Kyoya pursed his lips at the sight of the fat dog in front of him - faintly confused.
He still couldn't understand what his carnivore of a mother wanted from him.
Studying the small animal's form for the nth time that day, Kyoya admitted that the puppy was a bit overweight than its peers - the dog liked to eat and Kyoya was always indulgent when it came to his pets, but he would like to think that he wasn't that bad of a pet owner that it resulted to him being scolded and shooed out of his house.
Eyeing the sprawled out dog in front of him, Kyoya rubbed Hinu's plump cheeks absentmindedly.
In his many years of life, many things could be said against him. A psychopath, a freak, a monster- bah, the list were endless. Kyoya knew his faults, but-
Nary a criticism or complaint was raised when it came to the topic of him protecting the ones he considered his.
Especially, if they were small and viciously adorable like Hinu.
Kyoya scowled in discontent.
Until now, that was.
Maybe his carnivore of a mother was overreacting?
After all, Hibird and Roll seemed to have done well under his care. All the affection that he was capable of giving was dedicated to those little ones and they repaid his regard with loyalty as they helped him in all the ways they could.
He hummed, eyes brightening as he warmed up to the idea.
Yes, maybe she was.
After all, Hinu was fluffy, cuddly and worked as a soft pillow when he went on naps. Kyoya nodded righteously. As far as he was concerned, its figure was perfect as it was and more weight wouldn't hurt.
He paused, his brows scrunching in irritation.
It wasn't like Kyoya could just do nothing when his mother was threatening to return Hinu to the dog-girl's family.
Sighing softly, Kyoya bored holes into his sleepy father's form - gaze, intense. The omnivore had a rare free time today and the first thing he did when he went back was to intrude on Kyoya's prime napping places. It wasn't like Kyoya could do anything against it since the man was impervious to the utter disdain Kyoya exuded, so he just graciously let the man sleep beside him.
The omnivore needed to pay for his rent though.
When his father ignored his stare, Kyoya opened his mouth to grudgingly ask, "Omnivore, what's wrong with my pet?"
Opening one of his eyes slowly, the man took his sweet time to turn to Kyoya side before he drawled out, "It's fat."
Kyoya's huffed, insulted - his mouth unconsciously forming into a pout.
Shikaku smirked before leaning back to his arms, "It needs exercise, Shikari."
"I walk with this dog during my patrols, herbivore," Kyoya replied tersely, irritated. "It gets enough exercise."
"Suit yourself," The omnivore chuckled lightly. "I'll suggest going to the Inuzuka since you pilfered that one from them in the first place, but-" He paused as he saw Kyoya grimace. "if you don't want to, you could approach Kakashi-chan." The man smiled, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "He raised his own dogs since he was about your age, after all."
Kyoya hummed, considering the man's proposal.
Shikaku waved his hands away as he closed his eyes to nap. "Just ask for a gray-haired brat that wears a mask and you'll find him in no time. I've heard he was playing genin this week, so you could probably get him to advise you about proper caring practices."
After a moment, Kyoya stood up and whistled. With not even a by your leave, he left with his dog waddling obediently behind him - ignoring the loud laugh that suddenly boomed out from his father as he left.
Kyoya would be gracious this time and let it go.
After all, the omnivore still had his uses.
Kakashi looked at the chaos in front of him with a strange expression.
Two pursing babies were looking at him judgementally, his dog - Pakkun abandoned and left him for rubs from a toddler army, and Gai was dementedly shouting about the power of youth.
Kakashi closed his eyes sorrowfully.
He knew he shouldn't have gone the long way to make Kushina-san wait and have his sensei punished as petty revenge.
If he knew-
Kakashi shook his head, weary and fed up with all of this already.
Could he have a re-do, please?
It all started with chocolate-flavored ramen.
An hour ago, Kakashi was asked by Minato-sensei to fetch three servings chocolate-flavored ramen from Ichirakus. Apparently, Kushina-san had strange cravings these past few days and since his sensei was busy tying up loose strings to finish the war, it was up to his students - mostly Kakashi, since Obito was still in the Yamanaka's care, and Rin cited her hospital work to get out of it - to play gopher.
It wasn't like he minded it.
A break from his usual routine would be good since, after Obito's return, he still found himself ill at ease. Kakashi-
Kakashi wasn't exactly sure how to act after everything that happened.
Obito's abrupt revival, although welcome, made him queasy and restless and-
Kakashi didn't know what to do with himself.
(He wasn't Rin who could, after a cry and a cuddle, get along with Obito almost immediately due to their previous dynamics. They knew each other for years - liked each other sincerely for years and compared to Kakashi's relationship with Obito-)
(For the two of them, there was only dislike, disdain and grudging camaraderie born from working together in close quarters - forced by duty and a village that believed they worked best together even if they despised each other to pieces.)
(Before Obito got himself crushed in the cave, Kakashi found him wanting - lacking in every way, despite the other's attempts in getting better. Their "rivalry" was fraught with immature taunts and childish punches that made Rin want to pull her hair out in sheer frustration.)
Going into back-to-back missions to escape weren't working anymore since every fight reminded him of what Obito lost because of him.
What Obito had gone through because of him.
(Kakashi still had Obito's eye.)
(As much as Kakashi wanted to scratch it out and present it to his teammate himself to show his sincerity, Obito-)
(Obito wouldn't take it back.)
Playing errand boy was mind-numbing, so he welcomed the change of pace. Seeing the slow resurgence of the village was calming and during these past few weeks, many interesting things seemed to be up and about. The sudden boom in the number of toddlers with sticks, in particular, took his mind off things since their antics, whenever he encountered them, were quite hilarious.
They seemed to mostly like harassing Jiraiya-sama in order to prevent his peeping activities and much to the perverted sannin's chagrin, no one was interested in putting a stop to it since the sight was relaxing and lifted the spirits of the people around the village.
As Kakashi ambled once again to cater to his sensei's wife whims - walking through the long path just because he could, he paused as a strangely familiar toddler stopped in front of him and stared at him regally - the plump dog in her arms held with utmost care.
Kakashi stiffened apprehensively.
It was the Nara heiress - Shikari, the child that, Rin confided once she recovered, was the one who preemptively attacked her kidnapper before it got close and bought them enough time to save her. The kid's action apparently messed up the opposing side's plans well-enough that Kakashi and the team he brought with him had been able to handle the situation before it got worse.
With instincts like that-
Although the child was only three years old, she was the same age as he was when he started training, so Kakashi knew better than to take the heiress lightly.
He didn't dare do so.
At least that was what he resolved to do until she opened her mouth and said, "Herbivore." The toddler squeaked, gesturing to the dog in her arms. "Fix this."
Kakashi's face beneath his mask twisted in consternation. Fix what?
Could it be-?
"I'm not a vet." He finally said, after several minutes of tense silence.
Shikari looked at him, her expression incomparably serious. "I know." She patted her dog's head gently. "But, the omnivore said you were an expert."
"An expert?" Kakashi echoed, bewildered. "Me? Wait." His brows narrowed. "Omnivore?"
Shikari grimaced. "My...father."
"Ah." Kakashi nodded as if he understood what the kid said even if he didn't.
From what he could understand, the Jounin Commander said he was an expert in "fixing" dogs?
It sounded strange no matter how you look at it.
As minutes passed by, uncomfortable from the baby's unflinching stare, Kakashi couldn't help but feel pressured.
He truly didn't know how to...fix dogs.
Kakashi didn't even do that to his own dogs, since the dogs would castrate him themselves before he could entertain the thought.
(As far as he was concerned, what they did when they were in heat wasn't Kakashi's business.)
But the kid was waiting.
Kakashi internally groaned.
Before he was even aware of it, his hands executed the familiar hand signs for summoning Pakkun and-
"Kakashi, what the-" Pakkun asked sleepily. "Why-"
Kakashi pointed to his dog blandly. "Talk to him instead."
The three figures - two of them being dogs - stared at Kakashi blankly in silence.
...Kakashi felt judged.