WebNovelThe Kings59.68%

The Easy Way Or The Hard Way?

It's been a while since I last visited New Image headquarters in Country Z, as the CEO and not a newly hired fashion designer. This was my last stop for the day.

Instead of walking through the front door like any CEO or regular employees, I made my way to the back of the building. Considering I wanted to give Mu Yi a heart attack, I must keep a low profile as much as possible.

Me: [I am at the back of the building.]

Hui Yin: [Coming.]

I sat down and twirled around in my office chair. My office has the best view compare to other parts of the building. If I look out the window, I will see the parking lot and all my employees who walk in and out of the building. Don't get me wrong, this is the best spot in the entire building! Can you imagine the other area if this was the best scenery?

"Ceo Yun, here are the documents you have to go through," Hui Yin set a huge stack of papers on my desk.

The papers stacked together was taller than me! Just kidding. Although it really was a thick stack of papers with twelve size font, front and back! I didn't want to read or work on any documents. I still wanted to have a little more fun.

"Yin, do you want to have some fun?" I asked excitedly, almost jumping out from my chair.

Hui Yin was hesitating to give her boss an answer. Her boss idea of "fun", was not fun for the person she was targeting. She pities the next victim who happened to cross path with her boss.

"Who would you like to mess around with this time?" Hui Yin asked. This question was an essential question when it comes to her boss having "fun." She had to make sure the person was even worthy of her boss's time.

"Tsk, tsk. Do I look like someone who has so much time to spare just so I can mess around?" I glowered, it was written on Hui Yin's face that I did have the time to do it. "Hey! I said 'fun' not mess around."

Hui Yin chuckled, "Alright... Who is your next victim?"

"My next victim is... Ah, not a victim!" I quickly corrected myself, "Someone I need to teach a lesson to. Drum roll please!"

Generally, Hui Yin will not play along with her boss's joke. Just this time since it has been awhile, she tapped her pen three times on the desk.

"Bring in my ex-supervisor Yin Bo!" I proudly announced. "Dun, dun, dun..."

Hui Yin wasn't shocked to hear Yin Bo was the next victim. She didn't get the full story from her boss directly, but she did hear it from the employees who were at the scene. She was highly disappointed in Yin Bo's leadership. Instead of protecting her own employees. She let someone harass and assaulted their employees, worst of all it was their boss too.

No wonder her boss replaced the CEO who was in charge of New Image in Country Z. The CEO was replaced immediately within six months of launching the brand here, so that means her boss has been in charge in less than six months.

Hui Yin was not the talkative type or like to express her feelings openly. However, one thing she openly expresses is being proud to be working under a boss like Yun Anong.

Yun Anong may appear to look delicate and innocent, but when things turn serious. She can actually turn into a demon, Hui Yin had witnessed it firsthand. CEO Yun was someone you wished you never crossed path with or you wished you did. She can either be your downfall or climb to success.

That's how New Image came to fame within a short amount of time in Country Z. Hui Yin may look like the person who was doing all the work. In reality, it was her boss who did all the brainwork behind the scene. Meanwhile, she was left with things that can be easily taken care of.

"Should I give it to her the easy way or hard way?" I asked for Hui Yin's suggestion. I just wanted to tease her. Usually, Hui Yin is very uptight. She needs to live life a bit more.

"Hard." Hui Yin didn't hesitate to answer. Even without her boss asking, she was not going to let Yin Bo off easily. Since it was Yin Bo, she did not have any pity towards her.

Hui Yin's firm answer took me by surprise. She must really hate Yin Bo. Most of the time Hui Yin will never go along with my fun ideas... More like I force her to play along with me.

"Hello CEO," Yin Bo greeted.

Yin Bo was extremely nervous why the CEO of New Image will call for her. It was most likely because of what happened on set the other day. But she already took care of it by firing Yun Anong. Also, it was the first time the CEO of New Image was making an appearance. Out of everyone here, she was requested first. She wasn't sure if it was going to be for good news or bad news.

To make things more dramatic, I had my chair turned around. Just so when Yin Bo walks in, she'll be seeing my back first. I wonder what her expression will be like when I turn around, "Do you deserve to call me CEO?"

Yin Bo wasn't sure on how to answer the question and was somewhat confused. However, the CEO's voice sounded familiar.

"No. I quit." I repeated the exact same words I said to her on that day. I twirled my chair around to face Yin Bo. Ah~! That right there was the expression I wanted to see. My dear Yin Bo, you did not disappoint me. "Hello, my ex-supervisor Yin Bo."