Set Up?

Cheng Yijun returned this morning to the mansion and was immediately slapped in the face by his father using a rolled-up newspaper.


Puzzled and angry, the man called out to his father, who raged like a bull.

The middle-aged man in his corporate suit had a four-tenths resemblance with Cheng Yijun, except the shoulders were a lot bulkier, the stomach region was a bit more bloated, and the face had a few wrinkles.

The Chairman of LongFeng Group of Companies pressed a hand against his chest as he stared at his son with shaking lips and crimson eyes. The older Cheng looked like he had many words that he wanted to say, but his blood pressure and heart were distracting him from the pain.

Cheng Yijun's rage calmed down after receiving those reproaching and anger-filled glares. Admirably, the man regained reason and enough wit to know something was wrong.

He asked, "What's the matter?"

The madam, crying crestfallen on the sofa, looked at him with sadness that couldn't stop spilling from her eyes.

"Son, you haven't heard or seen the news yet?" His mother asked sorrowfully.

Since the man had regained some levelheadedness, he picked up the newspaper lying on the marble floor. When he spread it, his brow immediately rose upon seeing his naked self. The big black-and-white picture featured his face clearly, but the girl was pixelated.

When he looked closely, his eyes darkened. Wasn't this the white-dressed woman earlier?

'That b*tch? She and that third-rate bastard used these lowly tactics to make me the city's laughingstock?'

He cursed and immediately explained to his parents, "Damn, I'm set up!"

Chairman Cheng furiously roared, "What set up!!!? Where are you looking, huh?!!! Read down that damn article with the picture!" The last part was said with heavy stress, word by word.

Though the young man had a bad feeling about it, he did as told, and every second his eyes were scanning the following article, his breathing became labored.

After flipping a few more pages of the news, he saw that he, his family, and the Cheng Corporation had been mentioned not only in two but seven stories! And none of these talked nice about them!

He froze for some time before angrily bellowing out,

"What's with all these ridiculous articles!"

"We need to get our lawyers fast! We have to sue them all for slander!"

"I'll phone the prosecutors too! They won't dare barge in once we talk to their higher-ups! We will defend our stance that all those documents are false!" He referred to the records detailing tax evasions, paper companies, and other accusations that he didn't know how had been unearthed.

"As for the stocks... Let's hold a press conference with only our people as on-the-site witnesses!" The last sentence was said because they own a news and broadcasting company.

Cheng Yijun, as the lucky son of the world, immediately had his call connect with the prosecutor's office. However, he had yet to talk with the chief officer there when, from the doorway, one of the guards rushed inside to report how their gate was flooded with people, with some reporters mixed with them.

Of course, those people were angry citizens who thought they were victimized. Some were families of the employees, and the others were their consumers, who were most probably tricked by the products they released.

After hearing this, Cheng Yijun's face hardened, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on one of the headlines in the newspaper, 'The Cheng Mall's Hideous Secret: 305 construction workers buried alive under the cement ground of its foundation! The Chengs paid money to close the case!'

And there was another, 'Proven True! Cheng Corporation's SG soft drinks, once mixed with the human remains of a factory worker!'

Large beads of sweat rolled down his face and neck when his father's secretary came forward with his phone in his hands.

The secretary's age was also around Cheng Yijun's father and had been working for him for decades, hence the man only lightly bowed to the Chairman before reporting.

"Chairman, our stocks fell by almost 50 percent today, most likely due to the rumors and news. Our financial experts tried to salvage the situation. But before they could inject funds and stabilize the stock prices, the whole stock exchange platform and servers froze..."

The Chairman started trembling in anger again. Meanwhile, both Cheng Yijun and his mother had a skeptical face. They felt like the world had suddenly turned on them for no reason or warning.

After lowering his head and breaking eye contact with the red-faced, red-eyed Chairman, the secretary continued, "... It's suspected to be the work of the same hacker..."

In a split second, Cheng Yijun again received intense glares from his father. The Chairman looked like he would be strangling his son to death any time soon.

The man gulped and asked himself, 'Everything suddenly changed overnight. What the hell is going on?'



FallenBlue here! If you're not reading at, please go here and read for free!

FYI, this is the original site from which to read this story.

Thanks in advance!