Chapter 38

She was a woman of moderate stature, flowing black hair held up by a decorated black band that rested at the top of her head holding her long hair in two swirls. Even then, the band wasn't big enough to hold everything, making the hair appear messy at places, yet strangely it wasn't unattractive. It was even more so due to the way her long bangs framed her face, emphasizing the beauty of her spotless complexion and yellow cat-like eyes.

Staring at her, he could detect no hesitation in her tone, no inflections or unnecessary pausing either. Yet from how guarded she appeared towards him, it was evident that it took courage on her part to see him.

"My name is Kuroka," she introduced, feeling more comfortable as he didn't turn her away. "I was the cat from before when we first met in that alleyway, and the same cat that found a place for you to hide those Angels."

He understood that point from the moment he saw her transform to her current appearance, granted there was a finality to his assessment with her introduction.

"You have my gratitude for it and I won't forget," he said, lowering his head in thanks.

Without Kuroka's help, then not only would he not have had been able to make it back in time to save Irina and the others, but the Angels he had attempted to save in the first place would have died.

Still, gratefulness aside, he grew somber recalling what Kuroka had said moments prior.

"But what did you mean earlier?" He asked.

He observed as Kuroka blinked, her cat ears at the top of her head pivoting up and down as a thoughtfulness flashed across her irises. She was mischievous by nature, and had once been holding herself back in apprehension before, but after conversing with him, she realized that he wasn't as frightening as she had thought.

Therefore, she subconsciously reverted to her general disposition.

She smiled playfully, the action accompanied by the subtle swaying of her hips and two cat tails protruding from an area just above the middle of her butt. All things said, she was appreciative of the fact that Shirou had healed her injuries prior, a little reward wasn't too big of a deal.

The loose-fitting red lined and dark coloured kimono she wore gradually began to expose more skin. Something in her experience was enough to please most young men especially when she pressed her arms closer to her chest.

However, she didn't forget about the current situation and reigned herself in. The blush that she could see slowly making its way onto Shirou's face was enough of a reward for him, and a small victory for herself at the same time.

"I meant exactly what I said. Something big is going to happen soon," she adjusted her clothing, assuming a more serious disposition, the contours of her face shifting.

He sighed in relief.

She paid no heed to his reaction other than to release a muted laugh before continuing.

"I've learned that the Gods of the other pantheons are moving for some kind of major event, but on top of that the remaining members of the Khaos Brigade are also moving into action. Probably because of the way over half of the members composing of the Old Satan Faction defected." she explained wryly before meeting his gaze with her own. "I'm privy to more details but you have to promise to help me on a matter outside of my own power."

Saying that, she looked at him hopefully.

"It depends on your request," he said. "I won't do it if its unreasonable."

To be honest, he didn't know Kuroka well enough to know what objectives she had, but at the very least he was able to tell that she was kind at heart. She didn't have to help him before, but she still chose to do so without any gains on her part that he could think of other than using him. However, that notion was out of the question due to Kuroka's behaviour. It was quite likely that she didn't know of his identity in the past, and yet still helped him anyway.

This alone solidified her character; therefore, he would hear her out.

She shook her head at his question, growing somber as the sincerity and concern in her eyes became apparent.

"I just want to keep my baby sister safe," she said, eyes lowered. "For reasons I don't want to share, we left each other on bad terms, but it doesn't mean that I don't love her. With all the danger approaching both the Underworld and the Human World, I don't want to risk leaving her alone again."

He took note of Kuroka's words because of their implications alone. He wanted to ask about the danger, but could see that now wasn't the time to pry as the information he wanted was probably the source of the bargain.


"Then what do you need my help for if this is a family issue?" He couldn't help but ask.

Although he wanted Kuroka's information, as far as he was concerned, him butting into this situation could make everything worse. Besides, family shouldn't be fighting anyway.

"Security," she said bluntly, crossing her arms beneath her chest. "My sister Shirone is taking part in the Young Devil's Gathering, but there're too many High-Ranked Devils and Angels congregating near the event for me to get inside let alone talk with her and get her out."

His brow twitched with Kuroka's admission. After all, he could hazard a guess as to why there would be more High-Ranked Devils and Angels in the Underworld, and it was probably related to him.

"I'm sorry," he said bluntly, knowing that he was the source of the complications. Processing the rest of the words, he soon came to an obvious problem though.

"But what if she doesn't agree?" He asked.

Kuroka stared at him blankly before biting down on her lower lip, not answering until a moment had passed. Even then, it was just another question.

"Did you ever have siblings?" She interjected.

Caught off guard by the question, it took him a moment to answer.

"Yes," he said without much thought.

Taiga had always been something like an elder sibling to him and Sakura a younger sibling. The number of times Taiga threatened anyone who wanted to make trouble with him for his heroic antics like standing up to bullies twice his own size, were too much to count by one's fingers.

It was the care and protection of an elder sibling.

Something that he understood deeply and a fact that made him unable to refute Kuroka's following statement.

"Then you should understand the actions of an elder sister," she said with an unwavering finality. "Even if Shirone doesn't agree, I can't just leave her unprotected. I've already failed her before, and I don't want to fail her again."

A silence descended in the room, only the sound of soft breathing echoing out.

She stood before him, brows creased together in consternation and hands balled into tight fists.

"I have to get her out, whether she hates me for it or not," she muttered as if trying to convince herself rather than him.

And yet, when she looked back at him, he could see the turmoil raging within her. It was an expression that he knew all too well. The despondence and anxiety.

Someone that needed to be saved.

His resolution about agreeing began to waver, the biggest impact coming when Kuroka asked him in a shaking, yet firm voice.

"Will you help me?"

"This," he scratched his head, feeling troubled.

However, before he could answer, Kuroka's ears abruptly twitched before she turned in the direction of the magic circle she had come from.

Sequences of sigils were beginning to coalesce into the air, signalling the start of activation.

Someone was coming.

Kuroka immediately grew hurried.

"Take this," she said, tossing him a small cat-paw ornament. "I'll let you know when to call the security away from the area when an opportunity arrives."

Startled, he was quick to protest in his indecision.

"But I didn't agre-"

"Please." She cut him off. "I don't have anymore time to convince you any longer."

There was something in her gaze that moved him in that moment, he wasn't too sure. Maybe it was her determination, or her care, but he couldn't find it in himself to refuse someone whose only intentions were to keep a family member safe.

"Fine," the word left his mouth before he knew it, causing Kuroka to tremble for the briefest of instances just as she was about to jump out the window.

"Thank you. Really," she pursed her lips, closing her eyes tightly before opening them. "You don't know how much this means to me."

She turned to look at him as she sat on the edge of the window-sill, moments away from jumping out.

"A word of advice," she said, her tone rushed but good natured. "Although the Aesir strictly like to remain within their realms, the Norse God Loki is missing."

"Loki?" He questioned.

However, it was too late as Kuroka had already jumped out the window, the timing impeccable as a brilliant flash of blue illuminated the room and indicated Serafall's arrival.

She arrived in the same manner as Kuroka, appearing at the far left of the room near the entrance.

"Sorry it took so long, Kuro," Serafall said, still wearing her attire from Kuoh. "There were some matters I had to deal with first."

He nodded his head.

"Its no problems," he spoke, glancing once at the window and then choosing to think about what had happened with Kuroka later.

Attention fully on Serafall, he asked the question that had been troubling him from the start.

"How about Xenovia and Irina?"

Based on the two's personalities, they should have had promptly entered the magic circle a short time after he had activated it, and yet they never came.

Not a change appeared in Serafall's face as she answered curtly.

"I've talked to them earlier and tasked them with other things."

Saying that, Serafall fell quiet, quickly realizing that she was alone with Kuro for the second time in a number of years. There were plenty of things she wanted to say.

The results after the Civil War.

The land of Marbas becoming one of the Underworld's Capitals.

Or maybe the love that she was never able to admit openly.

"It's been a while-ugh-I mean maybe a couple of days actually, but," she trailed off awkwardly, gaze dropping to the floor.

The thoughts and feeling within her at the moment were hard to describe, and when she grew restless in the dry silence, she stuttered aimlessly as a result. Nonetheless, she was disheartened that she couldn't convey what she had wanted to say the most.

Only she wouldn't have to.

"I know Serafall," he said softly. "It's nice to see you too."

She was still the woman he knew in the Civil War, strong when need be, yet not so outspoken in his presence. In fact, she didn't have to be because he could understand her in the same way she had grown accustomed to his silence in the many weeks he had spent fighting in the Civil War; unwilling to speak too much in fear of giving away the pain the form of Marbas dealt him.

The current moment was similar.

He didn't say much, only the words that needed to be said, but the effect it had was more than he was intending.

Serafall froze, her body appearing rigid as if jolted by a memory.

She stared up at him, not noticing her lips pursing as a flood of emotions moistened her eyes.

"You really are still the same." A wryness appeared on her face, her expression subdued and reminiscent. "It's been too long and all this time I've always been bitter when looking out at the peace of the Underworld, knowing the price we had to pay to achieve it."

Her admission was one that left him uncomfortable, his mouth forming into a frown. More so with how forlorn Serafall appeared. It wasn't right.

"Serafall, back then was different I-"

She shook her head, cutting him off before he could concede anything.

"No Kuro, you died," she whispered lowly, reluctantly as her bangs shadowed her face. "You died in my arms," she spoke with a detached finality.

The pain that briefly contorted her face caused a part of him to waver once more.

The value he placed on his life.

That what he considered secondary could possibly mean everything to another.

Staring at Serafall, he couldn't formulate any words to comfort her; the sheer emotion in her eyes striking him deeper than he'd like to admit.

A silence stretched on, the both of them left to their thoughts before Serafall shook her head.

"Sorry," she took the moment to apologize while subtly wiping her eyes. "It wasn't considerate of me to bring up matters of the past. It's just that seeing you even now terrifies me. That this is just another dream I've yet to wake up from."

It wouldn't be the first time, and strange as it was, she had developed a type of trauma to it; waking up alone in a dark room drowning in her own sorrow and guilt. Subconsciously, she began rubbing at her arm with a hand, looking more lost than he had ever seen her before.

Worse, he knew that he was the cause.

He stepped towards her while her gaze was lowered, catching her unaware.

He didn't know why he did it, or maybe it was only natural, but he wordlessly pulled her into a hug.

"I'm the one who should be sorry," he whispered, a hand stroking her back.

For deceiving her.

For putting her through such a situation, and only thinking about the future; not about the feelings of those left behind.

Not anymore.

He understood that he was never good at human interactions, possibly because of how little he valued himself, but running away from the problem wasn't something he could tolerate any longer. Not if he was the cause of all the pain. In that regard, he had to settle things with everyone around him too. It was time to man up.

Serafall shuddered under his embrace, a quiver in her lips.

"This isn't a dream," he spoke strongly before pulling back. "I'm here. I won't be going away."

Serafall stood in a daze even after he had let go, swallowing before abruptly flushing red moments later.

"B-Banquet, w-when?" She stuttered out in a fluster, unable to speak coherently either from happiness or embarrassment. Perhaps a mixture of both.

He finally revealed a smile since the conversation began.

"Anytime is good with me. You just need to contact me," he said. "But this matter aside, didn't you say you had something you needed to talk with me about?"

"Ah! Uhm yes," Serafall spoke in a daze, her eyes clouded before clearing.

From then on, she was quick to compose herself, her mood in cloud nine. There was even a spring to her steps that she didn't notice in favour of bottling the urge to cry out in joy like a young schoolgirl. Inwardly, she made a mental note to never let Sona see her in such a state. She'd die from the shame of it all.

Ultimately, she ended up needing over five minutes to calm herself and even then, it was just barely. She couldn't stop her mouth from periodically curving up dumbly, yet tried to anyway, resulting in an odd expression between serious and giddy that he refused to comment on. Though admittedly, he preferred it when compared to her earlier expression. It reminded him of the stern yet playful leader of the past.

"Ahem, moving on then," she coughed into her hands before growing solemn, something he had trouble taking seriously with her cheeks tinged red.

"The matter I have to discuss with you involves the other Gods and pantheons," she said while finding a place to sit. "Specifically, after Michael heard your intent to create an alliance against the Trihexa, the foolish Angel was too excited from God's task to discuss with us first before contacting the other religions."

She rubbed at her temples in annoyance before continuing.

"Gabriel was no better, and it was worse because she's in charge of Foreign Affairs in Heaven. Therefore, the situation regarding the Alliance of Gods advanced several paces forward. Of course, it gave little time for Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, and I to react as a result."

She shrugged, crossing her legs in front of her while making sure he was following the conversation by eying him perhaps a little too intently.

He chose to bore with it.

"Uhm, what exactly happened?"

Her brows twitched.

"The pair of exceedingly excited siblings have already set up a meeting between the major religions," she sighed inwardly. "Disregarding the Norse who's Gods generally remain in isolation in the Nine Realms of the World Tree, and the Hindu who ignored the invitation, the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Japanese, Chinese, and smaller Gods have answered the summons."

Saying that, her brows narrowed before she leaned her body forward, supporting herself with her elbows rested on her thighs.

"However, there's a problem," she continued. "Even if we're able to gather them together with our influence, it's another matter entirely to get them to take us seriously let alone cooperate into an alliance. A larger issue is the fact that there's no way that they'll agree to have the religion of the Holy Bible as the alliance leader."

Serafall crossed her arms before leaning back into the recliner she sat on, sinking into the foam and leather padding, seemingly annoyed with the situation.

"They think us weak," she scoffed. "Our dominion without the power of a God or a Demon, seen as insignificant in their eyes. Worse, some are still bitter with the fact that under the One God's influence, none dared to poach or trouble his followers, leading to the decline of many pantheons and religions."

This theme was prevalent throughout the world, leading to the very extinguishing of minor pantheons, cults, and religions. The Greeks, Egyptians, and other major mythologies and religions were no exception. Take the Parthenon for example; no words could describe the indignance Athena felt when her Holy Temple of worship converted into a Church by the hands of her own past followers.

"The only reason the faith of the Holy Bible still dominates throughout the earth is due to the precautions the other pantheons had of God's System maintained by Michael in his absence."

Serafall went on to explain.

Still, something had to be stated.

"But God is no longer absent," he interjected.

She nodded knowingly in response, a peculiarity in her expression.

"Yet the World doesn't know that other than the members of our own Faction," she uncrossed her arms and gazed at him seriously. "Michael's strict discretion along with Sirzechs and I's prompt actions made sure of it."


He didn't think it would be to the benefit of an alliance to keep such vital intelligence a secret from potential colleagues.

A layer of apprehension clouded Serafall's features as she addressed his question.

"It's not a bad thing that the others are uninformed," she said. "Otherwise, the invitations sent out to the other pantheons can be mistaken as a command rather than a request. Of course, we're not intending on hiding the matter, just prolonging it until an ample opportunity arrives."

Such an opportunity would be most ideal given it fulfills two prerequisites: Impact and dominance. Impact to leave a lasting impression at the key moment, and dominance to suppress all opposition.

After all, the power structure and hierarchy of all pantheons and religions were never set in stone with just mere words, but power. Zeus became the King of Gods in Mt. Olympus not only because he defeated Kronos, but also because his means were the greatest amongst the brothers of the trinity.

However, finding a perfect opportunity was never easy; therefore, he couldn't help but grow a tad doubtful with the way Serafall and the others were handling the issue.

"And that opportunity would be?" He asked to clarify.

"The Young Devil's Gathering," was the prompt response.

Serafall straightened her back as she elaborated.

"You're not going to be participating in the event per say," she said, giving him a piece of parchment with heavy details that he would have to read through. "But rather, you will be undergoing a test alongside the rulers of Heaven and the Underworld that runs at the same time."

Because the other Gods thought them weak, the only choice Michael and Gabriel had to garner the other pantheons interest was of course a show of strength; something that Michael and Gabriel agreed to without question due to their confidence in their God. Naturally, Serafall was the same, but for another reason.

Kuro would always be that invincible figure in her heart.

The shield that not only sacrificed itself for the Underworld and her dreams, but the only man she had ever fallen in love with.

She smiled.

"Together we'll all form a battle team representing the current strength of the Bible to the other religions, not because we're inferior, but better. We'll make them realize that we aren't a faction to be belittled, but a faction with not only the might of the One God of the Heavens, but a Demon of the Underworld too," she said; a distinct pride in her tone and words.

Inwardly, he grew flustered.

"Then the other reason you didn't spread the word of God's return was for this as well?" he said while scratching the back of his head.

She nodded, only for her body to stiffen when a bang resounded throughout the room followed by a cool yet irritated voice.

"In that case, sign us up too!"

Instinctively, Serafall already knew whom the voice belonged to, but he was the one to solidify her assumption.

"Xenovia," he said exasperatedly, lip twitching. "Did you really have to kick the door down?"

He already knew that he was still under a massive debt from his past actions. He didn't want to add onto it any further.

Xenovia and Irina stood at the door, Xenovia's leg still lifted off the ground while an awkwardness shrouded her at his chastisement. As she had been with him from the very beginning, she understood his feelings about breaking things to an extent, and quietly she meekly muttered out a soft apology.

In contrast, when Serafall entered her gaze, the awkwardness vanished immediately, replaced by unabated displeasure.

It was then that Serafall took action, standing up from the recliner and facing them with a poker face.

"You two, how did you get here?" She asked.

"Let's just say a cat pointed the way," Xenovia scoffed indignantly whilst glaring. "Clearly the Heavens are on our side."

"Then the Underworld will stand to oppose it," Serafall was quick to reply, smiling yet not.

Irina was never one for confrontations so she instead greeted him with a wave.

The way Xenovia and Serafall were staring each other produced a stifling tension only broken when Serafall snorted.

"About what you said about wanting to join, it's impossible without sufficient strength."

Xenovia was unperturbed, and uncharacteristically, Irina stood up in silent confrontation as well.

"We'll get by if it means staying by Shirou's side," they said in unison, their determination catching him by surprise and stunning Serafall.

"Y-You both," she stuttered.

After all, she could understand Xenovia and Irina's feelings exactly as she was the same. Suddenly, her opinions about Xenovia and Irina improved. Besides, she wasn't an unreasonable woman and as a Devil she wasn't opposed to polygamy either.

At any other time, she may have outright refused though regardless of her empathy, but with how happy she was at the current time, her attitude unknowingly became more lenient. However, only to a certain degree.

"Fine," she conceded, expression neutral. "But we will have words first," she said.

"Fine with us. But a word of advice, your petty tricks won't last forever," Xenovia grunted.

It was evidently a hierarchal battle between women, and although he said that it was time to 'man up,' this wasn't one of those times. He tried to make himself as discreet as possible, fearful of getting dragged in but it was then that he realized something peculiar.

"What petty tricks?" He asked ignorantly.

Serafall's back stiffened, the action so discreet it was as if it never happened.

"Nothing," she was quick to speak, intercepting Xenovia and Irina before they could open their mouths and forcibly ushering them outside the room.

Following behind, Serafall paused before turning back to look at him.

"Heaven and the Underworld have placed our bets with you in this event with the Gods," she said in reminder, nodding her head towards him before stepping out of the room; her voice trailing behind.

"You're the trump card, Kuro."

A pause.

"Give them a reason to stay."


The day of the Young Devil's Gathering came quicker than he expected.

He spent most of his time waiting in the Underworld, not only because it would be more convenient when the gathering occurred, but because he felt that he owed it to Serafall. Besides, he wasn't opposed to being around her either.

Elated, Serafall took him around anywhere she could think of, showing him the differences he had made to the Underworld with his actions.

Low-Class Devils were treated on equal standing as Mid-Class Devils due to the contributions Serafall had publicly acknowledged about their efforts in the Civil War. She hadn't gone as far as to divulge the fact that they were the ones who wore the Crimson armour of the Underworld's Legions, but she did mention how they had fought bravely despite their lack of strength and inspired a key turning point in the conflict. Subsequently, those initial commoners in the lands of Marbas enjoyed increased prosperity because of it.

All of this was enough to gladden him, proving that his efforts and decisions weren't meaningless despite vying to not alter the future too much whilst in the past.

Still, the fact that he showed such enthusiasm and joy at seeing the positive changes he had made in the past had only encouraged Serafall to ignore everything else in favour of spending more time with him. It was to the point that Sirzechs had to personally come crying to her after Grayfia insisted the man do the administrative duties Serafall was neglecting. 'Where's your empathy?' Grayfia would snide at him whenever he considered complaining.

However, enough was enough.

Today was the day Rias was going to make her debut amongst all the Devils of the Underworld, and besides it was also the same day of the Alliance meeting.

Furthermore, it wasn't as if Sirzechs was the first to interrupt Serafall, Xenovia and Irina had done a much better job than he.

After Serafall, Xenovia, and Irina had a long talk in the prior days, they were less antagonistic to each other and more tolerant. However, he found it increasingly worrying when he inevitably got dragged into their bickering. In that regard, he would have to thank Rossweisse for her timely interventions, but unfortunately, she wasn't around at the moment.

Due to the nature of the coming events, Rossweisse had decided to sit out for the time being when she had received a letter from Odin tasking her with another chore.

He had to say though, he was missing her already.

The distinct sound of quarreling made it difficult for him to maintain a straight face as he walked alongside Serafall, Xenovia, and Irina towards the building housing the Young Devil's gathering ahead.

It was Victorian styled with large brick walls supported by buttresses painted black with tinges of red leading to an arched roof.

Different from where he spotted Rias and Sona entering the building with their peerages, Serafall gestured for him to take another path towards a different venue leading to a large transportation circle.

There they met up with Sirzechs, Ajuka, Michael, and Gabriel.

Falbium was supposed to attend the event as part of the Bible Faction's team, but lazy as he was, he had quickly volunteered to watch over the administrative duties of the Underworld fully intending on shirking the responsibilities onto his attendant. Grayfia though would foil such plans and force Falbium to watch over the Young Devil's Gathering.

On the other hand, Uriel and Raphael who were also part of the team had to remain behind to manage the Heavens.

Therefore, leaving only Michael and Gabriel.

As for Adelina, that was more of a sensitive topic. She was originally supposed to be present, but she had underestimated the outcome of leaving Serafall's peerage. No matter where she went, representative from other upstanding Devil lineages would follow her in various attempts to recruit her. The matter between the events concerning the Gods wasn't supposed to be known to the general public until everything was finalized and as such, Adelina had become exceedingly irritable in the recent days because of it.

Infuriated in fact.

Unfortunate as it was, she wasn't present.

Upon reaching the others, Serafall, Xenovia, and Irina seemed to come to a tacit understanding and ceased their disagreements.

No one talked, only giving each other small signs of acknowledgment either by nodding their heads or using their eyes. For from the magic circle before them exuded the presence of numerous Divine Auras.

The arrangement Michael and Sirzechs had discussed with the other Gods regarding their position in a preliminary alliance hinged on their results. Too weak and they wouldn't have a say in anything making it impossible to convince the other Gods to stay and discuss official terms for cooperation. Therefore, they needed a strong performance.

Sirzechs nodded once to Michael before stepping in to the magic circle first then vanishing.

Ajuka followed after along with Michael and the others.

Soon, he was the only one left.

Standing from outside the magic circle he took a moment to reflect on the details Serafall had shared with him.

To assess the strength of the Bible Faction, each of the major religions in the world had come up with a test for them to complete. Varying from the Greeks and Egyptians all the way down to the minor Aztec.

Zeus liked to call them labours as he was the God who proposed this type of assessment, but he couldn't help but feel that there was something odd about the entire matter. Nonetheless, Sirzechs and the others had already stepped through the magic circle.

As such, both he and God only had one thought left in their minds as they proceeded forward and vanished.

It wasn't the time to hold back.

Opening his eyes after he felt himself get transported, he was assaulted by the scent of an ocean breeze.

It was a world of blue.

Shimmering water and swirling tides surrounding the sole platform he and the others were manifested on.

Not far from them sat a man in ancient azure robes who soon stood up at his arrival.

A long brown beard adorned the man's face along with flowing hair that framed his cheeks.

"I am Poseidon, and this dimension is part of the test devised by the Greek Pantheon," the man introduced.

"Where are the other Gods?" Sirzechs asked glancing around.

There was nothing but rolling waves regardless of which direction one looked.

"Spectating," Poseidon said simply. "Due to the nature of this trial, it isn't suitable for the other Gods to congregate here."

"And why's that?" Gabriel asked.

Of everyone present, Gabriel had the most dealings with the other Pantheons and she had often associated with Poseidon on her formal visits.

"Well," Poseidon scratched his head awkwardly, before sighing. "All is the will of Zeus I suppose. You'll understand why when I explain the task given to you."

Saying that, Posiedon jumped into the water, the seas bending to his will as a trident materialized into his hands. Long and imbued with a choral-like shaft, it was akin to a spear in length and exuded an oceanic divinity that demanded absolute obedience in the water.

This was the strength of one of the Big Three.

Poseidon Greek God of the Sea, Earth shaker, and Horses.

"The first trial should be simple enough," Poseidon spoke as a messenger, the waters below churning to his will to reveal a cage sealed off in an underwater mountain. "This is a trial of water. To pass, you must tame the mightiest beast that rules its depths."

The implications of Poseidon's words were not lost on Michael or Sirzechs.

In Greek mythology, only one sea monster possessed a power strong enough to force the God of the sea to seal it away.

The terror of Andromeda.

The water monster, Cetus, immortalized as the Kraken in feature film.

Not only was the Kraken an exceedingly powerful monster, but it was only due to Zeus's subtle intervention that his Demi-God son Perseus was able to repel the beast in the first place. Otherwise, the Kraken, a Divine Beast, would not have had been bested so easily. Its strength was already comparable to an Ultimate-Class Devil, yet its true ability lied in the sea.

As a Divine Beast of Poseidon, the water would heal it indefinitely.

In any other dimension, Sirzechs, Michael, and the other leaders of Heaven and the Underworld would have absolute confidence in taking on the Kraken, but in a world of water? Unless Sirzechs could annihilate the entire dimension, winning, let alone taming it would be impossible.

"What is Zeus trying to pull?" Sirzechs said with an ugly expression, watching as Poseidon gave an apologetic gesture before leaving via a Divine skill.

In truth, both Sirzechs and Michael already knew what Zeus was trying to do. Getting along with the King of Gods was fine, but trying to vie for a position of leadership with him was another matter entirely. One would only need to look at Zeus's mythology and disposition.

"There's no use in complaining," Michael shook his head at Sirzechs. "We were all there when we agreed to the terms. If this is how the Greeks are like, then we better prepare ourselves for the Egyptians."

Silence descended before Gabriel spoke up.

"I'll go," she said decisively. "My long-range attacks are more suited for this challenge, and besides were not trying to kill it but tame it."

"Gabriel," Michael said solemnly. "You know that your light has yet recover. That's why we agreed to give the Devils this first task."

"I know Michael, but what other choice do we have?" Gabriel reasoned. "It's too early to reveal our God's return just to face the Kraken. It would mean that it would take the leader of our Faction just to simply deal with an unintelligible monster."

With the goal of uniting the Gods into an alliance against the Trihexa, any inferences of weakness may lead to internal conflicts with others vying for control.

"Then what if I don't use the power of God or a Demon?" A voice interrupted the conversation.

All turned to the source. The one who everyone had placed their hopes on.

"I may not look like it, but I have other skills I can use at my disposal," he said calmly, confusing the others as they couldn't comprehend where he got his confidence from.

Only Xenovia and Irina seemed to slightly understand what he was referring to, granted they had seen it before in the Holy Sword Trials.

"I just need you all to trust me," he said under everyone's worried gazes.

Fundamentally, he was the best choice for this round. Not only because he wouldn't have to use too much energy, but also because the danger towards him was considerably lower.

After all, he had noticed a keen detail when Poseidon had released the sea monster in the dimension.

A weakness he could exploit.

"Leave this matter to me."


Up in another pocket dimensions, the Gods spectated quietly with their Divine senses.

Some weren't on the friendliest of terms, but at the present moment, all were too focused on the show the Faction of the Bible was displaying.

No one said anything. After all, the impact that the Bible Faction would have if it regained its former standing amongst the Gods of the world wasn't something to be taken lightly. The rule of the One God of Christianity left a shadow within the hearts of all the other Gods that couldn't possibly be erased.

Fortunately, it was widely known that the One God was dead. Only the system he left behind under the control of Michael was troubling. For although it wasn't a God operating the system, it elevated Michael's prows to an equal standing to Gods such as Zeus given enough Faith.

In a swirl of water, Poseidon appeared in the spectating space.

"I see you came, Hades," he greeted a skeleton in high-priest robes seated on an altar of bone as he returned from the dimension of water. "I didn't take you as one to like associating with other mythologies. You've scared the spectating mid and minor Gods enough with your aura that they don't dare go near you."

Hades grunted and didn't answer.

Poseidon shrugged before sitting on his own throne of choral and sea-shells sandwiching the throne beside Hade's altar.

The throne of Zeus.

"The deed is done brother," Poseidon said in greeting to the man in the middle throne. "But isn't this a little overboard? I mean the Kraken isn't generally much of a threat, but the fact that you intended this test to be held in the water dimension of Atlantis speaks enough of your intent."

"If you understand, then you need not speak any longer," Zeus said absently. "Working with the other Gods is fine, but the leadership role shouldn't belong to anyone other than I."

There was a trace of arrogance in Zeus's tone not seen since his glory days, but he had always been overly self confident.

The other Gods of the Major Religions who heard Zeus's words scoffed, but didn't dare voice their thoughts.

For sitting in the current gathering of the Gods wasn't just Zeus and Poseidon, but Hades as well.

The Big Three of Mt. Olympus.

They who ruled the Sky, the Sea, and the Underworld.

Their combined strength was unquestionable in the current realm, more so because seated behind Zeus and the others were the other Gods of Olympus and their Roman aspects who were far from weak.

The Gods began to murmur to themselves, a cacophony of noises that annoyed Hades to no end, but eventually the members of the Bible Faction made their move.

Stretching out their Divine Senses into the dimension of Atlantis, the Gods all startled.

"They sent a human? Have they gone mad?"

Poseidon recalled the red-haired youth in general, but couldn't find anything significant about him. Therefore, he could only watch on.

Meanwhile, as Shirou faced down the Kraken before him, not a trace of nervousness could be seen on his expression.

The water soaked up to his feet, his magical energy creating a platform for him to stand upon within the water.

In comparison to his lone figure, the Kraken seemed dismissive of him, its gargantuan body which emerged from the abyss towering above all. It resembled a combination of a large fish, and a shark with protruding teeth on its skin.

It leered down at him, but he paid it no mind.

All this time since he had come to Kuoh it had always been the means of God or All the World's Evil that had aided him in his problems, not once relying on himself.

The difference between then and now though was only one factor.


The armory within him began to stir, the scent of ash permeating into the air.

A sword drawn.

The embers snuffed out from within him began to ignite with the roar of a forge, the world around him distorting as interface patterns crawled up his skin.

Hands that would never hold anything grasped out, bronze coloured eyes narrowing.

"Trace, On."

His inner world answered the call.

The seas stilled, dark clouds that formed within the distant horizon writhing with arcs of flashing light.

It was a tension that was suffocating, yet filled with the gentle lull of a cold Atlantic breeze.

The Kraken grew unsettled, unable to comprehend what was going on let alone Sirzechs and the others who had never seen this side of his abilities.

The world began to shake, the waters growing turbulent as a Divine Construct gradually manifested into the world, the aura it exuded denoting the unique disposition of an absolute sovereign of the seas.

One of the three master weapons made by the craftsmanship of the ancient race of Cyclops.

The symbol of the mighty Earth Shaker and Lord of Water.

The Trident of Poseidon.

With its presence, the waters of the dimension of Atlantis converged, the home field advantage of the Kraken, a detriment rather than an aid.

Whirlpools formed, the feeling within him as if the ocean wasn't just a weapon, but an extension of himself.

In this world of water, he was its ruler.

The method to use the Trident in his hands was made known to him from the moment it entered his gaze.

Naturally, his disposition mimicked the Greek God of the Sea, shocking all spectating.

Under his watered gaze, all aquatic creatures, mighty or weak had no choice but to submit to his will.

A voice resounded throughout, echoing with the gushing waves of the ocean and its uncharted depths.

The power of the Sea.


The scene cut out.

The Divine senses of the Gods drowned by an ancient aura of the ocean.

Dead silence.

Not one person spoke, all left astounded.

And in that moment, within the dimension hosting the Gods, Zeus erupted.

"PREPOSTEROUS!" He shouted incensed before glaring judgingly at Poseidon who stood up from his throne dumbstruck. "Brother, what were you thinking! Since when did you deem it necessary to impart your Trident on a…. mortal."

Zeus's words died in his throat along with the judging expressions of the rest of the Greek and Roman Pantheon towards Poseidon.

After all, in Poseidon's incredulousness, he had long since summoned forth his Trident into his hands, panicked that it had somehow been stolen. And yet, staring at it, it was with a sinking realization that everyone grew mute, more so for the Greeks and Romans.

"Father," Apollo spoke up sluggishly from where he stood before saying the question on everyone's minds.

"W-Why are there two?"