Undercurrent Storm

Naruto doppelganger has met Sasuke, he is excited and charge away. We follow him from behind but there are 1 Akatsuki member blocks us from chasing Sasuke, He calls himself as Tobi. He can't be attacked by any jutsu cause it will pass through him. He beats Naruto's doppelganger and says "What can a child do? You're so full of yourself!". Hinata is worried about Naruto, "Naruto's fine! Don't take your eyes off of the enemy" I said.

The battle between Tobi and us are not good, he always passes through our arts. Kakashi tells Shino using his bugs to surround and capture Tobi. The result is he still can escapes from Shino's art by teleporting away to other space.

The Black White Zetsu suddenly appears beside Tobi, he tells Tobi about The winning of Sasuke and The death of Itachi. We are suprised by hearing the news too. "Hey!!! You there, spiky aloe guy!!! Where is Sasuke?!" Naruto yelled.

Tobi reveals his Sharingan and disappears from here to meet Sasuke. Kakashi go up the tree to look around then he tells Hinata to take a look toward 4 o'clock. Hinata decribes the situation at that direction, "Follow me, all of you!" Kakashi said. Tobi and Black White Zetsu already arrive at Sasuke battle, Yamato uses earth art to split the Amaterasu's burning woods. We're too late because Sasuke is already snatched by the Akatsuki.

Naruto is still thinking the conversation between him and Itachi about what if it's doesn't go the way you want or what if Sasuke attack Konoha. Itachi also called Naruto childish for his answers to protect both Konoha Village and Sasuke. "Shinobi sometimes must make very harsh decisions" he said. "Someone told me that before... but for me there's no choice, i never go back on my words. That's my shinobi way!" Naruto said. Itachi sends the black crow into the body of Naruto. "I have shared some of my power with you. Though i hope the day when you will have to use it never comes." Itachi said. He is so confused right now, wonders what Sasuke doing and hopes he is okay.

We have already arrived at Konoha Village after didn't bring Sasuke back, i say goodbye to them and go home to rest. I take a bath and lying on the bed for awhile, i sort out the events from the story. I remember Sasuke wants to destroy Konoha Village and he also join Akatsuki to hunt eight tails.

Taka and Akatsuki begin the meetings, Suigetsu attacks Kisame to get his sword samehada but fake Madara blocks for him. Fake Madara say the Akatsuki already has 7 bijus, except eight tails and nine tails. He tells Taka to hunt eight tails and Akatsuki will hunt nine tails.

I see teacher Kurenai check up her body to see her baby growth in the hospital. At noon a pink hair teenager girl wearing white yukata uses Tang sword is training her self-taught sword arts especially Ice elements and she is just like a dancing ice female immortal.

I continue to practice my self-taught body skills, ninjutsus and genjutsus until afternoon. In night as replacement of sleep I mediate and absorbs natural energy to breakthrough.

Fake Madara and Pain discuss the plans to hunt nine tails, He also ask Pain about the details of Jiraiya's battle and the mysterious woman. Fake Madara is shocked by the skills of this woman that is similar to Fourth Hokage, "Who is she?". Pain doesn't care about the insignificant woman. Fake Madara tells Nagato to hunt nine tails as soon as possible. "Sasuke is 'tamed'. he went to hunt eight tails right now." he said.

Sasuke's team arrive and meet Killer Bee eight tails Jinchuriki in storm cloud ravine. "I'm here to capture you." Sasuke said. Suigetsu strike first and Jugo tells to not hurt him and Karin denies about him. Suigetsu slash is blocked and Jugo comes into fight but he is defeated easily.

Sasuke fights Killer Bee with sword skills first, Killer Bee suddenly writes notes and he strike Sasuke with unique sword skill. Sasuke escapes and creates Chidori blade so it's can be defended but Killer Bee also using thunder sword to block and kicks hard to Sasuke's belly.

When Sasuke entangles Killer Bee with Suigetsu, Jugo smashes his head and Karin moves Sasuke to safety area. Killer Bee escapes from this area. "He's over there!" Karin detected. Killer Bee finally transforms into eight tails. He charges to Sasuke, he evades that punch and Killer Bee chase the others. Sasuke stands between them using genjutsu but he is hurt bad in the chest by thunder lariat. When Jugo helps to heal Sasuke, Killer Bee is transformed into biju mode.

He charges to them but Suigetsu block Killer Bee. "You're a water style shinobi" He said. Killer Bee is shooting bijudama and Suigetsu blocks again. 2 cloud ninjas come to see what happened, they see Killer Bee's biju mode and the group of Sasuke. Sasuke looks around his friends and reminds him at team 7 then he launches Amaterasu. Effect of attack is very good that he is hurt bad and Sasuke cut piece of tentacle. Killer Bee is fainted, Karin is injured, Suigetsu is knocked down.

Sasuke can control Amaterasu and they bind Killer Bee, his vision begins to be blurred, "Are you all right, Sasuke?" Jugo said, They continue to go cause they're almost at the rendezvous point.

The 2 Cloud ninjas have reported RaiKage about what happened to Killer Bee and the kidnappers.

Sasuke give eight tails to fake Madara, he asks Sasuke where you go now. "First to heal then to Konoha" Sasuke answered with murderous aura.

Fake Madara recalled the conversation, "I will kill all of the elders because they are the source of Itachi's death and my hatred. Although the death of my parents are also super very painful for me not to be forgotten easily, but those are their businesses for the revolt" he said. "The elders aren't deserved to be alive because they're very cruel, self-interest, paranoid and pessimistic." Sasuke added.

Fake Madara only listened silently without talking anything to Sasuke. "As you wish, I will hope you succeeded" he replied.

"I will come to help your revenge in the future and i know who he is" Sasuke remembered Sakura words. "it's seems like these years Sakura is looking for the clues and she also found the same truths that i heard from this fake Madara. but only a person?" He thought for awhile. He feels his heart warming up by her dedications.

He reminisced at this time, he still can remembered Sakura wears pure formal white kimono waiting for him. She also is crying for him, giving him the hug, kissing him and giving love confession. He has also only remembered her appearance at Orochimaru's Base now, her body shape, her aura, her expressions and temperaments are a top notch for the women that he has seen all this time.

His indifferent, lifeless, stiff and cold face is softened and he is look like a normal teenager boy right now.

RaiKage is furious about the kidnapping of his brother by the Akatsuki. He will send his 3 men to the Konoha Village demanding about all information of Uchiha Sasuke because he's the culprit. He also wants to convene a GoKage Summit Conference, a meeting of the 5 Kages.

Under the lake of Sasuke battle Killer Bee appears from a piece of tentacle, he wasn't caught by the Akatsuki. He is talking with eight tails for awhile and go out of the village to take a breather. "I bet RaiKage is on the rampage right now" Eight tails said.