My Own Progress

I am 14 years old now with 1.6 m in height. My body curve have grown more perfect and my upper part is already at C size because the effects from Immortal Cultivation Art. In these 2 years I sometimes dream and yearn about Sasuke. The annoying thing is my physical periods that hurt so much that I want to die but i also feel women are very strong.

I don't understand about the past life fan-fiction stories of traversal people, their MCs don't like or hate their new female identities. These are the natural effect of the female hormones, these feelings are so sweet, fresh and marvelous. These feelings are different when i was a man in the past life. I can't wait to see Sasuke's expression about my present body shape.

My emotions, habits and thinking styles are just like an adult woman influenced by the Immortal cultivation art, the body hormones, environments and educations. I am more mature, calm, decisive and patient. Don't worry about those, i am also still a naive, hot blooded, smart and cute girl.

In the last 2 sub-levels of foundation stage have remove the dark wounds and washing the body impurities.

My cultivation is end early Core stage and my chakra volume is more 2 times than super elite kage ninjas (shadow ranked ninja) now. My fast cultivation breakthroughs are based on body tempering by practice with Master, she is very strict and violent and has absorbed this world's pure natural energy.

I am also suprised by the emergence of 2 Innate Immortal Techniques in early core stage. They are Great Celestial Way Of Eight Trigrams and Eight Trigrams Refining Art.

The Great Celestial Way Of Eight Trigrams have unlimited combination element attacks, this 8 elements are Heaven, Earth, fire, Water, Mountain, Sea, Thunder and Wind. I create World Of Eight Trigrams arrays of formations based on Great Celestial Way of Eight Trigrams art. This formation can needs 1 people or more to be operated and also can be superimposed by the other techniques.

The Eight Trigrams Refining art is oriented for purifying, create, destroy and combine mortal ranked materials and energies. They have 5 sub-level : Disciple, Elite, Master, Grandmaster and Legend.

Each sub-level has 3 mini-level : Early, Middle and Late.

They can be imprinted by 2 common ownership techniques. I am so excited, i will make Full Body Sets, Tang Sword and Storage Ring from previous life novels.

I luckly gets 2 adult fist sized meteorites and chakra metals when buying the materials and the others are all unused, useless and damaged metals. The Tang Sword refining process is not long because the materials aren't hard like in the cultivation worlds, it's just for 1 month.

The Tang Sword level is Early Disciple Ranked Spiritual Weapon. The sword handheld is engraved with 3 small pink sakura flowers on its two side. The sword has given domineering and feminine aura, this sword name is Sakura Sword.

The Storage Ring is engraved by space-time dao/law rune. The refining process is taken for 3 months. Its body just like fashion ring in previous life but it has sakura petals pattern carved on it. Its name is Sakura Ring and the level is Early Disciple Ranked Accessory.

I imprints the sword and the space ring with Spiritual Mark and Blood Mark. They can't be stolen or refined by the others.

I have only need all basic C and D ranked element ninjutsus. Genjutsu is also learned from teacher Kurenai and i also pays the tutelages. My A ranked ninjutsu and S ranked ninjutsu are shadow doppelgangers and flying thunder god.

What i learn from Master Tsunade is Medical Ninjutsu, Physic Beast Summoning, Power burst, Yin Seal and Regeneration.

My Yin Seal shape is different from Master. It isn't a purple diamond shape. it's a small mini black dot in sakura flower shape on the middle of the forehead. It can only store 200% volume from present chakra.

My Yin Seal pattern is also different. It doesn't appears on the face with black mark line but with small black vines tattoos entangle full body. Master Tsunade is suprised and confused about this changes but i know this happens cause by the effect of Immortal Cultivation Art.

This Heavenly Dao Classic Heart Law is very mysterious and powerful. If the conditions are met, it can easily change, add and adjust any skills systems or any abilities systems into its own system such as Sharingan.

I finally know why my immortal cultivation is progressing super very fast different from what was explained and estimated in the art because there isn't Real or True Immortal Cultivator in this world.

The natural energy in this world is also super very pure without contaminated and used by the other incompatibility and incompleted energy systems.

The Sage Mode or anything similar including the Otsutsuki family members that using the natural energy are only just used as temporary power booster because they aren't used as a part of main power source.

The progress will definitely stop at End Late Core Stage because i feels this is an adjustment from the will of this world and the universe core.

I don't tell them about combination each of sword arts, medical ninjutsus, power burst, genjutsus and ninjutsus with Great Celestial Way Of Eight Trigrams to make unique arts in this world. I also imprint spiritual sense to all my important people such as the parents, Sasuke, Naruto, Master, etc. This can make know where they are.

"Everything is already prepared, I'll waiting the time for attack to saving important persons" I thought.