WebNovelThe Kings45.16%


I couldn't get a moment of peace after my hard long day. Well, it wasn't like my day was "hard," but getting a slap in the face was enough for one day. Ugh, is it so much to ask for people to leave me alone.

Technically, it wasn't a person who wasn't leaving me alone. It was my phone! It kept going off every few minutes after Mu Yi's first call! More like whoever was trying to call me will not leave me alone.

"Hey! Can you pick up your phone already? It's driving me crazy!" Tang Liang shouted, playing games on his phone.

"I no longer pick up unknown phone numbers." I sat down next to Tang Liang and turned on the TV.

Obviously, whoever was trying to get a hold of me did not get the hint that I did not want to pick up. It wasn't the phone number Mu Yi used to call me earlier. Nor was it a phone number I recognize.

Regardless, I can swear up and down, back and forward that it was Mu Yi who was calling me. Or I would cut off my own neck if it wasn't Mu Yi.

'Ring, Ring, Ring'

There my phone goes again!

"Give that to me!" Tang Liang snatched the phone out of my hand and threw his phone to the side angrily. He lost his game at the most crucial point because of Anong crazy phone caller. He'll give this person a piece of his mind.

"What do you want! Are you a crazy phone stalker? How did you get this phone number? Do you not know when to give up?" Tang Liang interrogated, he practically went all out on the poor caller.

I sighed, watching how Tang Liang was asking his questions. He must be so experienced. By experience, I mean receiving multiple stalker phone calls to know all the right questions to ask. I did witness one time when Tang Liang had a crazy stalker calling his phone from morning to nightfall with random phone numbers. He did end up changing his phone number at the end.

Although I have heard stories of his crazy fans following his car, to putting a camera in items to watch his every movement, and trying to find personal information on him. It escalated to the point that I had to return back to the country because he got into a severe accident. I can still remember that day clearly, my brother called me to return as soon as possible, Tang Liang might not make it. I was so afraid I might lose Tang Liang, even though he can be an annoying brat sometimes.

Thank goodness the surgery was successful. However, Tang Liang laid on the hospital bed lifelessly and did not wake up until a month later. Even after all this, Tang Liang would not give up on being an actor. Everyone tried to persuade Tang Liang out of the life of a celebrity. In spite of being against him, he wouldn't give up his love for being an actor. It was his passion and something he loved dearly.

"Liang," I sat down next to his bed and grabbed his hand. "I will always support you."

"Anong..." Tang Liang wasn't sure what to say. His parents were strongly against his choices as an actor ever since the accident. He didn't want to return home, his parents will always try to pressure him to quit. Only Anong was willing to support his decisions.

"So I bought a house outside the city. It's secure, and you'll always be safe there. If you ever want to get away from everything or anything, I hope you'll go there." I put a key and a piece of paper with the door passcode in his hand, "Amelia will be there as well."

"T-thank you..."

For the very first time in years, I had witness Tang Liang crying.

"Oh, Feng sends his regards as well." I handed him another key, "He said something about you liking one of his cars?"

Tang Liang's eyes lit up and grabbed the car key, "Yes! Finally, my baby!"


It was quiet on the other line, so Tang Liang wasn't sure if the person had hung up. "Hello?"

The person from the other line still did not answer. Tang Liang was about to follow my lead earlier by hanging up the phone call.

"Tang Liang?"

Now, it was Tang Liang's turn to really follow my lead. His fingers stopped in mid-air, and his eyes opened wide and round. That right there was the very same expression I had earlier when Mu Yi had called! Expect the part where his mouth was opening and closing. I did not do that.

Still, I applaud Tang Liang to have the guts to be yelling at the person who called. I'll give him three seconds to have a reaction. Three, two, one...

"U-u-uncle!" Tang Liang stood straight up from the couch.

"What is this about a phone stalker?" My older brother domineering voice came through, "Do you have a stalker again?"

"N-no!" Tang Liang strongly denied. "I-I mean y-yes... No?"

Tang Liang looked at me with fear and his eyes were saying he is going to kill me. Who told him to not look at the caller ID before answering it. What would you call this situation? Karma? I looked at the frighten Tang Liang who was unable to respond to my first brother properly.

Sigh, I'll be the nice aunty who comes to save her nephew. I beckoned my hand at Tang Liang for my phone. He did not hesitate to give it back.

"Hello, brother?" I replied with my sweet sister voice, "We were practicing lines for one of Liang's scene. He was still in character. Forget about it, okay?"

"Alright," my first brother immediately replied without doubting my lie. My brother quickly discussed with me why he was calling me before hanging up.