“Rescue My Cousin”


After listening to Hao Gang's update about Cheng Yijun doing someone in one of the rooms, the pervert hacker told him that something was also happening in the gardens.

'That second-gen garbage is trying to force himself on my cousin?'

He loosened his grip on the device by his ears. His brows furrowed for a few seconds, and his parents took notice of it.

"Son, is there something wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Li glanced at his mother and smiled. "Please excuse me for a minute."

The worried madam nodded.

He took it as a cue to dial a number to a corner.


A sweet and crisp voice echoed from his phone.

After making sure that no one could hear him, he said,

"Go to the gardens, rescue my cousin there. Then say...'

Afterward, he phoned Hao Gang, who was monitoring everything in their mansion from his base.

He didn't wait too long for it to go through.

"How's it going?"

It seemed the person on the other line was busy doing something.

In Jiang Li's estimation, the pervert must be busy recording or watching a business that had nothing to do with him.

Hao Gang's reply was late, and when it came, the voice sounded too happy. Yeah, what else could make the other man be like that?

'Damn, disgusting pervert.'

"Ah, hello. Sorry, I was busy working just now. No worries, everything's going according to plan. Once this is over, I'll collect my five million from you, okay? By---"

Jiang Li hung up the call before the other person could say goodbye.

'Nice. Though this guy is sometimes hard to communicate with, at least he is dependable.'

The confirmation was enough. A smirk appeared on his lips.

However, it did not take long to vanish as he thought of the other news he received apart from the leads being together.


When the person Jiang Li asked to come to Jiang Xinyi's rescue arrived, blood immediately went up to her head, and she trotted forward in her high heels.

In front, a woman's desperate but weak pleas and a man's low grunts softly echoed, irritating her ears.

At half a yard distance from the good-for-nothing, one of the woman's legs rose in the air, and when the pervert was not expecting it, she swung it hard against his head!

"Ugggh!" A loud thud followed after.

"You want to assault a woman, huh? You piece of trash?!"

Jiang Xinyi, whose upper part of the dress was almost peeled off of her, stared dumbfoundedly at the man who flew away from on top of her.

Things had been so sudden.

A while ago, she was still despairing.

Her mother did not hear out and even scolded her.

She had no time to phone her father or anyone else because the red-eyed bastard had already jumped at her.

She hated herself for being so weak and for letting her guard down. Would she have a different outcome if she hadn't even taken a sip of anything from her uncle's party? That time, she wondered if the heavens were punishing her in her parents' stead.

But then, out of a sudden, when she was falling into despair and darkness and cursing herself for her stupidity, the one who tried to rape her was kicked so hard by someone.

When she realized this, of course, she was very relieved and began crying. She stared at the man with hatred pooling in her eyes, which had a shape resembling that of a cat.

It was just that when she recovered some wits and remembered that she had to thank whoever saved her when she turned her head to the person, she was so stunned to find out who the one that practically made the man soar in the air.

It was another beautiful lady... As thin and fragile-looking as her...



FallenBlue here! If you're not reading at webnovel.com, please go here and read for free!


FYI, this is the original site from which to read this story.

Thanks in advance.