Chapter 12

There was a distinct feeling of apprehension in the air, like the slightest of actions could trigger a reaction that would elicit devastation- which was odd for someone like him. After all, he was the prime target of regard.

Everyone was staring at him.

All discussion had come to an end, and even the fiery rage in Kiba's eyes had subsided to become something more subdued as Rias urgently dissuaded Kiba from doing anything reckless. It was to the point where even Akeno Himeji, the Queen of Rias's Peerage and the one least likely to avoid conflict, based on Ayakoji's intel, took action.

Things were in disarray in Rias's side, and throughout the entire ordeal, he couldn't help but want to wipe off the smugness present on Xenovia's face. She was only going to make things worse looking like that.

It was the kind of expression one would make when they were gloating of their victory. Highly irritable to those at the receiving end; especially when the person herself had not been the one to garner the reaction.

If he could equate her actions into anything, it would be that of a young child making faces at their enemies, or siblings from behind a parent's leg. In this kind of hypothetical situation, he was undoubtedly that 'parent.' A figure that remained supreme to any child or weaker power.

Just as the thought passed by his mind, it only further solidified when Xenovia made a show of standing behind his back, motioning for a troubled Irina to follow after her despite Irina's apologetic expression towards Issei.

Normally this would be considered a show of solidarity on their side, but with the context he had just thought up of, he felt more embarrassed if anything.

How childish.

By the time Rias's group reorganized themselves, he was already whispering into Xenovia's ear and asking about what had happened while reprimanding her of her actions.

She answered his questions well enough, explaining to him that she and Irina had just finished discussing with Rias about the particulars of their mission. It would only be later when he talked with Irina that he would find out that 'asked' was more like 'demanded' on Xenovia's part. Then again, the main crux of the matter was when Kiba mistakenly identified Durandal X wrapped in cloth by Xenovia's side to be a fragment of Excalibur and became agitated. It only got worse when Asia Argento tried to intervene and ended up on the receiving end of Xenovia's ire, instigating Issei Hyoudo to act.

Everything had all just become a big mess from the original intention of just asking for temporary free reign in the territory.

Now that the situation was how it was, all he could do was reprimand her in place of Griselda in hopes that she could learn more tact. However, his reprimands entered one ear, and then out the other.

He almost let out a groan when he realized this, but adamantly, he held it in. After all, it wasn't the first time he'd tried to change her opinions of things or admonish her. The first time was during and before the Holy Sword Trials, and the other was afterwards when he tried to convince her that no; he was not trying to show up those stuck-up big wigs, and no; he did not break ancient relics to prove some personal point.

What kind of person did she think he was?

More and more, Irina appeared to be the only sensible person he knew in this world.

And because of such a stray thought, he couldn't help but stare at Irina with praise, even going as far as patting her shoulders despite the situation.

Xenovia's gaze frosted over, the smugness on her face disappearing as her mouth closed, her lips shifting into a thin and pale line. Irina didn't seem to notice, acting a tad demure under his sudden attention. Then again, he didn't notice it either, making him just as guilty.

"Ahem," Rias cleared her throat, making a unified stance with her peerage behind her.

Her tough appearance made it seem as if she had not fallen into a clamor moments before, but her voice gave it away when she spoke.

"It's you," she said. There was an inflection in her voice that made it clear that her lip had quivered to produce such a noise.

It made him feel uncomfortable.

Xenovia grumbled to herself one last time as she gave Irina a deep look before opening her mouth to speak to Rias.

"His name isn't 'you,'" Xenovia said before crossing her arms. "He is my wi-"

Irina elbowed Xenovia just before she could finish the sentence.

Grumbling once again, Xenovia uncrossed her arms, and stood with her back straight. A strong position, one of confidence, and a will stronger than most.

"He is my h-hubby," she said, recalling the particular phrase he had heard Irina discuss with her before in the night prior.

In fact, that point had even slipped his mind until just now when it was once again brought up.

His face steeled into something impassive. He had ignored it then, and he could ignore it now, just, why did she have to appear to be so embarrassed when she said it?

Xenovia's posture was the same, and the confidence and steadfastness she was displaying was still present. However, her face had blown up, a vibrant red on the ends of her cheeks that were quickly spreading out to the rest of her blank face.

If she was that embarrassed about introducing him like that, then why bother? It would clearly save him the trouble of explaining himself every single time that he was not, in fact, married.

What he didn't know though, was that it was something Xenovia took pride in like any other girl. It was also to stake a claim to other competitors in the secret life of women. Justifiably, she wasn't raised like a normal girl, but instinct proved just as effective with Griselda's teachings about the matter on the side.

"That doesn't answer the question of his name," Akeno spoke wryly.

"My name is Shirou Emiya," he quickly introduced, lest Xenovia answer for him again. "I'm sorry if my friends were rude to any of you."

Xenovia grunted, her brows creasing before she decided to just stay at attention, a hand on one of her sword's hilts.

"Not at all," Rias spoke. However, it was evident that she was still quite guarded. "I can agree to the request of us Devils staying out of the Church's business in my territory, but you must guarantee that you don't do anything untoward."

"Naturally," he spoke. "We shouldn't trouble you much after the mission is over."

The use of 'we' in his sentence associated him with the Church, but he realized it would be far more complicated if he explained that he wasn't, but was still helping them.

"The only concern on the matter though is the unpredictability of the mastermind behind this whole incident. An Ex-Priest known as Valper Galilei," he said. It was the only part of Ayakoji's intel that made him frown. Especially when Ayakoji explained the reasoning of Valper Galilei's expulsion from the Church.

Experimentation of Holy Sword users that went over the thresholds of what could be considered as humane. Of those experimented on, not many survived, and even then, the few that did weren't treated any better than trash on the road. After all, no one really cared for them as the majority of subjects were orphans without relation to others. It was something generally done to avoid immediate repercussions. Admittedly though, the research had been helpful to the development of Holy Sword users in known methods to allow individuals to harness Holy Swords. This was primarily done through the development of light crystals, gem like objects that contained the 'light' necessary within an individual to wield a Holy Sword.

Just, too many had died for such a means to an end, and there weren't many survivors. Kiba, from Ayakoji's intel, was one of them, if not the only one.

This could explain the sheer anger in his posture and gaze whenever he heard of a Holy Sword, or the burning fury that rose from the depths after just hearing of the name Excalibur.

It was a blemish to the name of that which carries the hopes and dreams of Mankind.

However, he couldn't blame Kiba. Those who died were probably his closest friends and could even be considered his family.

"Do you need something?" He asked just as he was about to make his way out of the room with Xenovia and Irina.

Kiba was blocking their path.

Rias sighed, a troubled look on her face. She didn't have to explain though, he already knew from the way Kiba was staring fixedly at the wrapped Durandal X, and then to Xenovia about what Kiba intended.

Kiba wanted a challenge, probably even desired to destroy the perceived fragment of Excalibur.

Knowing Xenovia, she would never back down from a challenge.

Therefore, he had to settle this before a fight could even occur, but little did he know that Issei would move to back up Kiba.

In which case, Irina moved to stand beside Xenovia.

Darn it, things just became worse.

"Alright, stop," he spoke immediately. "I know what you guys are going to do, but this is pointless."


He turned to Xenovia and motioned for her to remove the wrappings around her sword, revealing the breath-taking sword beneath. The Holy Aura around it was more than enough to make Rias and the rest of her peerage uncomfortable.

"This isn't Excalibur," he said quickly. "It's another Holy Sword."

Seeing Durandal X without the cloth, Kiba's expression lightened somewhat, but it didn't seem as if Kiba would back down any time soon.

"All the more reason to fight," Kiba said. "How can I destroy the other pieces of Excalibur if I can't destroy any other Holy Sword?"

It was a bold statement, and something Xenovia took personally as the sword to be destroyed in question was the one he had given her after the Holy Sword Trial.

Xenovia gritted her teeth before she spat out a single word in disdain. "Fool."

He could see the battle intent in Xenovia's expression, and feared that the situation would become messy. Thus, he quickly mediated, but to no end.

"If you really think that you could break this sword, then give it a try!" Xenovia said, placing Durandal X over a table with the edge facing up.

Originally, Xenovia had intended to beat some sense into her opponent, but now that the situation had come to this, he knew that she felt that his integrity had been offended and now wished to defend it.

He felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he could predict the outcome already.

Durandal the 'Peerless.'

It was a symbol of Power much like Caliburn.

Even in death, Roland himself was unable to destroy the sword, its resilience and durability impossible to overcome as a container of three miracles.

To even contest this was fool hardy, and he was certain of it as he had been the one to trace the blade into existence.

This would not end well, and he knew that Kiba would never listen to him.

As expected, Kiba immediately used his Sacred Gear: Sword Birth to create a demonic sword and lashed out at the propped Durandal X much to Rias's admonishment.


The confidence in Kiba's eyes faltered as he stared at the chipped and haggard looking sword in his hands. Almost in denial, Kiba struck again and again, forging new demonic swords each time, but regardless, always got the same results.

With each dented, fractured, or broken sword that passed by, the more and more the feeling of helplessness in Kiba's gaze increased with his dismay. The make of Kiba's swords too were on an exponential decline, almost incomparable to the first sword Kiba had created. Sword forgery was dependant on mental state. With the way Kiba was now, it was only to be expected.


It was a clean cut, the sword in Kiba's hands split into two from the last swing.

"I-Impossible," Kiba fell to his knees in wild disbelief.

"It's not impossible," a voice said grimly as the speaker seemed to be inspecting the sword on the table. "The appearance is different, but its presence is almost identical to Durandal, the Peerless sword noted down in the history books maintained in the underworld."

A black-haired and spectacled woman stepped into the room, a hand moving to adjust her glasses at the bridge of her nose. She was short in stature, and appeared to match the typical stereotropism of a librarian. The calm and collected aura she displayed only furthered the point.

This woman was Sona of house Sitri of the Seventy-Two Pillars. To him though, she was the one who wanted to recruit him during his time hunting stray devils.

"H-How?" Xenovia became guarded. She had not told anyone aside from Griselda and her close associates about the true origin of Durandal X. She was smart enough to know that such could cause an uproar in the magical world.

"Simple," Sona spoke. Moving a hand towards the hand-bag she carried on her, she produced a small book radiating forth a magic circle. "A Devil's guide to Holy Swords. It's a record detailing the most dangerous of Holy Swords to Devil kind to make sure that one would understand what they were up against. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of this particular grimoire is the replication of the sword aura Holy Sword's emit. The aura of Durandal portrayed in this grimoire is identical to that which is on the table. This makes things all the more puzzling. After all, that other sword on your waist has an identical aura."

Finishing that, Sona placed the grimoire back into her bag and stared at Xenovia curiously. "Care to explain?"

Xenovia kept silent. Then again, so did he and Irina who ignored the question.

Sona shrugged, already knowing that she probably wouldn't be getting a response, but in any case, she didn't speak out just because of her curiosity; otherwise, she would have had probably devised something far more effective to get her answers.

In any case, it was already showing results.

The expression on Kiba's face began to lighten as he considered the legend involved with Holy Sword Durandal. It was a sword that simply would not break. Meaning, that Kiba's training was not in vain.

"There's still hope," Kiba whispered lowly, seeming to be thinking deeply about other matters.

However, that whisper was still audible enough to be detected by his sharp ears. He couldn't help but let out a sigh. The path Kiba was walking on was one of vengeance, and he, as an outsider, had no right to advise. Even still, he had heard multiple stories about revenge not leading to anything fruitful. He could only hope that Kiba knew what he was getting into.

"Xenovia, Irina," he called to his friends.

They understood what he was implying.

They've already completed their objective in regards to their presence in Devil territory. It was time to leave.

"Then we'll be leaving," he spoke politely.

Rias and the others didn't stop them, letting them leave in silence. In this way, only Rias and her peerage as well as Sona were left behind.


"Rias?" Sona asked, looking at the vacant expression on her friend's face as the composure Rias had seemed to vanish.

Now that Shirou was gone, the trembling of Rias's hands was now easily noticeable as her tension left her.

"I-It's nothing Sona, just, you wouldn't understand unless you were there," Rias spoke half-heartedly. "It was like standing before a searing flame so bright that any movement could reduce you to ashes, just like the scriptures of our ancestors had said about the apparition of the burning tree. It was only by a whim that the Devil who came near it at that time left with his life despite the severe burns, and I'm telling you the feeling must have been similar."

Rias brought a hand to rub her arm that had suddenly grown cold from the chill that travelled down her back.

"Shirou, he had only uttered a few words then. Nothing more than a simple question, but the power behind it was enough for us to instinctively feel that with just one twitch of a finger, are lives would be extinguished. That kind of feeling, it's hard to forget."

Sona's brows furrowed hearing the description before she thought back to her first impressions of Shirou when she first saw him.

"He didn't seem very overbearing when I got here. Even then, he didn't seem to be the type of person you described, rather, he's of a gentle sort and he even tried to avoid needless violence as much as possible. This was evident when he attempted to dissuade his comrades to avoid trouble."

"Its-" a pondering expression appeared on Rias's face. "I don't know what to think then?"

Sona tapped her foot gently against the ground as she thought. "It is said that the most powerful of enemies, are those which you don't expect. Perhaps Shirou could be one such person."

Rias could only nod her head to the explanation, but no longer lingered on the topic. Instead, she shifted to a grin as she faced Sona.

"How's your efforts on that new knight going?" Rias asked.

Sona's body stiffened, a twitch forming on her brow, but she didn't give away much else. "Slow," was all she said at first. "Though I hope if he's a man that he at least has the tact to give an answer rather than to leave a woman waiting."

Rias laughed, and the tension that was previously in the room disappeared entirely.

"You sound like some adolescent school girl waiting for the response of their high school sweet heart," Rias spoke in mirth.

"Stop, stop right there," Sona spoke as she lifted up one finger to shush her friend. "Don't try to distort the world into one of those Anime Cliché's you're so fond of. You know as well as I that I get more than enough of that with my elder sister."

A grin broke out over Rias's face, but she didn't say anything else. Sona was her friend, and although she could laugh at Sona's expense, she definitely wouldn't take it too far.

Speaking of which, Rias turned to stare at her peerage. Moments before, she had still been quite tense in Shirou's presence, and that had equated to her being even more concerned about the safety of her peerage. It was just that now that Sona had arrived, her vigilance had momentarily slipped. That being the case, she couldn't help but freeze upon noticing the guilty expression on her newest Bishop, Asia Argento's face.

"My my," Akeno spoke. "It seems we're missing quite a bit of our friends."

Rias's lip twitched as she once again reaffirmed the situation.

Kiba, Issei, and Koneko were gone.


Having gotten permission from Rias to move about in her and Sona's territory, he made his way along with Irina and Xenovia back to the complex Ayakoji had rented out.

Now that the initial step of the plan had been completed, it was now time to discuss a plan of action. However, as it was growing late, it was unanimously decided that they would continue operations on the next day.

When the sun rose above the clouds in the sky, he woke up first to prepare a meal for Xenovia, Irina, and Ayakoji. Hunger was the enemy, and if they were beginning the hunt for the stolen fragments of Excalibur, then they would need all the energy they could have.

"We'll have the element of surprise on our side," Ayakoji spoke, stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth while speaking. Chewing, the man then continued in a nonchalant manor. "With your part of the fragments of Excalibur resonating with the rest, we should be able to locate the enemy fairly easily. Still though, this doesn't mean that we should drop our guards. It's always best to be careful."

"Is that so," Xenovia shrugged her shoulders, her eyes staring at the last piece of food on the table before meeting with Irina's. "I'd prefer a more direct approach."

Saying that, Xenovia quickly struck forward towards the last morsel on the table. Of course, she wasn't the only one as Irina had done much the same to Xenovia's ire.

Bits of food splattered much to his indignation as a result of Irina and Xenovia's conflict, however, neither of them were the victors in the end.

With a quick stab of a fork, Ayakoji took advantage of the two's directness and slyly swiped the food from beneath the two's noses.

"Then your preference may need some revision," Ayakoji spoke in response to Xenovia's last statement, enraging her. However, Ayakoji raised a hand to prevent her from doing anything.

"Don't you understand?" Ayakoji asked absently. "Look down at the positioning of the plate. The both of you should be able to see that this last piece of cooked meat was nearest to me in the end. Why is that? Because that was how I'd led the both you on during the meal. I would take a portion of food here, then because of the space created in the dish, the both of you would then take pieces using my initial partaking as reference."

Irina let out a surprised 'O' as Ayakoji continued. However, Xenovia was still far from impressed, still glaring.

"From there, subtly, I've directed the eating habits of the both of you to leave the last piece facing me. Thus, making it impossible for either of you two to intervene in my taking of the last piece, but do you two understand the crux of the matter? If not, I'm sure that Shirou would understand."

He didn't have to think much about it as his father was quite skilled in that regard.

"Preparation,' was all that he said.

"Indeed," Ayakoji applauded. "There is less risk in preparation when compared to being entirely direct."

"And before you argue," Ayakoji looked at Xenovia. "The result in front of you can speak for itself, though I suppose it'll be a bit hard with that last piece of food in my stomach."

Xenovia grunted before turning her head to the side after cleaning off her plate. "So? What's the plan then?"

He looked curiously at Ayakoji and waited for the man to continue. He wasn't the best at making plans like this as most of his experience had been left to following others. He had followed Rin's plans during the Holy Grail War, and had preferred listening to others rather than arguing for most of his life.

As such, he waited for Ayakoji to elaborate.

He didn't have to wait long due to the seriousness of the matter.

"The three of you should verify the location of the target, and then promptly retreat after first familiarizing yourself with the terrain. From there, adequate preparation can be made in case anything unexpected occurs. If all goes well, this mission should be able to be completed with just the three of you assuming your only enemy is Valper Galilei and the exorcists that followed the man. If all else fails, I myself may have no choice but to intervene, and I wouldn't want to think about the consequences."

Ayakoji shrugged. "Well then, that's all, the three of you are free to go. Be careful though, Griselda would skin me alive if I let anything happen in this kind of situation where I could have had done something. Especially since her own daughter is involved."

He, Xenovia, and Irina nodded their head with a superior's respect.

It was times like these where he couldn't picture the aloof man Ayakoji was to the serious Ayakoji in front of him. Ayakoji was a man of mysteries, and the only one who would possibly have a clue on Ayakoji's origins would be Griselda herself.

As the three exited the residents, he discreetly lifted his combined fragments of Excalibur and followed the general direction of the tug. Xenovia and Irina were quick to follow beside him.

Eventually, the three reached only a single area. The site of the abandoned Church.

"It seems to be here again," he spoke, scratching his head.

This was the exact same area where he had first run into trouble with Rias Gremory, and now it was going to be the same place where he and his friends would deal with the thieves.

"Then let's look around," Xenovia spoke, standing up and striding directly towards the entrance of the abandoned Church.

"X-Xenovia, not there," Irina said while quickly scrambling after until she reached Xenovia. From there, Irina dragged her along a less conspicuous route to survey the surroundings.

He smiled wryly watching his two friend's antics, but quickly sobered when he realized that danger could be directly before him.

Releasing a breath, he moved in an opposite direction from Xenovia and Irina to cover more ground.

In this way, they finished earlier than expected and then regrouped before leaving.

The next day though, he couldn't help but feel that something was off when his combined fragments of Excalibur led him to a new location entirely.

It was warehouse situated by the river that spanned across a bridge on the way to Kuoh Academy. It appeared well maintained, and was identical to most buildings in the area: A flat grey box of a building that levelled off at a slightly steep incline at the roof. Thick shadows could be seen from the exterior, making it seem all the more eerie in the dim lighting.

"Is this correct?" Irina couldn't help but ask. She knew as well as Xenovia that this was nowhere near where they had been the previous day.

He only gave a nod in response, and like the day before, the three of them took note of the area. It was an empty sort of street. One where only a few or so people would wander to at any day. The lighting was also quite bad, some of the streetlamps emitting a light that shone too dimly.

"I prefer the Church by the creek to this place," Xenovia couldn't help but say when the three eventually met up again. "There's an open sewer drain over there, and the stench is horrible."

"At least you weren't the one who nearly fell in. A little warning next time would be nice," Irina complained.

"Just the specifics," Xenovia waved off, although it was clear that she was being apologetic in her own way.

Irina pursed her lips, but said nothing more.

That was how the second day passed.

When it came to the third and fourth, he quickly realized that there was a rotation between the two locations. At one day it would be by the abandoned Church, and in the next it would be in the warehouse. Therefore, it became clear to everyone that Valper was probably switching between hideouts.

However, by the time preparation were made, and they were ready to set out, the tugging on his combined fragments of Excalibur ceased. This caused another delay.

"It's not very surprising," Ayakoji spoke with a hand to his chin. "If your fragments are reacting, then the one's in Valper's possession could very well be as well. He's probably masked the signatures, but at least we have already ascertained Valper's position."

He frowned.

"Would he move then?" He asked.

If Valper knew that the fragments of Excalibur were reacting then it was most likely that the man would immediately change location after blocking the signature of the pieces of Excalibur.

"He couldn't possibly do that," Ayakoji said. "For starters, he would lose all defensive preparation a man like him may have had made. Furthermore, there's no guarantee that what he did to muffle the signature of the fragments of Excalibur is permanent. Fortifying himself is the best choice, but this limits our end. We don't know in which of the two location Valper would be staying at, and if you go to the wrong one, Valper may have a way of knowing so he can more readily prepare when the three of you move to the last remaining location. Such a thing would be dangerous for a man as crafty as Galilei. Therefore, it's most efficient to attack both places."

Xenovia nodded her agreement, but he was hesitant to give his approval. It was far more dangerous for them to split up their power. However, both Irina and Xenovia had already agreed, so the majority had already been decided.

As it would turn out, he would be the one to be heading to the warehouse while Xenovia and Irina took the other location.

Deciding to move out later in the day to avoid the attention of people, he gave Irina and Xenovia a questioning look when they were preparing to head out so early.

The both of them were standing at the entrance of the residents leisurely putting on their shoes while glancing up at the time. Well, Irina more than Xenovia. Xenovia was just sitting there absently after placing on her foot wear, and was simply waiting for Irina to finish up on her end. The only plus side to the entire scene was that they weren't walking with their swords out in display, and that he had hidden away their white cloaks before hand, forcing them to leave in regular clothing; not that Irina minded as she was too caught up in her own thoughts.

Eventually though, they noticed his gaze.

Irina scratched her head nervously. "Well, Issei asked me to meet up with him at the local fast food restaurant for a little help with something."

She then explained how she had run into Issei the previous day and the arrangements that they had made then. He couldn't fault her though. For almost the entirety of his time with Irina, she had always gone off about how great a friend Issei was in her youth. It would be impossible for him to imagine that she wouldn't want to catch up with Issei for the missed years.

However, what about Xenovia?

Xenovia stared blankly at him before she blurted out a few words. "Friendly relations have always been something that you said I should work on?" She tried.

He raised a brow. He knew her long enough to tell that her response was a lie. Kind of like the time she said his food wasn't good when he had angered her on a past occasion. The only proof- she'd never be able to maintain contact with his stare.

Under his gaze, she eventually sighed, her nose crinkling before she crossed her arms and glanced away from his eyes. "Irina said she'd treat me to fast food," she murmured.

Ah, of course.

He couldn't fault her for being curious though. Back at the Church by the creek, there was no fast food restaurant that anyone could go to. There, it was always food that was beneficial to one's body, especially with a mother like Griselda.

Still, he made sure to remind them not to forget about the mission tonight.

"Then take care," he bid his goodbyes, watching the two leave while bickering about some topic he wasn't privy to.

"Not going?"

A voice spoke from behind him.

Ayakoji gave him a cursory stare.

"I would," he admitted. "But I want to repay the old couple here for letting us stay for so long. If the mission ends today, this may very well be the last I spend in this place."

There was a silence behind him, so; he wasn't expecting it when he felt a pat on his shoulder, and heard a warm laugh soon after.

"Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor," Ayakoji said. "Not many are willing to share the burdens placed on the backs of others, but you, you seem to look out for such things more than the common person. Ever considered being a devote? You'd probably become a Saint."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't help others for recognition."

"Hmm, then all the more reason. If you ever do, do consider leaving Griselda's place and coming over to mine. We can confess our sins after doing them first." Ayakoji flashed a knowing smile before returning into the house. "God will forgive, for he is merciful."

Right, how about no?

Shaking his head, he made his way to begin his first task,

wiping clean the floors.

Time soon passed, and the majority of it was spent helping out the old couple of the residence he was staying in. They appreciated his help, but they reminded him again and again that he didn't have to. He persisted anyway.

By the time he left in the evening, the old couple was reluctantly bidding him goodbye while Ayakoji stood leaning his back against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Do consider, I've edited the next ones for max effect," Ayakoji reminded.

He gave no response back, and then went on his way.

Ayakoji watched his figure disappear into the distance before tipping the fedora he had over his head down over his eyes, and then disappearing in the direction of the shadows opposite to the house.


The old warehouse was just the same as he remembered it, but this time, he was moving towards the building rather than around it.

Small holes were created along the surface of the building in places that were inconspicuous. Within them were small dark beads that Ayakoji had tasked him with planting the last time he ha arrived at the warehouse. It was part of the preparations Ayakoji had spoken of, but he was unsure of the bead's function. All that he could gleam from the dark beads through Structural Analysis were the properties of shadows clinging around them.

But for what purpose?

He placed such thoughts aside for the time being, and decided to trust in whatever method Ayakoji had thought of as he swiftly entered the building.

Inside was a large open space that would generally be filled with machinery, or rows of product and merchandise held in storage before shipment for the various companies that ordered them. Instead of such things though, the space was empty save for a few objects he could slightly glimpse in the dark.

It didn't seem as if there was anyone around.

There was a slight creaking sound that he could hear accompanied by the steady fall of water droplets, possibly from a sink whose faucet was not closed all the way. It served to make the already eerie environment into something that felt far more ominous.

However, there was light in the dark. The fragments of Excalibur he carried on his person began to shine once again, a faint tugging sensation travelling through his arm as a quiver shook the ring around his neck.

He who saves those from evil, and the shepherd who ventures forth in the valley searching for lost lambs, the doves will guide your way.

His eyes had closed for a moment, but he was sure he had heard it again once he had reopened them: a voice.

"…I-It hurts,"

It was barely above a whisper, something that no one would have had heard even if it was spoken directly into one's ear.

"Cold, freezing,"

A breeze seemed to start from within the warehouse, yet he knew that it wasn't natural.

In the dark, the only thing that accompanied him in the darkness was the light that illuminated a narrow path forward.

In the entire world, only he was having such an experience; anyone else who would enter the room would not be able to see nor hear anything.


He couldn't help but ask aloud, his vision trying to encompass as much area as possible, but still finding nothing.

"Y-You hear us?"

It was the sound of children's voices, some still high pitched while others were deep and timber.

Slowly, he walked in the direction that the combined fragments of Excalibur were drawing him towards; down the narrow path illuminated by the light leading to a single spot.

Sword met ground, stabbing through and rooting itself, and from it, a small tremor was produced.

A thrum that released glowing doves that spiraled out in a circle of radiance.

"…Ah…the cold?"

A tremble, and a quiver.

When the incandescent pierces through the dark of the day, know that you are not alone.

It was as if he were standing before a tranquil pond where the slightest of movements could produce the largest of reactions.

Purity in all senses of the word.

Salvation is found only through hardship.

Cloudy days will pass, and eventually,


The sun will shine over once again.

He stared forth at his hands placed atop the hilt of the combined pieces of Excalibur, watching silently as little hands were placed atop his. Through that connection, he understood what those in front of him had been through, and what they intended to convey.

"Thank you."

Smiles like none other as the bodies of those little hands gradually began to fade; swirling into tiny mots of light like fairies dancing in the evening, they gathered around the necklace around his neck.

Moments later, they were gone.

It was almost as if what he had just scene and heard had never happened at all if not for the silent rattle of the necklace.

He closed his eyes, and he could still picture that scene, and hear those voices.

When he opened them again, all that remained before him was a diamond shaped crystal at the center of the crater that the combined pieces of Excalibur had made.

Structure Analysis let him determine what that crystal was. It was a Light Container, something that harnessed the energy required for one to wield a Holy Sword.

Slowly, he knelt down and picked up the jewel, clenching it tightly into his hands.

Valper Galilei, suddenly he had a whole new impression of the man.

He swallowed, placing the crystal in a secure place as he pondered to himself. The attractive force of the sword towards the crystal was natural. It was probably what had been used to mask the resonant effect of the Excalibur fragments by interfering with the properties of the Light energy. That, and the Excalibur of his memory was one that carried the hopes of mankind. The calling of those within the crystal was inevitable, for they couldn't help themselves.

A tinkling sound entered his ears, and suddenly, he seemed to come to an understanding of the weight the necklace carried.

Was this what the voice inside the necklace had meant when it had said that it wanted his help? To aid those who can't help themselves? Even if that wasn't the case, if only he alone could save them with his power, then that was more than enough of a reason.

He let out a breath.

Standing back up, he once again surveyed the surroundings.

Nothing. It was the exact same as how it was when he had first arrived.

This was probably the wrong location. If so, then that would mean that Xenovia and Irina were probably facing Valper by now.

Thoughts reaching up to that point, he was decisive in his actions. Moving towards the area he had come from, he wanted to leave and head straight for his friends. However, it was then that they appeared.

Black wings spread out in the night, obsidian feathers drifting to the ground where a group of exorcists were shown armed and waiting. Above them, and floating in the sky, were Fallen Angels.

Based on his sightings, it was clear that the Fallen Angel faction may also had a hand in this incident.

"If you give up now, this can be a quick death," one of the Fallen Angels spoke. "To think that that Ex-Preist was right to suspect that his location was already known."

"Then this was a trap," he muttered to himself as he assessed the strength of his surrounding enemies.

More than that though. If this amount of force was what was waiting for him at the warehouse, then how large would the force Xenovia and Irina be facing knowing that Valper was present there?

That answer wasn't one he wanted to think about.

In which case, he couldn't remain here any longer.

"I don't have time for this," he spoke. "Move."

His tone was urgent, but the force of it was still apparent. However, not one of the Fallen Angels or Exorcists moved. Why should they when they were being threatened by only a single individual.

Yet, this thought would soon vanish moments later.

Grudgingly, he realized that he would have to act without mercy. Every second he wasted could potentially lead to further danger on Xenovia and Irina's part.

At that moment, he seemed to possess not even a shred of power at all. For once, the necklace around his neck wasn't acting up, making him appear no better than an average human. Even the exorcists beneath the Fallen Angels released an aura of sorts generated from their use of light based weapons.

And yet nothing could be detected from him.

It was unfathomable then, to his enemies, about the pressure they were feeling.

He took a step forward, and they, one step back.

It was kind of like a natural instinct of sorts; a simple knowing that something was off and one should not approach without caution.

This feeling only intensified when the nearest Fallen Angel erupted into a shower of bloody mist and feathers that splattered against the faces of Valper's exorcists.

Chaos immediately ensued followed by a flurry of indiscernible curses and shouts. One by one, enemy after enemy seemed to erupt into nothing but hazy mists of red. Chaos turned into panic, and those gazes that had once been looking at him in ridicule had now shifted into despair and pleading, asking to be spared.

However, he couldn't stop the deaths even if he wanted to.

After all, it wasn't him who was doing it, rather, it was the sharp pair of eyes lingering in the dark that he could see from his position. Those eyes were cold, and uncaring, killing anything that appeared in sight with devastating precision; the attacks obscured in the dim lighting of the room.

As he continued to stare, that figure in the dark with the sharp pair of eyes brought a hand to a cloth-covered face before revealing a shushing gesture. However, the most shocking thing at that moment was a single realization.

He knew the man in the shadows.

Swallowing, he remembered a few particular phrases.

"It would be far more complicated if I were to go with you."

"I can't help you, so the three of you will have to be on your own."

"Preparation can always lead to victory."

The shushing gesture just now gave it completely away about the identity of the man in the shadows: The man that could only help by not being seen; therefore, leaving no witnesses behind to implicate the man's presence.

Just then, a single sentence escaped the man's lips.

"Go, this is not your place to be."

He quickly nodded his head, and continued on his way out. As he exited the warehouse, even from where he stood, he could hear the screaming from within.

A shiver travelled down his spine, but he refocused himself quickly knowing that Xenovia and Irina were in danger.

Reinforcing his body, he leapt up onto the rooftops where he then quickly made his way towards the abandoned Church.

It was late in the night now, at an hour near midnight where the clouds above were thick and blotted out the image of the moon.

It was almost surreal, like he was back to that desperate two-weeks in Fuyuki. But this wasn't then, it was now, yet the fighting was still similar.

Arriving on scene, it was only to see the devastation left behind by a large battle. Fissures were scattered across the ground, and some of the nearby trees had even been reduced into splinters. Trails of smoke floated up into the sky from a few places on the abandoned Church itself; revealing that even the Church was not exempt from the damage.

He didn't care about any of this though. What was most important was finding out what had happened to Xenovia and Irina.

Looking in the direction in which a path of upturned gravel lead to, he quickly followed it to the back of the Church itself. There, he saw a crater large enough to fit the entire church into and more so. However, there was still no sight of Xenovia and Irina.

Damn it.

He cursed as he tried to think of a lead, yet he wouldn't have to wait for long; the scent of magic entered his nose, his head snapping in a single direction.

Kuoh Academy.

Expression hardening, he took back to the distant roof tops, pausing as he felt a shockwave from where he stood.

It was the aura of Durandal.

Lips thinning, he ceased his movements towards the school and instead moved to the tallest building nearby.

"Trace on,"

His magic thrummed as a black bow appeared in his hands.

It would take him a matter of minutes to reach the school with reinforced strength, but seconds were precious in a fight.

When his magic entered his eyes, it was almost as if the world was zooming in rapidly until he could get a clear picture of the battle that was occurring on Kuoh Academy's grounds.

Careful aim was a must.

He couldn't allow his attack to injure his friends or allies, only his target alone. However, he knew that was impossible with the way the battle was being fought with swords. Xenovia and the rest were too close.

He would have to provide support then; make a commotion large enough for him to make his way there in the ensuing disarray.

A sword formed in his hand, slender, with twisting pieces of black jagged metal.

It seeks the blood.

Bathing in the crimson to reach ascension.

With a thought, that sword became slender; the jagged pieces of metal wrapping around themselves with the shaft as a base into a cone of twisted steel.

Muscles rippling, and veins bulging, he stood there, aiming from over three kilometers away.

When the grass rustles, and the wind grows still, a howl sings anew.

The Hound of the Red Plains.