Naruto Returns & The Battle

Naruto returns with 3 giant frog warrior, he stands on Gamakichi that stands on one of the frog warriors. Heaven form ignores Naruto and looks at the 3 array of formations with his Rinnegan and his expression is suprised because in his sights these formations can't be analyzed by his eyes. My Shadows are in standby for maintaining the formations.

"Where is the enemy?" Naruto asked. Everyone in the village are suprised by the strength of the formations and the power of the Leader Akatsuki Pain/Nagato. Heaven form takes look at Naruto. "Now I don't have to hunt you." he said. We all see Naruto have returned facing Heaven form. "It's Naruto!" Everybody yelled. "Oh, My... Just Like the celebrity star in the past life. Wait,... He really is." I said smilely.

Beast form arrives at this place and summons the other 4 Pains, Ashura form run to the exhausted Master Tsunade, Naruto destroys him very easily. Human form, Beast form and Hungry Ghost form go forward to attack, "Get Granny Tsunade to safety" Naruto orders Gamakichi.

Gamakichi sends Master to my side, i get to her side. I look at Master's side effect condition after she depleted her chakra. She becomes very old and very thin, My eyes are sored and wet. "Thank you for your labors, Master Tsunade." I thank her silently and recalled Master in the story and compare them. She right now is better than in the story.

The summoned physic beasts are beaten by Elder Frog Genjutsu, Naruto's Rasengan and three frog warriors' attacks. Naruto exchange blows with Hungry Ghost form because he can't use all arts because he can absorbs all ninjutsu, Hungry Ghost form is blown away. Heaven form realized that Naruto using Sage Mode just like Jiraiya, he tells himself as senior disciple of Jiraiya about the peace. "Shut Up!!! What part of any of this is peaceful!!!" Naruto yelled. Heaven form say to Naruto about the comprehension of true meaning of peace. Naruto creates Rasen-Shuriken and throws it to Pains, They evade it but only Human form didn't.

The physic beasts have rampaged, the frog warriors have difficult situation. Naruto feels his Sage Mode will run out, Beast form blocks him but elder frog use sand dust jutsu to conceal the vision. Beast form is defeated by Naruto's Rasengan in the mouth of Gamakichi. Naruto's Sage Mode is run out already, Heaven form chases him, and he and Naruto exchange body skills. Naruto is buying time to release his shadows at Mount Myoboku, when Naruto restores Sage Mode and Launch Rasen-Shuriken is absorbed by Hungry Ghosy form.

Naruto uses his shadows to confuse Pains and he defeats Hell form from above then Heaven form push Naruto away. Naruto is told by Katsuyu that Heaven form can't use that jutsu if he use more power. Heaven form push the frog warriors away and the other Konoha ninjas suprised, Hinata want to help but she is blocked by her clansmen. Heaven form pull naruto into him and Hungry Ghost punches him then restraints Naruto. Ghost Form is petrified by sucking too much natural energy, Elder Frogs want to use genjutsu but he is pulled by Heaven form. My shadows secretly save him, Heaven form is angry with my shadows but blocked by Naruto.

He gives thanks to my shadows, "Really.. you're so nice and kind, Naruto" I thought. "Hinata is very lucky to like him, it's the fate of them" I added "Is my love of Sasuke a fate too??" I questioned myself. Heaven form ask Naruto why he can't understand the peace and justice, he tells the history.

He also ask Naruto How you confront hatred in order to create peace. Naruto is pulled and is restrainted again, Heaven form attack the other elder frog. Hinata suddenly come to save Naruto, He tells her get away but she don't listen," I don't run away because you help me changed and I love you too" She said.

She is pushed away and stabbed by Heaven form, Naruto is so angry that transformed into nine tail form. "This is it", I thought and a shadows steal some blood from Hinata secretly, heal her and heal elder frog. My 8 shadows are teleported beside Naruto and use movement sealing, use the refining art to extract the nine tail chakra. They store it into the storage ring, for strengthening my soul equipments later. Naruto is back again and he remembers his dream about almost break the seal if the fourth Hokage hasn't blocked.

He reseals the seal, nine tails is very angry to Fourth Hokage. "I am Your Father." He said, Naruto is suprised and happy as the same time. He also tells the past of nine tails attack and the mastermind of this accident. He believe in Naruto that has the answer to confront the hatred and gain the peace.

"Take me to the Pain Master. I want to discuss something with him face-to-face" He said. Heaven form refused and the exchange blows with body skills, Naruto grabbed the black rod and reverse-tracked him using Sage Mode. He attack Heaven form using Rasen-Shuriken again and defeat him.

Naruto tells everybody via Katsuyu that he go to find the leader of Pain alone, his friends are suprised and disagreed with him. He tells them that he will be fine, even there are dangers, i have his back saved secretly. Shikamaru's Father and Ino's father are also disagreed Naruto decision but he finally can persuades them to go alone. My shadows also dismiss the formations and disappeared.

Naruto finally meets Nagato, Nagato tells full of his history, meeting Jiraiya, study ninjutsu, the solution of end the war, Konan's kidnapped, His friend Yahiko's death, Jiraiya's book, Break the curse of war, etc. Naruto tells Nagato about his determinations break the curse of war, believe and trust ownself, etc.

Nagato is satisfied by Naruto's Answers, he resurects everybody that he killed at Konoha Village as consequence he also dead. Nagato thanks Naruto to open his eyes new vision about the peace, Konan tells Naruto that he is inherited Jiraiya and Nagato.