Feng Ru (6)

The first time he heard the system inside his brain, it explained that a villainess was someone deeply in love and died, bringing something unbelievably damaging to the world or the whole of humanity.

When he reflected on the last mission, Xie Na actually passed away in a mental hospital. She was driven crazy while harboring unimaginably deep resentments toward the world.

In reality, there were so many people who, due to pain and grief, wished for the world's destruction every day. But the villainess was the only one who could bring real harm to it through her curses and resentments. The system said it was because a villainess was someone who should have been a female lead but was later rejected or replaced.

It was a weird explanation, but this was the general gist of everything he knew about the villainess, as to why he had to save them. Perhaps it had something to do with a greater cause. But who knows what exactly that is?

All he knew right now was that he was very confused about how a ghost could be a villain. Wasn't he supposed to prevent a woman dying crazily? The current world was not making sense to him.

Was Feng Ru already a ghost before she was almost made into a female lead? Then what the f*ck was the supposed story before it turned into a supernatural detective's tale? Minghun? A forbidden love between a man and a specter?

Jiang Li shook his head. The spirit seemed to have been provoked. The woman's face distorted beyond recognition, wanting to tear him into pieces.

He narrowed his eyes. "I know why you want to do this. But are you sure this is the correct way to help them?"

Feng Ru's hair-raising laughter echoed from under his feet. Her voice was so loud. Yet, not even one from the crowd below heard it. Only Jiang Li.

While weeping red tears, she asked, "What do... you know?"

To this, he replied, "You died trying to help someone who attempted to commit suicide. But later on, you become someone helping those people suffering from severe depression to do the deed."

'A twisted busybody, so to say.' Jiang Li wanted to punch the woman when he first learned of why she was the villainess.

After a moment of silence, the female ghost quietly replied. "Her name is Na Yu, and she is from a rich but broken family. Her parents are divorced. She initially had no problem with that. After all, she has money, beauty, friends, and a loving boyfriend."

The man merely listened. He didn't interrupt even though he could hear footsteps gradually nearing the rooftop. The scene happened in the memories. Therefore, he knew it was the male lead.

"The girl is content in life. After all, the hollowness within her brought by the lack of attention from her parents is filled by her other loved ones. She felt like as long things continued this way, she would be okay."

"However, nothing's permanent in this world. Stress got into her when a female professor, jealous of her beauty, began being unreasonable and putting pressure on her. Projects failed, homework punishment, being tossed to a bad working place famous for exploiting workers for her internship. The list goes on. Thankfully, her friends and lover are there for her, and so she persisted."

"However, one day, one of her male colleagues in that company tried to take her by force. She only managed to escape by luck. Yet before the day is over, she learned of her boyfriend's betrayal..."

The ghost stopped crying blood. Jiang Li took that chance to lift his extended hand to her again. "Suicide is not the right way, Miss. Revenge is. It depends on the situation. But there are many ways to drive them crazier than when she was in her depressed state. Sometimes her being happy or successful is a poison more lethal than death for them. How about I show it to you?"

"Show it... to me?" The being went back to her weird way of speaking.

Jiang Li wanted to make this busybody ghost agree to leave things to him so that she wouldn't interfere in his other mission. Anyway, it was not clear how he was going to save a ghost from insanity. It seemed crazy already. The only merit was that it could still be talked to and reasoned with. All he could think of was to teach her what proper madness was.

Feng Ru was a spirit whose unfinished business was probably related to seeing her friend jump off a building due to depression. Later on, she became a malicious being who solved her victim's lingering obsession and wishes through unspeakable means.

For this, Na Yu, her boyfriend, was the younger brother of the male lead. The villainess went to punish that guy, yet her trails ended up being followed by the male lead. On how Gu Feng pulled that off, who knows? What was clear was that for the next suicide victims, with the help of the female lead, they got closer and closer to the truth, alarming the ghost, who then went all the way to kill them.

Uhh, the story of this world was really damnable. It seemed simple, yet also absurd.

"Take my hand. But don't leave that girl's body yet. Soon, another busybody will come here. At least let that girl return to a normal life."

Time flowed like the running water of a fall, descending fast, and would never be able to come back. People watching from the ground gasped when a hand appeared by the railings and pulled up the woman. After a short while, sighs of relief echoed before the endless chattering resumed.

The male lead finally arrived. Per Jiang Li's request, the villainess did not wipe off the blood streaming down her face and even intentionally showed up to Gu Feng in a very heart-stopping manner.

Even though Jiang Li came to the frightened man's rescue and pacified him not to shoot the woman, in his heart, he was actually very satisfied pulling a prank against the favored son of fate. Heaven knows what Jiang Li would have done to the other if he wasn't confirmed to be a good guy.

Before the unconscious girl Na Yu was brought to the university authorities, he sneakily told Feng Ru, "Do what you want, but don't kill anyone; instead, come to me. I'll teach you what you do?"

Using the girl's face, the ghost gave a blank look. "... What?"

"Your methods are too crude. You need to learn how to be a proper ghost. Don't worry, I'll train you, and within three months, your resentment will surely vanish, and you'll learn how to enjoy your ghost life and duties." The man left, not caring how insane he looked after saying those words.

The body possessed was taken away, and the black-haired ghost with very pale and almost smoke-like features was left blinking in confusion.

What training to be a proper ghost? She frightened people, helped girls be freed from their misery, and took revenge for them. How was her method of aiding those poor women crude?

Feng Ru then realized that everything went wrong the moment she took that hand instead of jumping off.


Minghun - netherworld marriage, literally: 'spirit marriage', is a marriage in which one or both parties are deceased.



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