thank kami Reborn wasn't here -, he didn't expect that kind of tension to be present in a meeting of people barely cordial with one another.


It would be understandable if it was the kind of tension that usually appeared before a fight, since despite of the peace they currently have now, old wounds and grievances weren't easily forgotten. After all, ninjas are very vindictive and they have ridiculously long memories. However, much to his growing confusion, the tension in the room wasn't referring to that kind of tension.

It was more of an anticipatory kind of tension. A kind that was, if he was being honest, akin to fans waiting for their idols or favorite artists during a concert in his past life. It was like they're eagerly waiting for something...or, in this case, someone.

It was frankly getting kind of ridiculous.

Yahiko snapped to attention when Nagato gestured for him to get closer. "Prepare yourself." His father warned under his breath.

He frowned. Prepare for what?

As the door opened, Yahiko tensed as the mood in the room changed when the infamous Rokudaime Hokage, Nara Shikari, along with her entourage, Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi entered the room.

The Chimimare no Kage.

He heard of her.

Who didn't? The young woman had managed several feats that made her name legendary in all nations. Many shinobi and kunoichi sung her name and beauty. It was already a long-running joke in the Elemental Nations how the tonfa-wielding girl managed to capture the hearts and adoration of several former missing-nin.

He had always thought the rumors were exaggerated.

The meeting clearly proved that they were not.

She was beautiful, certainly. Even with her common coloring - dark hair and dark eyes, her features were truly remarkable. Yet, Yahiko didn't think that it was what made her really stand out.

It's in her presence. The sheer aura of the wee slip of a girl dressed in a pretty yukata with her hair held up in an elaborate do.

Sky flames.

It's used in an unconventional way too with Cloud as its secondary.

How fascinating.

And that's not all. With the supposed bodyguards of all kages - Deidara of Iwagakure, Sasori of Sunagakure, Kisame of Kirigakure and Killer B of Kumogakure - watching Shikari like she was a piece of- of meat with only Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi as her bodyguards, it could easily be seen that the joke wasn't hyperbolic on purpose.

Their respective come-ons were kind of painful to hear.

And it started with Kisame - the blue, hulking shark-man - of all people, who, somehow, managed to sneak it in during a lull in the conversation and start a competition between the Hokage's...suitors.

This, surprisingly, didn't irritate anyone in the meeting. Everyone seemed to treat it as a common enough phenomena and most even looked amused at the show.

Except for the Uchiha guard, maybe. Yahiko wasn't really sure since the guy's expression seemed to be perpetually frozen stiff.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes." The Kiri shinobi smiled bloodthirstily, his sharp teeth gleaming in warning. "I can't take them off you."

Not to be outdone, the Hachibi jinchuriki sneaked in with a beaming grin. "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily, merrily, merrily, I can make you scream."

Sasori of the Red Sands, who Yahiko thought could rival the Uchiha's aloofness, even joined the mix with a disturbingly suggestive, "My hands are gonna be inside you all night long." The puppet smirked. "Because I'll be ripping out your organs and turning you into a puppet."

It ended though when Deidara sneaked in with a, "I wish you were the bomb, so you could blow me." He leered. "That act would truly be...an exquisite piece of art."

Apparently, the Uchiha reached the end of his patience at that and flashed his Sharingan at the lot vindictively. This, once again, surprisingly didn't offend anyone and, if that was even possible, made the people around them more amused.

What in Reborn's tight ass was even happening anymore?

This went on up until the end of the meeting with even some Kages - notable of which were Terumi Mei - joining in the fun and goading the Uchiha's ire. Yahiko could only marvel at the astonishing lack of bloodshed considering the events that took place when, as the other kages file past him and he was left as the third to the last to leave the room, the Hokage called out to him quietly and snapped him out of it.

"Omnivore." The petite girl bared her teeth in a smile. "Long time no see."

Yahiko wasn't the only one to startle in surprise. Uchiha Itachi, the one who stayed behind Shikari, also stiffened and seemed to have activated his sharingan unknowingly.

Or, after a second look, not so unknowingly.

Wait. Omnivore.

Yahiko finally put the pieces together and- shit balls.

Holy crap.

How didn't he see this earlier?

The tonfas - the ridiculous power levels. It seemed so obvious in hindsight.

"Kyoya." He breathed out incredulously. "You're Hokage?"

Kyoya - no Shikari smirked. "You're slow, Sawada Tsunayoshi." Her eyes gleamed in excitement. "Fight me."

That...was Kyoya alright.

Yahiko didn't even know why he was even surprised, to be honest. It wasn't as if he was expecting a heartfelt talk or anything but...yeah.

He really should have known better.

"That wouldn't be wise, Shikari-sama." Itachi chided before Yahiko could say anything in reply. The Uchiha frowned at his Hokage disapprovingly before eyeing him in a calculating manner.

And if Yahiko wasn't wrong, there was a bit of challenge in there too.

Poor kid.

Yahiko shot the kid a look of pity. The Uchiha would have his work cut out for him. In all the years he knew the man - now woman -, Kyoya was exceptionally dense...and well - most likely asexual. As far as he knew, Dino once tried courting his bloodthirsty guardian and the skylark didn't even bat an eye on the man's overtures.

Dino pulled out the big guns too and even brought a zoo of small animals for the cloud.

...Poor, poor kid.

However, today seemed to be full of surprises, when the world once again turned on its head as Shikari pouted. Or as much as the once-Hibari could pout anyway.

"No." Itachi said unconvincingly before sighing in defeat after a few seconds. Yahiko didn't blame him. For a person who spent most of his previous life, frowning, scowling or smirking smugly, Shikari surprisingly had a very...potent pout. "Okay, maybe. But only after the summit, Shikari."

Shikari smirked like the cat that got the canary and patted the dark-haired shinobi fondly.


Maybe, the Uchiha did have a chance. Yahiko didn't see that look often but it was given to people - no not people, species? - he treasured. Usually with Hibird. Sometimes with Roll too. Or with really adorable kids and small animals.

...The Uchiha probably needed to show his intentions before anything can happen.

It bore repeating.

Poor kid.

Maybe Yahiko could help.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Kyoya." Yahiko started teasingly.

Itachi seemed to blank in surprise. "Boy-friend?" He coughed awkwardly as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

Shikari smirk faded. "I'll bite you to death."

Or maybe not.

Yeah. He probably shouldn't.

Yahiko already had enough on his plate, anyway.