Chapter 29

Although there were some fields Rias considered herself lacking in due to inexperience, intuition was not one of them.

She crossed her legs and reclined her back in exhaustion over the small couch she kept near the center of the Occult Research Club room and lazily stretched her arms into the air; a small yawn building up from within her that she softly let out under the rays of the sun leaking in from the open glass window beside her. The twin peaks that denoted the size of her chest strained against the fabric of her uniform with her actions, but she didn't care as much when doing so helped relieve the stress of their weight on her shoulders.

It was true that she admitted that bigger was better, and in fact, she was quite prideful and pleased with her assets, but all good things had a price. The stiffness of her shoulders was just one of them, only this time, the added fatigue was close to making it unbearable. Unless Issei showed up anytime soon, then she was of the mind to just slouch for the remainder of the day to save the effort. Only in the presence of the man who had earned her heart would she be able to endure.

Regardless, she sighed as Issei wasn't actually here, and she was reluctant to involve him in the current matters. Instead, he was better off getting more acquainted with his junior Devil of her peerage, Bishop Piece Gasper Vladi.

She said junior not because Gasper was recruited after Issei, but because Gasper was just recently unsealed from the restraints that had bound him due to her inability to control his power at the time of his recruitment.

The Forbidden Balor View.

A Sacred Gear with the ability to momentarily stop the time of anything within the user's line of sight. Therefore, enabling the user to obtain absolute control from a limited perception.

To be truthful, it had caused her a number of problems in the past as Gasper was unable to control it, and she unable to contain it. Just speaking of the dangers of suddenly freezing in action while combating against stray Devils or enemies was too much for her overly protective brother to let pass.

Gasper Vladi was thus sealed away until just recently getting released with the increase of Rias's power and peerage.

Still, the matters she was dealing with had nothing to do with Gasper, Issei, or any other member of her peerage. It was something that she had decided to do herself.

Her lips thinned, and her eyes naturally fell over to the small center table in front of her

A string of documents was laid out on the surface, messy and somewhat crinkled after her most recent browsing; a few were even inlaid with magical seals while others were filled with heavy text that caused her to pinch the bridge of her nose in irritation, a hand rubbing on her temples.

Something was going on in the Underworld and her brother was avoiding her questions. Generally, that would have had been the point where she would back down due to her trust in her older brother, but this time was different.

She couldn't not try to know.

Not when Sona, her best friend, appeared to be looking more pale and haggard by the day; not even noticing that she was muttering under her breath, a guilt expressed in her eyes that was eating away at her.

The members of Sona's peerage were increasingly worried, and it was through them that the matter was brought to Rias's attention.

She wouldn't be able to forget the scene of Saji Genshirou bowing his head and pleading for help. More so because she knew that Saji Genshirou, a recently promoted pawn, would have had had his reservation about going behind his King's back to request aid from the King of another peerage.

Knowing Sona as well as Rias did, Sona would have had never allowed Saji to bother others with her problem. Yet that was the thing though, to Rias, Sona's problems weren't just her problems, but hers as well.

The two were friends since childhood, they'd never hesitate to help each other.

Therefore, this was what led to the current situation.

She wet her lips and gradually straightened her back to once again go over the documents before her, a hand moving to pick one up from the top of a pile.

Her brows furrowed.

Like she had read from the last reports, although something was happening in the Underworld, it was rather subtle. If one was simply browsing or giving a cursory glance, they would find nothing out of the norm, but after careful consideration, she had realized the center of the shift.

The Lands of Marbas.

Its current activity was abnormal, at least she thought it was.

She bit her lips, her expression going pensive.

The Lands of Marbas was a central hub and important Capital City of the Underworld that dealt with the livelihoods of numerous Devils both Low-Class and High. On a regular basis, thousands of Devils walked through its streets as it was an economical power house, but recently, minor regulations were being imposed to cull the number of visitors. Adding to that, there was a steadily increasing number of military personnel being recalled from all over the other areas of the Underworld, and no one understood why. Then again, to protect such an important Capital City, it wasn't too far of a stretch to have a large deterrent force.

Her hands placed down the document back onto the small center table and then slowly came to rest beneath her chin.

It was too complicated to decide on anything at the moment, yet her intuition was telling her that she had already arrived at an answer.

Still, speculation wasn't enough.

A decision forming in her mind, she stood up and exited the Occult Research Room, the confidential papers she had acquired through the Gremory Family's connections fading away in light of a magic seal.

If research wouldn't work to provide definite answers, then she would have to try her chances in plainly asking.

Due to the arrangements made when Kuoh Academy was first constructed, the Occult Research Club wasn't actually too far away from the Student Council Room. The only difference was that the two buildings were separated by a small courtyard gap to create a distinction between Rias and Sona's zones of influence. Namely, to aid in secrecy when it came to the abilities and training of their peerages as although they were friends, it was inevitable that they eventually faced each other in a Rating Game as Heiresses to different pillars.

She straightened the hem of her uniform as a light breeze ruffled both her hair and attire. Naturally, the sight was eye catching as Rias was a woman of exceptional beauty, and coupled with her determined expression, it made many pause, as she walked by.

However, she noticed a slight difference to the number of people paying attention to her. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't one of those conceited individuals obsessed with her own appearance, but it was just as a Devil she was more acute to such minor distinctions. After all, hers was a species that made contracts with the desires of humans. To be able to detect subtle dissimilarities in attitude, it wasn't too hard to do.

Curious as she was as to why, it wasn't until she entered the main building of the Student Council that she was forced to a stop.

Her brows furrowed.

The more she observed the students around, the more she realized that the majority of them were crowding around the windows.

"Who is that!?"

"It has to be a celebrity."

"And you would know?"

A flurry of voices entered her ears, but none were more distinct then the sound of her love interest and his two other friends.

"Their huge."

Issei had his mouth gaping open, expression dazed as his hands subconsciously began groping at the air, his friends Matsuda and Motohama agreeing with him immediately. With the three of them together, they were considered the Perverted Trio of Kuoh Academy, and up until now she had never really understood why they were so hated for chasing after their desires.

Her lip twitched, gaze growing murderous.

Now though, she believed she understood why.

More so because her target of affection appeared interested in another woman.

"Issei," she called, the sound of her voice instantly freezing the stunned youth. After all, anyone could detect the anger laced into her tone that was threatening to explode.

When Issei turned around, he was met with a strained smile, one that hardly appeared genuine and more like the face one would wear when attempting to draw closer to a spooked animal.

"Weren't you with Gasper?" Rias questioned, the light in her eyes glinting sharply.

Issei's mouth dried as he attempted to answer; Asia who was nearby unable to aid him in his plight do to her disorientation caused by the disillusion and disappointment of her smaller bust size.

"Uhm, about that," Issei finally got out while scratching at the back of his head and pointing at a box near the edge of the Hallway. "He's right there."

It was inconspicuous, and something that she had hardly noticed at all until it was pointed out, but from within the cut holes on the side, she was able to see the truth in Issei's statement.

A box vampire, or at least half of one.

She shook her head, a small sound escaping her lips, but she was far from appeased even knowing that Issei hadn't abandoned his duties.

Regardless, her anger had abated enough for her to compose herself.

Her gaze left Issei's and out towards the windows to ascertain which harlot was attempting to seduce her man before promptly freezing.

She swallowed nervously, all anger fading away from her as she stared at the woman calmly walking through the entrance of Kuoh Academy's school grounds.

A woman whose beauty could be ranked at the uppermost level of the Underworld, and one many low-class devils took as their idol.

Serafall Leviathan's Knight and a representative of the Lands of Marbas.

Adelina Swiftblade.

She was tall, just a tad higher than Rias herself with a slim figure that only pronounced the prominent swell kept hidden beneath the tidy blue-coloured blouse she currently wore. One of her pant legs was rolled up, exposing smooth pale skin and a black patterned leg band fashioned after the magic crest of Marbas.

What drew the most attention other than the elegant coldness of her face however, was the longsword strapped horizontally at her waist; her arms having to rest over the hilt to prevent the scabbard from dragging against the ground.

Described as an indifferent woman, Adelina's sharp senses were exceedingly acute.

In fact, the moment Rias had spotted her, Adelina had done the same at a glance with narrowed eyes, but she simply chose not to react as she continued on with her business.

It was like a bucket of cold water had doused Rias over the face. The fact that Adelina had arrived in Kuoh was evidence enough that events were indeed happening in the Underworld that she was unaware of, but Sona must be a part of. After all, Adelina herself was related to the Sitri family, and Sona was its current heiress.

Rias pursed her lips, the troubled expression on her face subsequently sobering Issei up in an instant.

Yet she didn't give him the chance to ask any questions, her feet carrying her away passed Kiba whose back was pressed against the wall beneath the windowsill, weary of Adelina discovering him.

Rias didn't bother with whatever matters Kiba and his teacher had with Adelina to cause him to be so flustered, but she would inquire at a different occasion. For now, she decided to get her priorities straight.

She walked to the Student Council room and didn't even wait to knock before entering. A clear breach of proper etiquette.

The expected jab at her lack of manners however was oddly lacking from Sona who didn't even seem to notice her.

She simply sat there on her desk, head rested upon her interlaced hands while her lips remained sealed in a tight line. Bags had formed under her eyes, and the ideal student image she had always carried was absent, her clothes ruffled and hair slightly unkempt.

It was at this point that Rias finally understood why Sona had pushed her peerage away to temporarily stay at another room. Sona's current appearance was one that was difficult to look at, especially for those close to her like her peerage; seeing her in this state would have had only caused them to worry. Naturally, now that Rias had seen it herself, she too began to worry, her mood quickly souring.

"Sona," she called, expression flickering with concern as she approached. "What is happening with you?"

The sound of her voice was enough to jolt Sona to her senses, her tired gaze glancing up at Rias before sighing in self-reproach. Guilt was a more accurate word to describe it, but only Sona could understand her own grief during her constant interactions with her elder sister.

"Rias," she greeted, a weariness in the smile that graced her tired features.

Still, she didn't answer Rias's question and instead opted to shake her head.

Getting Rias involved would only make the situation more complicated. Sona was already distressed and fatigued enough, and as much as she trusted Rias, facts had already proven that she and her peerage were the types to neglect logic in favour of their emotions. This had been the case for the Fallen Angel incident and dragging her pawn Saji Genshirou into the matter.

Moreover, Sona hardened her expression.

This was a family matter.

She alone could bear the burden of crushing her elder sister's hopes with her silence, earning the ire of her elder sister for the first time since she was born. Even as restrained as Serafall's anger was, Sona could still understand that it was an anger born from desperation and hope.

And she was the cause of it, and that was what was eating away at her. More so with all the conjectures that filled her mind about Shirou and the mystery of the Marbas Line.

She clenched her teeth. She only had to hold out for a few more days until the Peace Talks had passed. Then, then she could finally attempt to ease the pain she knew her sister must be feeling.

It was all for the sake of the greater good.

And it was in this situation that Sona realized that she was beginning to hate the rational part of herself.

Still, Sona's silence on the matter wasn't taken well by Rias who only grew more concerned.

"Sona, we're friends," Rias pleaded attempting to reason with Sona.

To an extent it worked, the tremble of Sona's shoulders evident, but it wasn't enough.

"It's better if I handle this matter myself," Sona laid down her intentions, the tightening of her face forcibly closing the matter.

Rias stood silent, fully knowing that once Sona had made up her mind, it was hard for anyone to change it. She sighed, her expression falling as she reluctantly made her way back to the door in which she came from, only to pause at the end.

"Thank you,"

The quiet voice that entered Rias's ears was enough to express Sona's gratitude for her efforts in two words. Just that it made Rias more determined to get to the bottom of the matter, and only one last person came to mind.

"Mmhm," she replied, nodding her head.

She then closed the door behind her, the soft click of the latch the last sound she would hear until she returned to a specific room in the Occult Research Club building.

Her older brother's temporary office until the end of the Peace Talks.

Sirzechs Lucifer, her older brother was the only one left that she could ask.

As the target of her elder brother's spoiling, there was never a need to knock when she wanted to visit. Therefore, as soon as she arrived in front of her brother's office, she turned the knob and directly stepped in.

What she found inside left her stunned however.

"Ah, Rias, now might not have been the best of times," Sirzech's said awkwardly, a wry smile on his face as Rias closed the door behind her.

"Miss Gremory," Adelina greeted curtly.

She was seated directly in front of Sirzechs and her long silk-like hair parted at the side to prevent it from blocking her vision.

Rias raised a brow. "If I'm interrupting something, I can leave," she suggested politely.

Sirzechs grew visibly relieved and was moments away from giving his consent before a voice cut him off.

"No, stay for a moment," Adelina said, shifting her eyes away from Sirzechs and directly towards Rias. "You may know more about this matter than Lord Lucifer whose only been here for a couple of days."

Rias's brows knitted together, but she nodded her head to convey that she would co-operate despite noticing the subtle flash of unease that played on Sirzech's face.

"Then I must thank you for your cooperation."

Saying that, Adelina fumbled with a rolled-up parchment that she had kept stored in the magical space of her Sitri Family magic circle and opened it up for Rias to see.

Oddly enough, Adelina had opened a Family Registry, something that most Devils of Nobility that included the Gremory Family were all known to have.

Confused, it was only when she saw the dimly lit magic crest of Marbas that she felt her breath hitch in a sudden realization.

Everything was beginning to make sense.

In the history of the Underworld, there many depictions and portraits of the famed Hero of the Civil War, and of course she couldn't forget the tragedy that concerned him and Serafall Leviathan.

What mattered though, was why she had been so stupid.

From the moment she had seen Shirou, she knew that she had seen his appearance from somewhere in her memory. It was practically a piece of history that was hammered into her head during the education she had obtained in her upbringing. Yet only now that the magic crest of Marbas was in front of her was she able to relate everything.

The magic crest that had once been dim, was now glowing, proving that the line of Marbas wasn't dead.

And only one individual she knew could be related to Marbas just by appearance alone.

Her mind blanked.

Oh God.

What kind of a mess and situation was this?

"As you can see, the Magic Crest of my Lord shines with magical light," Adelina said sternly. "A young master still exists for this vassal to serve. It is imperative that I find him, and as such, I have come to obtain information about this matter of which I request your co-operation. Do you know anything?"

It was a hard question to answer. A part of Rias wanted to just speak the truth as hiding something as important as the current matter didn't sit right with her. However, the shaking of her brother's head behind Adelina's back forced her into a difficult situation. There had to be a reason why her brother himself had not told anything.

As such, she could only answer in the negative.

"Sorry, there's nothing I really know that can help you," she said.

Adelina's expression flickered in doubt, but she could tell that there was nothing left for her to get out of the current situation.

"If that's the case, I won't disturb you both any longer," Adelina said, standing up on her feet and giving a short nod to Sirzechs.

Thereafter, Adelina walked towards the exit of the room, pausing before leaving.

"If you find anything, please inform me. I will be staying in one of the vacant rooms in the Student Council Building."

With that said, Adelina left, leaving the two siblings alone in a heavy silence.

Rias crossed her arms, lips thinning as she glared at her brother, the distance between them rather short due to the relative size of the room. In fact, it was only large enough to accommodate a desk and reception chairs lined at the adjacent corner.

"This isn't right," she spoke.

She knew that Sirzechs had already met with Shirou and that her brother was smart enough to correlate the similarities between Shirou and the Hero Marbas. Therefore, she couldn't understand why Sirzechs wasn't being forthright with the information.

"It's not about right or wrong," Sirzechs spoke, shaking his head. "Satan only knows that my current actions are only increasing the rift that had formed between me and Serafall at the end of the Civil War. However, I still have to take them."

Sirzechs closed his eyes. "Many are tired of this war. We are too close to the Peace Talks to jeopardize everything by putting it to chance."

"And Sona would understand that better than anyone," Rias said glumly.

"Indeed. She has a lot to bear on her shoulders."

The room fell into silence, neither of the sibling speaking, their hands balling into fists in resignation.

Only three days remained before the Peace Talks would begin.


To save others to save himself.

For a time, that was exactly what he had believed in and strived for if only to obtain the happiness he had found in that man's smile. It was a selfish desire, and something he knew was far from the ambitions of a normal youth, but even so, it mattered not what others thought. So long as he understood that his path was not wrong, he would follow it. Even if that road was one wrought with contradictions and bitterness that he had seen for himself, he would remain steadfast.

For that was what he had believed being a Hero, an Ally of Justice meant. Yet in the end,

He was wrong.

It was only after seeing the state he had left Serafall in at the end of the Underworld's Civil War that he had realized this.

A Hero that saves others to save himself wasn't a Hero.

Because sometimes those that had been saved, may not have had been saved.

He would have had realized this far sooner had he seen Xenovia's state at the end of the Holy Sword Trials when all the examinees had assumed he had died, but he hadn't. Therefore, this realization had been delayed.

There were those that would cry for him in his death, mourn for him even for a lifetime. To say he had been a Hero by subjecting them to a life of grief and regrets, he couldn't accept that kind of an answer. Therefore, even for himself he was still trying to understand what a Hero truly was. However, if there was one thing he knew, it was that a Hero who hurts the innocent wasn't a Hero.

And Siegfried and those associated with him leading the Hero Faction were not Heroes.

They could never be with the methods they were employing.

A tired sigh escaped Shirou's mouth, the fatigue built up from the past few hours finally taking its toll on him. He wasn't physically exhausted but mentally. He just couldn't understand how anyone could subject fellow humans to such callous treatment and still be able to proudly call themselves Heroes.

The situation only proved that his understanding of the world was truly lacking. Perhaps Archer had been right and not everyone was meant to be saved?

His mood darkened, a part of him still refusing to believe in any other alternatives simply because he knew that people could change. He himself was no exception and Archer, his future self, was a pure manifestation of that.

But he wasn't Archer.

Yet, now he could understand why the man had been so cynical.

Everything was just so frustrating.

"Are you alright, Shirou?"

Irina's voice snapped him out of his musings, his head turning to the left to face her as he prevented his mind from wandering again. Now wasn't the time.

Hours ago, Siegfried had left visibly shaken, unable to remain in Shirou's presence for a second longer, slight traces of apprehension in the man's eyes.

Shirou could understand a reason for why though. On top of the words he had spoken, he could feel the connection Siegfried had with Balmung and Gram weakening; the swords favouring him over Siegfreid. It had been in Siegfreid's best interest to leave, for Siegfried knew that should a battle occur, his very swords would betray him.

As such, Siegfried had left in a hurry, leaving everyone else behind.

The current situation was one where the healed and injured had flocked to him and Irina like sheep, captivated by the ideals he had spoken of. For his words were words of truth. Something that he himself had once experienced.

And that was enough.

"I'm fine," he said, watching the way Irina was fidgeting nervously.

He couldn't really tell what face she was making due to the mask she currently wore, but he knew it was probably one of concern.

She really was a kind-hearted girl.

"Irina," he said offhandedly, causing her to perk up. "Thank you."

It was all that he needed to say right now, for no other words were necessary to explain his appreciation.

Irina stiffened, the tips of her ears shifting red as her waving hands indicated that she was falling into a fluster.

"No no!" She was quick to say before quieting down. "I should be the one thanking you. You may not be able to understand this, but,"

Irina pursed her lips, her words trailing off as she couldn't bring herself to say that she had been greatly moved by Shirou's actions. The fact that he had risked his own safety to heal others, and the fact that when danger came he had dealt with it by the conviction and authenticity of his words alone, any of the two reasons were commendable.

To many that had been watching him including herself, he really did appear to be a Hero.

Shirou stared at her for a moment and then changed the subject of the conversation when he realized that it had already concluded.

His eyes shifted towards the hundreds of Hero Faction members that were gathered a short distance away. Many of them had been the ones he had personally healed, but the others were those that had been swayed by his words and actions, and they weren't just a few. From the output of the aura they were releasing, it wasn't difficult to realize that the extent of some of their abilities were exceptional.

Still, a problem existed.

"How should we get all these people out?" He asked Irina for any suggestions.

After a short period of questioning, he and Irina had discovered that the majority of the recent members of the Hero Faction had been forcibly taken to this place. Running away had meant death, and the only way to survive was if one was able to surpass their limits and reach a state known as Balance Breaker with the Sacred Gears possessed by hundreds of them.

As such, the majority of the Hero Faction members were forced into the position, making them innocent in actively attempting to participate in the planned attack on the Peace Talks.

Irina crossed her arms around her, feeling troubled but not knowing what it was that she could do.

"Maybe we can find the leaders of the Khaos Brigade and apprehend them?" She suggested, already sounding as if she couldn't believe that plan would ever work.

Expectedly, Shirou shook his head.

"It wouldn't work as we need more information." Shirou placed a hand beneath his chin as Irina's suggestion had actually been something he was considering. Still, it was impossible. "By the time we get that information, the Peace Talks would have had been already underway. We'll have to think of something else."

The two fell silent, but it was because of this that they were able to hear the distinct sound of a scream echo out.

Shirou tensed, his eyes already scanning towards the general direction by instinct, and when he did, it was to see two Angels being beaten against the ground by a group of Devils.

What he didn't know was that when he had released God's aura to help aid the sick and weakened, it had also caused the Angels that had chosen to aid the Khaos Brigade to question their actions; the two Angels before him now, those that had chosen to no longer co-operate.

He felt Irina tense beside him, her body already in the position to leap forward. However, he stopped her by grabbing her hand and shaking his head.

"Shirou you, we can't just leave them." Irina tried to shake his grip.

He simply maintained it. "Not yet," was all he said while he continued observing.

The Angels were heavily injured, bruises forming on their skin that formed angry red welts, but it didn't seem as if the Devils attacking intended to kill them. As such, he was still able to restrain himself from immediately acting out, which he knew was different from how he normally acted. Then again, it was probably due to consideration for his own life that a subconscious part of him was beginning to value.

Eventually, the Angels were dragged off towards another location, disappearing from sight.

He released Irina's hand and then promptly took action.

"Wait here," he said, not wasting a second longer to even hear Irina's response before leaving, fearful of losing the Angel's trail.

Magical energy travelled through his body, enhancing his abilities as he maneuvered towards his targets from the treetops that surrounded the area at the base of the high cliff. Perhaps they were feeling particularly assured of themselves, but the Devils dragging the two Angels didn't appear to be very cautious in their actions. However, this behaviour could be in part due to the fact that they were in a separate dimension that no enemies should have had gotten into.

His expression steeled.

It was all the better for him.

Following closely behind, he waited just outside the outskirts of a tattered residence and watched as the Devils imprisoned the two Angels within.

One breath,

Then two.

He counted, concealing himself within the shrubs as the Devils passed by.

It was only when he had mentally counted to twenty did he begin to move, his steps not making a sound and only the wind rustling the leaves. There were no guards to speak of, let alone any traps to stop him. Everything pointed to the absolute fact that the Khaos Brigade was confident that no enemy would be able to infiltrate the dimension.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't consider the whims of a Dragon God.

He arrived by the entrance of the tattered building, the curious gaze of a twin-tailed black cat all there was to greet him. Oddly enough, it was the same cat he had seen in the alley with Irina before being dragged into the current dimension.

"It must have had been hard on you," he said sympathetically to the cat as he moved it aside, assuming that it had inadvertently been brought here due to meeting him.

It meowed in response, but it didn't do anything else after he had coaxed it to the side. Instead, all it did was watch him, a twinkle in its yellowish eyes that he didn't notice.

With no security, he was quickly able to enter the room where the Two Angels were locked unconscious in, their bodies sprawled on the floor.

It was there that he realized that he was at a loss.

He had nowhere to bring them, let alone find them somewhere safe to stay.

He clicked his tongue, his eyes scanning the room for anything he might be able to use and inadvertently stopping on the cat that suddenly appeared in front of him again.

He raised a brow, certain that he had left this cat outside.

Perhaps noticing his confusion, the cat seemed to grin at him before nudging its head on the bodies of the two angels. At first, he wasn't sure what the cat was trying to tell him, but it became evident when the cat shifted from nudging the two Angels to dragging them with her mouth. Still, this process had taken a lengthy amount of time.

"You want me to carry them?" He finally said, feeling a tad awkward talking with a cat.

The cat's mouth twitched, pale-yellow irises rolling in exaggeration before nodding its head in approval.

Although he was feeling odd about the situation, he chose not to question anything further and simply picked both Angels up. However, the moment he did so, the Two Angels, one male and one female, clung to him like a magnet; the small amount of God's aura he was using to heal them drawing them closer.

He sighed, more so when the both of them wrapped themselves around his legs and arms and made it difficult for him to move.

He stared at the cat, and the cat stared back at him before motioning for him to follow.

Still though, either he was going crazy,

Or the cat had actually laughed at him.


Irina paced anxiously, gaze periodically shifting towards the direction Shirou had disappeared from and a sensation of panic beginning to overwhelm her. Yet she couldn't help it.

He'd been gone for too long already.

She paused in her pacing, turning towards the crowd of Hero Faction members that she had inadvertently attracted in her worrying, and took in a breath. Now wasn't the time to panic, not when she had others relying on her.

From the moment Shirou had saved theses members of the Hero Faction, many of them similarly viewed her as a saviour due to her relation alone. This was even more so for the young children brought in unwillingly by the Hero Faction who found it more comfortable to deal with her. Therefore, she couldn't let herself look weak.

She straightened her back, consciously willing her body to stop trembling.

"Where did he go?" Someone asked referring to Shirou.

"He had something to deal with," she said truthfully. "He should be back sometime soon."

The crowd murmured to themselves after she had finished speaking, but at least they were appeased. She didn't know if she'd be able to calm them down if she said that there was a chance that he may not come back should he get caught. After all, they really had grown reliant on Shirou's presence, for he was the one who had saved them.

Her lips pursed from beneath her mask, the weight of the task before her pressing down on her shoulders.

What's more, she felt a bad premonition from the moment she spotted a two-meter tall man with shoulder length grey hair approaching from the distance. A sneer was over his face, and the Greek-styled warrior armour he wore over a blue uniform only spoke of trouble.

"So, this is the place," the man spoke, eying everyone around as his arms crossed together.

Irina sensed that something was off about the situation but couldn't back down when she felt the hands of one of the children forcibly brought by the Hero Faction grasping onto her clothing. She coaxed the child to let go, and moved to stand at the front, unspeaking and resolve set. She had to protect them somehow, and this statement extended towards those who were still weakened after just recently recovering.

Out of everyone present, she was probably the strongest at the moment.

The man's gaze fell on her in an instant before his hands uncrossed.

"You're the one with the mask?" the man questioned absently.

It was more of a statement than a question, as Irina clearly stood out from the rest who were still pale and feeble, crowding around her for protection. The mask itself was even more evident as other than her, no one else wore one.

Before Irina could answer the question, her senses began flaring at her.

"Everyone, move!" She yelled, body reflexively bending as a fist came near her peripherals, yet her movements suddenly stilled as she caught sight of the fear and despair that flashed across the eyes of those behind her.

Men, women, children, all those brought by the Hero Faction that had failed to pass whatever test was imposed on them. Should she move, the strength of the attack in front of her would annihilate them.

Goosebumps traveled down her skin, the hairs on the back her neck tingling as she made a decision at an instant while clenching her teeth.

The fist struck her in the middle of the gut, the sound of her bones grating within her causing her expression to contort in pain that she muffled by gritting her teeth.

The strength of the blow was astounding, her body flying back with a burst of tail wind that uplifted a cloud of dust due to her sudden acceleration.

"Ergh," she grunted out while tumbling uncontrollably on the ground, pieces of rock and gravel stabbing into her skin that stung with every movement. If not for the fact that she was able to draw her sword out and use it as break to stop her momentum, she would have had flown far farther than she had. Still, the fact that her body was growing increasingly numb was a bad sign of her current state.

She swallowed, the action causing a pain that spread down from her temples and disorientating her. Yet, she didn't dare allow her attention to leave the enemy before her.

"You're nothing special," the man said pridefully. "I can't understand how Siegfried could be so cautious against a weakling."

His words were like sparks to her indignation.

"Y-You, how could you!?" She yelled out in fury despite the pain. "There were children behind me!"

Blood pooled in her mouth, the pungent taste of copper filling it, but she was too distracted to notice.

Too infuriated upon hearing the only response the man gave her.


It was only one word, but it was enough to show just what kind of a pugnacious person she was dealing with.

Even if she was far from the image of the Hero she wanted to be,

For the sake of those watching anxiously behind her.

She might as well be one.

Her sword was drawn between her hands, her legs wobbling even as she forced herself to her feet. She knew the difference between her and this man's strength from the moment the man had acted.

She simply stood no chance.

She wasn't an Angel, nor a Devil, but just a human without even a powerful Holy Sword.

Yet she stood up anyway, because no one else could.

The man raised a brow, a part of him somewhat impressed while looking at the woman in front of him.

The twin-tailed hairstyle Irina generally wore had long since become unbound, her hair left to freely fall behind her in a smooth wave that reached the small of her back. Her clothes were in tatters, large holes and gaps cut into them dyed red by the wounds scattered across her trembling body. It was unimaginable how she was even able to stand. The punch she had endured had left her completely breathless, numerous fractures running across her very bones that caused the tissue in the nearby area to swell with a flaring purple.

Yet still she stood.

Because it was exactly what he would have had done.

The Hero in her heart.

She panted for breath, her eyes glaring even though she knew that it was impossible for to move.

It didn't matter.

She closed her her mouth, all the pain accumulating inside her turning into her strength, keeping her awake.

Her will was enough.

"You have courage for daring to face me," the man shrugged at her display. "If anything, the least I can do is tell you my name before I put an end to this supposed uprising."

The man shifted into a hard stance, his arms raised in a grand gesture.

"I am Heracles, descendant of the mightiest Hero in all of Greece."

"And you are nothing compared him," a voice interrupted, plain and monotone.

Heracles furrowed his brows, irritation evident.

However, that voice carried a phenomenal weight to it that caused the faces of those present to brighten, and Irina to sob in relief. Moments before, the thought that she wasn't strong enough to protect anything was simply too difficult to bear.

She felt a hand press down on her head, fingers gently ruffling her hair in a protective gesture. More than that, she felt the warmth of his light seeping into her, alleviating the pain of her injuries.

"It was hard on you," his voice trailed into her ears like the sweetest of honey. "I'm sorry for being late."

She fell onto her knees, her body breaking down on her as she watched his figure walk by.



And protective.

It was utterly sickening in the eyes of Heracles who couldn't comprehend how a single addition of another fool could change anything. Still, he was smart enough to understand that this masked individual was probably the target Siegfried was actually weary of. The one that thought himself a Hero.

Heracles glowered, the opponent in front of him nowhere near as formidable as Siegfried had described, making everything a waste of time. He came for a fight, not a slaughter.

"Another one with a mask?" Heracles said mockingly. "Can't you see that this is all a waste of time?"

Shirou didn't answer. There wasn't a need to.

Heracles grunted, arms once again raised into a guard in front of him as he then lashed out with a fist.

A simple action, the raising of a palm.

A shockwave exploded outwards, a fierce wind blowing away and uprooting even the nearby trees, fissures forming in the ground that led into newly formed chasms.


Heracles's eyes widened in surprise, his fist caught squarely in his opponent's palm.

"You called yourself Heracles?" Shirou spoke, expression blank as he recalled that particular monster of the Holy Grail War. "You are nowhere near his level."

The level of that towering Giant of Greece was unimaginable. To even compare the two's attacks was like comparing a stick to a sword.

The Son of Zeus.

The Hero of the Twelve Labours of Olympus.

None would be able to match him in his life time, let alone a mere descendant too caught up in his own pride and arrogance.

A reinforced fist punched Heracles squarely in the jaw, blowing the man off of the ground and tumbling him through the trees that snapped under his weight.

"Ghe," Heracles grunted, righting himself before digging his feet into the ground and halting his speed. There wasn't even a hint of pain on his features, simply an indifference as expected of one said to be the descendant of the famed Hero of Greece.

Heracles durability was surprising, but it wasn't unexpected.

Shirou stared calmly, watching as Heracles found leverage with his hands and pulled himself out of the pile of rubble that he had formed, piles of bark and wood splintering beneath his feet.

"Strong as you are, your attacks will never affect me," Heracles boasted, a hand rubbing at the spot he was struck, unwilling to admit that he had actually felt something.

A part of him even considered using his Sacred Gear, but he was even more reluctant to grant Shirou that honour.

It would be Heracles's downfall.

"You're correct that punches alone will not hurt you," Shirou said, raising a hand; a stone sword appearing instantly.

Ancient, and lined with jagged black shards shaped like teeth, it was massive in size and still appeared to be a one-handed weapon. The sheer bulkiness of its body denoted just how heavy it was, and yet that wasn't what caused Heracles to falter for even he could lift boulders with a single arm.

It was the fact that his body began to tremble as if instinctively knowing what was to come.

The myth of one man against a beast,

And a technique that was able to slay it.

Heracles's expression turned grim, his blood pumping furiously. There was just something about the weapon before him that was screaming danger. Yet at the same time, he couldn't help but find it familiar, almost as if he had seen the particular sword from a document he had read.

"Punches will not hurt you," Shirou began again, his body springing forward. "But this will."

He appeared in front of Heracles in an instant, sword drawn.

Nine strikes to kill.

Nine vitals to pummel.

The images flashed though his mind, the power of Godspeed propelling the actualization of the power of a myth. A Noble Phantasm created by drawing out the maximum potential of a weapon alone.

The skill of the Hero at the pinnacle of weapon mastery unleashed.

"Nine Lives Blade Works: Shooting the Hundred Heads!"

An immense pressure weighed down, and for a moment, all were left stunned as what seemed like nine strikes simultaneously struck down on Heracles.

No matter how Heracles tried to defend, it was impossible; his only saving grace being the sudden use of his Sacred Gear Variant Detonation to offset some of the force.

He was blasted away, left in a state where all he could do was stand, blood trailing from his forehead.

Variant Detonation was a Sacred Gear that allowed Heracles to create an explosion upon physical contact. To survive, Heracles had been forced to use his Balance Breaker form and detonate missile like objects from all over his body before the nine strikes truly struck him.

Silence filled the area, Heracles unable to believe he had lost in a confrontation, and the others too stunned to react.

"You haven't won," Heracles gritted out through his teeth, attempting to force himself back into battle. "A Hero who hides behind a mask isn't even a Hero!"

Veins bulged over Heracles's arms and legs, blue colored and pulsing, but his limbs simply refused to move.

Shirou approached step by step, the sword in his hands fading away into mots of magical light.

"True, I'm a man behind a mask, but if hiding one's identity was grounds to disqualify one as a hero," he said slowly. "Then why are you the one looked at as a villain?"

Heracles's mouth closed, finally taking the time to realize all the glares leveled on him by those he had considered to be weaklings; ironic that now any single one of them could probably beat him in his current state.

Heracles kept silent, but he couldn't endure the stares of those around him.

"A Hero doesn't need recognition," he said forcibly.

Shirou shook his head. Although he knew that Heracles words were true, there was still one point that Heracles was missing.

"I don't doubt your words, I even agree with them," Shirou said, stopping in front of Heracles. "But it's because you've said such words now that indicate that you don't understand."

Justification was all Heracles was looking for, a means to defend against the blow to his own self pride and arrogance. The only thing Heracles truly fought for.

Shirou glared, his eyes piercing bronze orbs that burned into Heracles's memory.

If Heracles didn't understand, then he would make him understand.

"A Hero needs purpose," he spoke strongly, voice unwavering. "Something that allows them to surpass their own limits."

He glanced at Irina.

She who was beaten, injured, and exhausted, yet was still able to stand when no one else could against an adversary she knew overpowered her.

Her courage was exceptional.

Her example one to exemplify.

His gaze turned back to Heracles.

"And you Heracles,"

He raised a hand, lightly tapping against Heracles's body and watching it crumble to the ground without support.

"You have none."