Robin's True Wish & The Battle

We Straw-Hats pirate group stand on the roof of court house face to face with CP9 members that also stand on the veranda of Justice tower. Zoro and Sanji tell Luffy that we must wait for Franky Family and the others lower the drawbridge. Spandam is very panic and gives permission for CP9 to wipe us out but take us down at this Justice Tower.

"We have the full strength of an assassin group, 'CP9'!! We have the heavy 'Gate of Justice' that human power can't open!!! Moreover I now have the authority to use this Golden Denden-Mushi to trigger the 'Buster Call'!!!" Spandam mocks us and especially agitates Robin with exposes the connection of her hometown 'Ohara' and 'Buster Call'.

Robin is very angry with Spandam's behaviour and she recalls her past about the daily life of hers at 'Ohara', the ban of 'void history', the study of 'Poneglyph', the meeting with Saul, the return of her mother, the arrival of CP9 at 'Ohara', the truth of 'void history', the activated 'Buster Call', The help of Saul, the meeting of Kuzan and her, the death of Saul, the future comrade of her, the help of Kuzan, and her routine betrayal life.

"My enemy is 'World' and and its 'Darkness'. First, the incident of Aoikiji!! And now, this...!! I've gotten you involved twice already!!! If this goes on forever, even good-natured people like you... Will eventually consider me a burden!!!! In time, you'll betray and jilt me!!! That's what i'm most afraid of!!! That's why i didn't want you to come and save me!!! If it's a life that i'll eventually lose, i want to just dieright here, right now!!!" Robin confessed her inner feelings to us.

Spandam tells us who the World Government is and how big it was after Robin while he points to the World Government flag. Luffy immediately orders 'Soge King' to shoot and burn the flag. The marine soldiers are surprised and especially Spandam is angry by the action of us burn the flag.

"Robin!!! I haven't heard it from you yet! Say you wanna 'Live'!!!!" Luffy shouted. "I wanna live!!!! Take me with you to the ocean!!!" Robin replied with crying aloud after recalling the words of Saul, Usopp and me. "The ocean is vast. So someday, surely you'll find nakama that'll protect you!!!", "Trust in Luffy!!!", "Actually you are not alone anymore after entering the Straw-Hats Pirate Group."

The drawbridge is also coincidentally being lowered after the revelation of Robin's true wish. But the lowering of drawbridge is stopped by the explosion of the mortal bullet. Spandam immediately wants to take Robin to Gate Of Justice, but Franky stops him by showing the blueprint to CP9.

"Nico Robin. There're rumors all around the world that you wished to abuse the power of the weapons. But I know you're not a demon. Nothing that the shipwrights of Water Seven inherited over generations was the skills to 'create weapons'!!! Hey, Spandam. Master Tom and Iceberg staked their lives on protecting these sheets of paper. So I'd like to take a gamble here. I bet there's only one way for me to fulfill the wishes of the designer right now." Franky told Spandam and burned the blueprint.

"The blueprint i carried for the purpose of creating the power to fight back that... your World Government tried to take!! Originally I was just supposed to keep it unknown from the rest of the world... But should the time comes that it sees the light of day, it must be destroyed. So, If Straw-Hats win, you'll have nothing left!! I'm betting everything on their victory!!" He added his words.

Franky henchmen also come and shout to save him, Franky himself is touched by their action. Spandam is very angry with Franky and pushes him out of the veranda. Kokoro suddenly drives the 'Rocket Man' to fly through the waterfall, Luffy drags us falling down the building to step on the sea train in mid air and Franky grabs the sea train. It crashes the wall of Justice Tower, Spandam orders Lucchi protected him and brings Robin to the Gate of Justice.

When we want to catch up CP9, Fukuro blocks us and tells us everything about Robin is taken to Gate of Justice, and the true key of Robin's Kairouseki or Seastone handcuffs on a member of CP9.

We arrange Luffy to Lucchi, and we find the five members of CP9 to get their keys. I cast several doppelgangers to steal Kairouseki or Seastone handcuffs as many as they can. Zoro meets Kaku, Sanji meets Kalifa, Usopp meets Jyabura, Nami meets Kumadori and I meet Fukurou.

Zoro fights with Kaku easily, on Kaku's side, he is very surprised by the strength of Zoro and he tries to transform. Usopp evades the punch of the awake Jyabura, but the ceiling suddenly is destroyed. Zoro and the full giraffe transformation of Kaku fall down from above floor, They argue each other about their devil fruit characteristics.

Luffy is help by Chimney and Gonbe, They lead Luffy go to the undersea passage that connecting the Justice Tower and Gate Of Justice. He also breaks the steel door that blocked the passage.

Kaku strikes Zoro and Usopp with his 'Ryankaku Amane-dachi', Usopp goes behind Zoro that also uses One style sword '360-Pound Phoenix' to blast it away. Nami evades the hair attack of Kumadori and she attacks him with Rankyaku but get blocked by his Tekkai that almost crushed. "What!!! How can you use Rokushiki?" Kumadori is surprised by the action and strength of Nami.

Nami is also surprised by her own strength, "Thanks, Sakura. For teaching us about Haki and Rokushiki." She thought about the experience of learning these techniques. I defeat Fukurou with an air pressure punch that has the same principle of Sekizou of Might Guy.

I sense Sanji's beaten by Kalifa, then Nami, Zoro and Usopp are still fighting. Nami still evades the Hair attack of Kumadori and Chopper comes to help Nami.

Spandam explains Robin when they reach 'Bridge of Hesitation' which stands right in front of Gate of Justice and crossing the gate, she won't feel 'hope' again. Luffy suddenly yells aloud 'Robin' then Robin, Lucchi and especially Spandam are surprised. Lucchi tells Spandam that he will block Luffy from chasing after Robin.

Sanji suddenly falls down from the upper floor with bad injures and I also arrive at this place to heal him. I tells them that I have defeated Fukurou and his key is number 4. Nami says to us that she will fight Kalifa for Sanji, and Chopper wants to fight Kumodori.

Chopper defeats Kumadori with his Haki Arms Point attack and His key is number 3. He recalls about the discovery of Nature's blessing technique's advantagement, his devil fruit's transformations are easily controlled by himself without the rumble ball anymore.

Nami attacks Kalifa with her weather control's knowledges and Rokushiki for awhile, Kalifa doesn't believe, shocked by Nami and the others that can use Rokushiki easily then she finally defeats her with Haki's thrust strike of her perfect clima-tact. Her key is number 2.

Meanwhile Spandam accidentally presses Golden Denden-Mushi to activate 'Buster Call', Robin explains the dangerous of 'Buster Call' to all people on Enies Lobby via the main broadcast of Denden- Mushi. Spandam immediately drags Robin to 'Bridge of Hesitation'.

Sanji comes to Zoro and help him to fight Jyabura, Their fights are going on for awhile from their exchange blows with air strikes and physical strikes, then the battle end with Zoro slashes Kaku with One Style Sword Ougi 'Lion's Strike' and Sanji kicks Jyabura with 'Flambage Shot'. Their keys are Number 1 and 5.

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper and I give the 5 keys to Usopp. His current duty is to deliver the keys with his sniping technique skill to Robin. Nami and I go to the undersea passage with Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe first, Zoro and Sanji are protecting Usopp from the unexpected situations.

Gate Of justice is fully opened because the activation of 'Buster Call' and the condition of fully open state gives everybody on Enies Lobby an eerie feelings. Lucchi's power is beyond the expectation of Luffy. The exchange blows of Rokushiki and Rubber Techniques are the same in power, but Luffy doesn't care about that because he hasn't used the finishing attack yet.

In the end of 'Bridge of Hesitation' Spandam has been hit by Usopp's long range snipping attack from the top of Justice Tower before he can delivers Robin to Gate Of Justice. Usopp is attacking the marine soldiers repeatedly on that bridge and Robin uses this chaos to escape from this bridge.

Franky also finally arrives at the bridge and protects Robin, Usopp tells him that the key of Robin's handcuffs are in 'red cloth bundle' via Denden-Mushi that franky brought. Franky unlocks it with key number 5, Robin thank Usopp for his helping.

"If you're to express your gratitude, do it later, to everyone who worked hard to collect the keys. You're truly Luffy and the others' nakama!! Do whatever you want!!" He told Robin. She uses her devil power to slap Spandam's face repeatedly, the fences around the island are suddenly destroyed by 'Buster Call' and its next target is Justice Tower.

Usopp jumps down to avoid the attack of buster call after sensing it with Kenbunshoku Haki. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp tell Franky and Robin that they'll head over there. When Franky and Robin defend the bridge area for waiting the others to come, the fleet of warships of 'Buster Call' have arrived at Enies Lobby. The 10 warships bombard Enies Lobby, Straw-Hats Luffy and his gang excludes Nico Robin that on the bridge of hesitation.

Franky smashes Spandam with his own weapon Zouken, he also thanks us for giving the chance to fulfill his wish. After hearing Franky will sacrifice his life for making Straw-Hats escape from Enies Lobby, she feels the courage to fight back because she isn't alone anymore. Franky and Robin have secured the ship for escaping Enies Lobby.

Luffy uses his second gear to finish the battle with Lucchi, He launches Jet Gatling to Lucchi, Lucchi can't evade the attacks in time. He is defeated and thrown away out of the buildings. Franky tells us about the location of escaping ship via Denden-Mushi, we all immediately go to the ship.

After we arrive at the ship, "I'm glad we made it, Robin!! You're safe!!" Nami and Chopper hug her. "Robin, You're safe...." Before Luffy could finished his words, "Thank you, everyone" Robin said it with happy and grateful feelings. Zoro reprimands us that we haven't escaped from here so we couldn't celebrate yet. Sanji and Chopper scold him for heartless bastard.