Infinity Tsukuyomi

"Naruto? You seem somewhat different than before. And that little girlfriend of yours is changed too." Madara asked him and also looked at me healing Might Guy. "Yeah, I'm still trying to figure it out myself... But I think i can change everything now." Naruto replied.

"Sakura, what's happened to your eyes?" Naruto is shocked, "The gift from someone, I can finally fight side by side with you and Sasuke now." I smashed his head and told him.

Madara looks at Might Guy's node chakra and Naruto, "He stopped The Eight Gates' end games?!". Naruto rushes to Madara so fast that he can't blocks perfectly, Naruto borrows Four tail's power to cast Lava style of Rasengan.

Madara casts Limbo but Naruto evades it and launches the Rasengan, it hits Madara. The Lava Rasengan explodes and also severing the tree, "Naruto did this?" Kakashi and Gaara are surprised. Madara suddenly hears someone tells him to take the divine tree into him.

"Sakura, Take Teacher Uber-Brows to safe area!" Naruto retreated from this area too and shouted to me. Rock Lee is worried about unconscious Might Guy, "He's okay. He's not gonna die! I and Sakura have already healed him". Madara jumps to the falling divine tree and absorbs it, Sasuke asks Tobirama that can he still teleport, Tobirama tells Sasuke that he can only teleport one person to Minato in this condition. "That's plenty... I alone need to go." Sasuke replied.

Madara realizes who the divine tree is after listening the voice, Naruto tells Rock Lee and Gaara to protect unconscious Might Guy. "Naruto, when you become Hokage... Let's share a drink." Gaara said and Kakashi is worried about Obito.

I follow Naruto to meet Sasuke, "You can't take me down. I'm essentially immortal now... I have obtained eternity." Madara told us. "You idiot!! I ain't taking you down... We will take you down." Sasuke appears here by teleportation mark.

"You awakened Six Paths Sage Mode, You awakened one-eyed Rinnegan and... You awakened similar Byakugan" Madara explained our new powers and Sasuke looks at me and my eyes curiously, "This is the final battle. My powers or yours... Let us settle who is superior, once for all." Madara challenged us.

Madara casts thunder jutsu, Naruto blocks it with Black Rods of Sage Mode. When Madara is distracted by Sasuke's instant movement, Naruto jumps to strike him. Madara stops Naruto's attack with Limbo, I strike the other Madara with Vacuum Palms and he evades it.

Naruto and Sasuke are surprised because their eyes or their senses aren't so accurate. "it's seems that isn't merely normal Byakugan" Madara thought. "My Byakugan can see his shadow more vivid than yours. Leave his shadow to me, you deal with his true body." I said to them. I immediately fights his shadow to lift Naruto and sasuke burdens off.

Madara is very angry to me for stopping his shadow, I try to adapt my eyes and all new techniques by exchanging blows with Madara's shadow. Naruto casts Magnet style of Rasengan and Sasuke casts black Chidori to attack and sealing Madara.

When i am fighting this shadow, Madara substituted him and the shadow. I am suddenly kicked by him, Madara rushes to get Obito's eyes in Kakashi body and teleports into other space. "Sorry, I let him escape" I said to them. "I'm still not used to this new eyes and this new techniques" I thought, Naruto and Sasuke don't care about it.

He successfully retrieves his Rinnegan from Obito in other space, my shadow can't help too much with Black Zetsu still attaches on Obito. Madara tells Obito the secret that he had made the plans for two of you as his puppets. He also explains Obito that the girl Rin died in front of him is the best way to drag him to the darkness.

After sealing Madara's shadow, I let Naruto restoring Kakashi's left eye then he and Sasuke argue each other.

Kakashi recalls our first meeting and he tells us about teamwork for stealing the bells because Madara and the controlled Obito appear. I cast 3 doppelgangers to fight his 4 shadows, "I'll be the diversion. You take down the true body again!".

I deflect his shadow's attacks, i only need to adapt my new techniques now. Madara immediately casts Catastrophic Planetary Construction to pull the earth out of the ground. He throw the meteorites to us, I still focus on Madara's 4 shadows then Naruto and Sasuke focus on their attack to the meteorites and the true body.

Madara is still flying up after he casts the meteor jutsu and he follows the instruction in stone tablet to activate Infinity Tsukuyomi. The earth suddenly begins to tremble, The moon's surface also begins to shift into Rinne-Sharingan shape slowly. The Infinity Tsukuyomi is fully activated, All allied ninjas, normal humans and the animals are affected by this jutsu, Madara orders divine tree to capture all of living beings. Sasuke immediately rushes to protect us with his Susano'o,

Naruto almost doesn't listen him.

"Don't go out of my Susano's area! You'll be caught into his genjutsu too!!" Sasuke explained to us about Infinity Tsukuyomi has been launched. Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen and Minato are surprised by the action of capturing people and the emergence of the divine tree.

Madara is very happy and proud that he has severed the karmic cycle of this world, also can gives the living beings' full happiness and as the savior of the world. Black Zetsu suddenly stabs Madara from behind him, he explains to us and Madara that his will is Kaguya's and activate something from inside Madara to absorbs the chakra.

Madara's body begins swelled up by absorbing all chakra from the trapped people in Infinity Tsukuyomi, Black Zetsu tells us about the connection of Infinity Tsukuyomi, White Zetsu and the trapped people. He also binds Naruto, Sasuke and me with his white hair. The transformation of Otsutsuki Kaguya is completed. "She... She's the woman that Six Path gramps mentions about... Otsutsuki Kaguya" Naruto and Sasuke said together.