
Little Sister AU 2

Summary: Where Itachi has been replaced as younger!Shikari's pet. Aw. Sorry, 'Tachi.



Nara Shikari, formerly known as Hibari Kyoya, was bored as fuck.

His Mukuro-haired older brother was napping again with Chouji, and tormenting Kasuga, his babysitter, was getting old since the herbivore only cooed at his attempts.

It was irritating.

Sighing exasperatedly at the sight of screeching small animals in the place his "brother" brought him to, Kyoya sneaked away once Kasuga napped along Shikamaru's side, and snatched himself a stick along the way.

Maybe he could patrol this territory to pass the time.


Uchiha Shisui could only look on incredulously as a toddler beat several academy students with a stick.

What in the world is happening here?

He just left the compound to buy some snacks, because Sasuke, his little cousin, was a brat and didn't appreciate his glorious presence. He could never say no to a sassy, reproachful Itachi - Shisui never could these days, because he knew Itachi had it harder than most - and well, the bonding time would be good to ease the stress lines on his partner's face.

(Itachi was thirteen for fudge's sake. Those stress lines shouldn't even be in there.)

Shisui even went an extra mile and got it from the store near the park, since he knew Itachi would appreciate the gesture. He always lived for the days where his little cousin acted his age. It was...well- adorable. And yes, he knew that sounded creepy so shut up, it's not like that.

It's - Shisui believed it's because of Kakashi's influence, that butt. The uptight jounin had eventually started up this weird schtick where he called all his kohai adorable and act like an all-around troll in every sense of the word, and Shisui admitted there was a time in his life where the guy was actually his idol so now, well-

Some of his senpai's mannerisms may or may not have bled into his personality at some point.

A particularly sharp prod on one student - Yamanaka from the looks of it, although the coloring was wrong - from the rampaging child made him wince in pity and brought him back from his musings.

That must have hurt.

Shisui sighed before he flickered to the toddler's side silently. "Hey kid, where's your mother?"

The toddler ignored him and proceeded to beat up her...victims - for the lack of a better word to use.

Hefting the child on one arm, Shisui handily sneaked his dango on one of his pockets - thank goodness he had it packed in a bag - as the girl turned to him with a frown.

"Put me down herbivore." She commanded bossily.

"Why should I?" He asked, raising his brow skeptically, even as he faltered from the cuteness the toddler commanded like a weapon.

"I'm keeping the peace." She huffed haughtily.

...Shisui melted.

He was done.

That was- that was adorable. Those chubby cheeks huffed - they puffed and 'twas adorable.

"Do you want to be a ninja, then?" Shisui asked, after a minute of getting a hold of himself.

The toddler's eyes glinted in the light at the unfamiliar world and practically shone as it bore down on him intently. "Ninja?"

Shisui nodded, walking away from the...rampage and accepting the looks of thanks from the survivors subtly. "Ninja's are shinobi who protect the village. They keep the peace, and grow strong to protect their love ones from harm."

"Carnivores." The child breathed out excitedly.

Shisui fought the urge to squeeze the charming bundle in his arms lest he squeeze her too much and hurt her. "Yes, carnivores." He nodded indulgently. "They sharpen their teeth, claws and fangs to survive and protect."

Shisui, honest to Kami, almost squealed when the kid visibly composed herself, as if just realizing how young she was and irrationally resenting it. She peered up at him beneath her eyelashes. "Are you a carnivore too?"

He nodded.

The girl smiled. "Wao."

With a surprisingly hard hit on his stomach, Shisui let go - he was more surprised than hurt, actually - and found himself impressed, more than anything, by the toddler's stance.

"Fight me." She said, endearingly vicious and Shisui-

Shisui smiled. "Maybe, I'll teach you later. Would you like to eat first, though?" He offered. "It's almost lunch."

The kid narrowed her brows in concentration before straightening up - apparently arriving into some sort of conclusion. She nodded at him seriously. "I'll lead you to my - " She grimaced. "Brother and pineapple."

Offering his hand to the kid, Shisui bit back a smile when she scrunched up her nose in disgust and huffed as she adorably waddled in front of him to take the lead.

Shisui was dead by cuteness overloa-


The kid was a Nara?


Itachi looked at him exasperatedly as he carried an exhausted Sasuke on his back. "What took you so long, Shisui?"

Shisui grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, 'Tachi. I was busy acquiring my own cuter Sasuke-minion, and lost track of time."

His younger cousin paused. He looked at Shisui warily. "Who was it?"

Shisui paused. "I-" He cocked his head to the side. "It was-" He stopped.

Itachi cracked a smile, after a minute of Shisui's continued silence. "You didn't know their name, did you?"

"I forgot to ask." He admitted, faintly embarrassed. "She was a Nara though, had an older brother about Sasuke's age." He stretched his arms at the back of his head. "The kid was cute and wanted to be a Military Police officer." He paused. "Well, kind of." Shisui amended. "She wanted to keep the peace in the village, at least, and it's-it's nice Itachi. That there were still kids who didn't saw as something to be afraid of, because their parents told them to." He messed up his hair. "There are still people in the village who don't see our clan crest and automatically think we're the bad guys."

Itachi fell silent and stopped in his tracks.

"Itachi?" Shisui asked.

"That was the Nara clan-head's kid, Shisui." Itachi murmured. "The Jounin commander's daughter - Shikari. You know, the one that the clan couldn't stop boasting about these past few months."

"Ah." Shisui paused, digesting the information. "If I was adopted by her, does that mean I'm a Nara now?"

Itachi glanced at him confusedly. "What?"

"She introduced me to her brother as her pet." Shisui smiled. "It was cute. I think she really sees me as her older brother, now. She couldn't seem to stand her real one." He smirked sharply. "Her brother was jealous. It's obvious she likes me more than him."

"Shisui, that's not-" Itachi replied, his voice strained. "You let her call you her pet?"

"What? You let Sasuke call you his pet." Shisui argued. "I don't see why it's a problem when it's with me."

"What." Itachi's eyes widened. "Sasuke didn't-"

"I thought you knew." Shisui tilted his head. "He was so proud of you too, Itachi."

Itachi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with the hand not holding Sasuke in exasperation. "I- forget about it. I'm not talking about this with you. Where's my dango, Shisui?"

Shisui faltered. He laughed nervously. "It may or may have put itself in my and an adorable girl's stomach at some point today."

Itachi frowned. "I feel kind of betrayed."

"Now you know how I feel." Shisui says dramatically, a hand on his heart just because, before body-flickering away.

"Idiot." Itachi muttered fondly.