War Of The Best 1

All prisoners of Impel Down, Buggy and Mr 3 are surprised about our next destination is Marine HQ. "You all have no choice, we will go to Marine HQ." I told them. Den-den Mushi of Marine HQ that we stole from the warship explains the connections of Buggy as a pirate crew of Gol D. Roger and I as a pirate crew of Straw-Hats. The drama of Buggy and the prisoners are still the same as in the original.

Ace has arrived at the execution platform, 100.000 marine elite soldiers from all the world, 50 warship, 5 of Shichibukai and 3 marine admirals have guarded the Marine HQ. The Fleet Admiral Sengoku comes to the execution platform then tells the world about Ace's mother name and especially his father The Pirate King Gol D. Roger. After he told the world, Gate Of Justice suddenly opens itself then all allied pirate groups of WhiteBeard pirate group have arrived at outer guard of Marine HQ and WhiteBeard pirate group appear directly at inner guard of Marine HQ.

WhiteBeard uses his power to make the tsunami from both of Marine HQ side. Ace sees WhiteBeard's attack and recalls the past meeting and interaction with Jimbei, WhiteBeard, his pirate groups, his identity as Roger's son and chasing after Teach or Blackbeard. Ace asks why they still come to save him because his cockiness got him into this mess. WhiteBeard and his allied pirates say to Ace because we all are your families.

The tsunami have been frozen by Aokiji, all allied pirates meets with all elite soldiers, Hawkeye's attack is stopped by 'Diamond' Jose and Kizaru's Yasaka Tata No Magatama is blocked by 'The Phoenix' Marco. Oars Jr comes to attack Giant Squads of the Marines from left side of Marine HQ but he is hurt by Kuma's Ursus Shock, Doflamingo's thread attack and Gecko Moria's shadow attack. 'Diamond' Jose pulls and throw huge ice from the frozen sea to the Marine HQ, Aikanu destroys the ice with his magma power easily, the magma still goes to destroy one of WhiteBeard ships and also kills some pirates.

"Pirates are evil!!? The marines are righteous!!? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history!!! Whoever wins this war become justice!!!" Doflamingo told them about what will happen after this war. The Marine HQ bay is breached by the allied pirates of Icebreaker, Sengoku also orders his men to put the plans in motion.

"Okay, I will get Luffy and the others." I told Jimbei and the others after we have arrived at Marine HQ then open the space hole to receive Thousand Sunny. Ivankov and the others are surprised by the news of Ace's father from the space hole. Luffy and the others are surprised with the appearances of Crocodile, his men and Buggy after they are looking around the surrounded area. Before they will fight each others, I explain the reason why they are freed from Impel Down because we need their powers. We decide to appear beside MobyDick on the wrecked marine warship, the appearances of us have suprised all people at Marine HQ.

"Garp!!! Is that another member of your family?!!!" Sengoku scolded the shocked Garp. "Ace!!!! I finally found you!!!" Luffy yelled to the shocked Ace. All marines, Shichibukai and pirates are surprised by the combinations of people that have been brought by Straw-Hats. Crocodile wants to attack WhiteBeard but is stopped by Luffy. Crocodile asks why he protect WhiteBeard, Luffy answers him because WhiteBeard is a very important people of Ace.

"Are you here to save your brother? I hope you understand who you're up against. You will simply be throwing your life away!!" WhiteBeard warned Luffy after looked at the Straw-Hat he wears. "Shut up!!! it's not your job to decide that!!! I heard about you want to be the pirate king, right?!! Well, the one who's going to be the pirate king is me!!! I'll do this however I damn well want!!! I'm saving Ace myself!!!" Luffy told WhiteBeard about his decision and dream. All prisoners, Ivankov and Buggy are surprised by the action of Luffy. We from Straw-Hats are only laughing about Luffy's unique temperament.

Luffy tells WhiteBeard about Ace's execution will move up and something is ready then he jumps down from MobyDick and runs to Ace's direction. All allied pirates of Luffy are surprised once again after hearing Luffy talks with WhiteBeard as if they're equals. When Luffy has just run not too far, Admiral Kizaru uses his Light Devil Power to attack him. I have activated Byakugan and Rinne-Sharingan then teleport in front of him and absorb his light attack.

"Go away, old man! Don't obstruct our captain!! You are so weak that I can kick your ass easily." I kicked Kizaru away to near the execution platform with only using Busoshoku Haki's Middle Stage. Kizaru power is at Beginning Late Nascent stage, he is the weakest from three admirals. I use Ashura path for launching the same laser beam to counter attack Kuma's laser attack. All marines, Shichibukai, and the pirates are surprised by my power that can absorbed the devil fruit power, launched Kizaru's attack and my Haki power.

Luffy evades the attack from Hina's Devil fruit and the other elite marines, Moria uses his power to raise the zombies to capture Luffy. Zorro, Sanji and the others also open the path for Luffy, they defeat the marine elite soldiers easily with their current Haki powers. "Stay way!!! Luffy!!! You should know better!!! We're both pirates!! I have my own adventures!!! You shouldn't bud in!!! Go home, Luffy!!! Why did you come!!!?" Ace scolded Luffy for coming to save him.

"I'm your little brother!!!! I don't care about the rules of pirates!!!" Luffy replied Ace's words and making Ace remembered their past drink share interactions. When Moria orders his zombies to attack Luffy, Jimbei counters with sea waters and he defeats him easily. Sengoku also tells the world about Luffy as the son of 'revolutionary' Dragon. The news of Luffy as a son of 'revolutionary' dragon has surprised many parties. "Ace!!! I don't care what you say!!! I'm going to save you even if it kills me!!!" Luffy added his words and attacked a giant marine with his Haki condensed fist easily.