Commencement Of The Plot

All this time, Jiang Li wondered why Cheng Yijun was the favored son of the heavens.

Well, his previous meetings with this man were all short, and he also couldn't be bothered to get close to him since his impression of him was terrible. So this was maybe why he couldn't answer this question for quite a long time.

When 7 pm came, and the celebration started, Cheng Yijun came forward to greet his father.

Of course, since they were all businessmen, the talk did not merely end with perfunctory greetings.

Jiang Li participated a bit in the discussion, and that was how he discovered that, in all fairness, if the subject of a discussion was not women-related, the guy could be pretty witty.

'Well, it will be utter stupidity if this guy becomes a prominent businessman without anything inside his head... Maybe I just got lucky that Hao Gang, that super hacker is on my side.'

He gently shook the half-filled wine glass as he listened to what Cheng Yijun had started to propose when the man pulled them to the quieter side of the Jiang Mansion's vast hall.

"I heard that you, Sirs, have been recently researching smart phone production for quite some time now, which makes sense since your company specialized in producing semiconductors and some cellphone components."

"I admire your information network, Mr. Cheng. I didn't know our recent projects have already reached your ears."

"Oh. My apologies. I hope I didn't sound nosy or insensitive just now."

"Haha. Not really, it's never a secret."

"I'm relieved to hear that I didn't accidentally rub you the wrong way."

Cheng Yijun's laughter was very natural and easy on the ears.

As expected of a male lead...

"So how about we partner up in this? One of my teams is researching AI integration on our phones, and we're close to really having a nice result which could compete with...."

Jiang Li looked at his father and saw that the man seemed pleased. But, of course, there was no way a simple bullshitting would lead him on.

Jiang Liuxian must have been amazed by how eloquent and convincing-sounding the heir of Cheng Corporation was. The two had other opportunities to discuss things before, but Jiang Li's father always appreciated how well this man did business.

So far, Cheng Yijun's most significant blunder in the business world was the incident two years ago where almost ten percent of the LongFeng Group of Companies froze due to some files being corrupted and lost from his department and computer.

But when considered from another angle, his only fault, not securing the data in his hands, could be blamed on their IT experts, who didn't do their best to protect the company from malicious hackers.

Tricky, huh...

When the man parted with the father and son duo, Jiang Li gave him a meaningful look.

Cheng Yijun was capable. From the conversation, he managed to uncover this. Plus he's got the world's backing, therefore most of the time, luck was on his side.

He concluded,

'It seemed Hao Gang is really the last boss. And his halo is the only thing which helps me antagonize this guy.'

Jiang Li secretly laughed, not really concerned about realizing how he was still a minor character despite the feats he had accomplished these past years.

Anyway, being a main character was never his goal.

At the same time that this thought flashed in his mind, he finally saw the commencement of the plot.

Jiang Li was correct that no matter what deviations and uncontrollable factors came along the way, fate would make sure to amend them.

Just now, Bai Qing arrived with her father and immediately began to look for Jiang Li so she could formally introduce herself and be acquainted with him.

As natural as flower nectar attracting bees, her appearance enchanted a few men who noticed her since her dramatic entrance with her father.

The dramatic part was from when a maid almost ran into her and spilled a few glasses of water on her clothes.

Thankfully, one of her second male lead was present and pulled her away. This was probably how the natural law wanted people to notice her.

After thanking the man, she went back to looking for her target. Her face became flushed when she caught sight of him near the staircase.

Yet when the girl walked to the man's direction, the world began to interfere with her plan and made her see who her real beloved should be...

Bai Qing who wore a beautiful white dress which enhanced her pure aura and beauty collided with Cheng Yijun.

And the bystander Jiang Li felt disgusted at how time seemed to have stopped for the two of them as Cheng Yijun supportd the white lotus girl's waist while they stared at each's other eyes for almost a minute...