Feng Ru (20)

The next day came and the weather was gloomy. Given such a heavy downpour, people would have been listless and felt like sleeping all day long. Yet for some reason, the university was still as alive as ever, with students engaged in a joyful and laughter-filled conversation.

4 pm. Music Department.

Barging in the music room was a bespectacled young man wearing a brown leather jacket and black pants. The guy was very tall and eye-catching, plus his footsteps were quite loud, so those inside immediately turned their heads at him.

"Hi." Greeted him by a baby-faced cute guy.

He nodded. "It's such a crazy day. Everyone's discussing that damned flasher's video."

There were only three people in the place: the bassist dressed like a regular hipster, Na Yu who was in apple green dress and black high heels, and her friend Nangong Xue wearing a hanging blouse paired with a blue skirt and sneakers. The two girls were getting along well with the youngest of the gang since the big boy was quite the humorous one and knew quite a lot of things due to being a great internet lurker.

Hearing their drummer's amused tone, Nian Xiwen shrugged. As he sat cross-legged on the floor with his tablet in hands, he laughingly turned to one of the two females in the room.

"Hey, Miss Na, you became viral this time. Haha. One of those nice people recorded you valiantly commanding some guys in a white uniform. It's quite amazing and amusing when you had them took that funny man away." After finishing his laughing spree, the boyish guy added, "And oh, speaking of that funny man, he's from the other famous university in the city. An engineering student. His handsome brother looking out for him in the video was that police officer involved with Brother He's ex."

"Stop gossiping, boy. Where are the others?"

"Brother Xie, it's you who started the topic!"

Na Yu interjected, looking through the inbox on her phone, "Cheng Du is still in class. Su Xuefeng lost in a phone game against Little Nian and had to go out to buy some snacks and drinks. As for He Chen," Mentioning the last name, her face turned weird. One of her eyebrows went up. When she continued, a hint of worry was in her tone, "I can't contact him. He's not answering his phone when I called him."

The guy in a brown jacket nodded. "Don't worry about that one. He'll come. If he doesn't, just have Big Bro contact him. Brother He won't dare not come if it's Big Bro calling."

He took one of the monobloc chairs for himself while nodding to the other girl. 

Nian Xiwen asked, "Why are we here by the way? I forgot to ask this earlier. Hehe. Practice?"

"That's one thing. After all, I've already done my research and noticed the few problems with you guys," answered the girl in the green dress. "Later I'll elaborate. But before that, I'll discuss the schedule."

"Why is this girl here again?" It was Xie Delan, referring to Na Yu's friend. 

Nangong Xue said with a bashful smile. "I'm a fan. Also, I'm Na Yu's friend, there should be no problem tagging along, no?"

"Oh, which of us do you like the best?" When the boyish guy asked this, his eyes were practically glowing from anticipation. Written on his face was 'Is it me? It's me, right? After all, I'm the coolest bassist!' 

However, to his dismay, the girl shyly replied, "I like the band as a whole, but specifically, it's the other guitarist besides He Chen..." 

While Little Nian pouted in disappointment, the other male in the room amusedly blurted out, "Ah, the big brother then. Sorry, girl. Our Cheng Du is already taken. You can have a crush on him, but just make sure to not let his girlfriend finds out." The laughter he let out was quite disturbing, if not meaningful. 

The female Accountancy student glanced at him briefly before noting in her mind to stay away from this creepy four-eyed guy. She had yet to forget that it was he who roasted her best friend yesterday only to get beaten down in return. Still, the slightly unfavorable impression remained. Despite the warning he gave, in her mind, it was already etched that the cool big brother was the best among them even if all of them had above average appearance. 

'The headphone-wearing boy is very childish. That one with a dyed hair is boorish and has a fiery temper. This guy wearing stylish green-framed eyeglasses looks like an intellectual, but deep inside he is no better than the bassist. The handsome vocalist is not an option too. Too much of a love fool for his own good.'

If Na Yu could only guess what was in the short-haired girl's mind, she would start doubting whether she was really a fan. In her dictionary, fans were people who could say with a straight face that their idol's fart smelled like flowers.

Time flies. In not more than five minutes, two people came in. When Cheng Du announced that He Chen wouldn't be able to come due to an emergency, Na Yu asked the details once before starting her discussion. 

After the talk, everyone stayed for a while, their topics revolving around the incident yesterday. The band members and even her friend had an endless curiosity towards the specifics, hence she had no choice but answer their questions from time to time.

A few minutes later, she looked around and found those around her talking about the matter to themselves merrily. They all looked to be in a good mood poking fun at the guy who was actually her ex. Na Yu could only shake her head at this sight. 

After some time, she began looking through her notes. Remembering that she didn't see the figure of that person today, she pursed and grumbled inwardly, '... The one who had me enter this mess is not around when it matters... Just wow, huh?' A second later, she muttered, "I forgot to warn him that ex of mine is quite a vengeful person and has a connection to the police. Will that guy be okay?"



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