Feng Ru (28)

It took Jiang Li some time to recover from his speechlessness. Then with eyes similar to a dead fish, he muttered, "This is why I'm always going insane every day. Crazy people are everywhere. They are always influencing me..."

With Na Yu like this and the gloomy-faced Feng Ru signalling him to do something, oh when would he be able to go back to his comfortable bed?

He didn't know.

Moments passed in silence. Both Na Yu and Jiang Li watched as a car go to their direction, parking next to them.

A head popped out of the front car window, revealing a handsome and charismatic face with an air of aloofness and mystery. It was Gu Yu, the world's beloved male lead.

Jiang Li greeted him sarcastically, "Hello, officer. Late night patrol?"

The boring man nodded without any change in his expression. "What's going on here?" He was looking at Na Yu, and Jiang Li saw something in the way he did that.

"Nothing, officer." The drunk girl mysteriously managed to appear as sober as someone who didn't touch alcohol, the seriousness in her face and brightness of her eyes made the policeman's face relaxed visibly. There was some distance between them so he didn't notice the intoxicating smell.

Small talk took place. Since they were all acquainted, the male lead asked a few questions about why they were outside at this hour. Both people answered him partially. 

Few moments later, Na Yu opened her mouth, "Sir Gu, just a curiosity here."

"Go ahead. Ask." Gu Feng nodded again.

"It just kind of pop up in my mind. Do you guys also wear your uniforms when in an operation? I just sometimes think it's quite inefficient since there will be cases when the culprits could run away because your uniforms are very conspicuous."

The male lead was stumped fo a while. Of course it had long been a tradition not to wear uniforms when in a case sensitive operation. But there was no way he could tell this to just anybody. Not when a colleague was currently in the passenger seat.

Looking at the girl's expectant expression, his face showed uncomfortableness. "Miss, I can't reveal inside information, sorry."

Na Yu pouted, disappointed. "I see."

Jiang Li laughed and asked, "Sir, is your brother already recuperating at home?"

Gu Feng was too honest so he shook his head. "No. But why are you asking?"

"Just because, I saw him hours ago at the general hospital. I am just curious how he's doing."

Jiang Li was suspecting this older brother was looking for that poor guy so he kindly pointed out to him that Gu Cheng was still at that place surrounded by many 'people'. Since his mood was bad, he hoped those ghosts would also show their care to this policeman.

'It is nighttime and those 'people' should be active everywhere. The great thing about them is that they don't know to discriminate. Who from there will care if he is a male lead?'

"The general hospital, huh." Gu Feng only nodded then said, "Thanks. We're leaving. You two, I hope you go home now too. Especially Miss Na. It's dangerous at night. Some people could become beasts."

Jiang Li irritatedly watched the police car drove away. He was annoyed by the explicit meaning. He was not the one who transformed, alright? It's the girl next to him! 

'Now what to do?'

Minutes had gone by since Jiang Li got into her car and started driving for her. Na Yu was seated in the passenger seat, her red hat nowhere on sight.

"Just so you know, I have been working hard for your band." She began saying with closed eyes. "To seriously distract the devil in my head always telling me to kill myself, I am keeping myself busy, busy, and so so so busy.."

Jiang Li listened quietly, focusing on the darkness in front. She started telling him her plans. She was currently living alone. But when she was younger, her late grandparents introduced her to some people in all range of businesses. The connections proved effective in getting some help. In fact, she was already in touch with a music producer.

"Aren't I amazing?"

'Amazing blabbermouth when drunk?

"Yeah, You are."

Hearing his reply, her barely open eyes turned into crescents. She looked so beautiful and charming as she happily continued telling her exploits. In such a short period of time, she accomplished quite a lot, enough for Jiang Li to think his whimsical move allowed him to complete his mission faster.

"Hey, why did you bring me to this place?" After coming out of the car, Na Yu swept her hazy eyes around, squinting for almost a dozen times to confirm that they were at a road near the top of a mountain.

Aurora City was located near the sea. The road was famous for being accident prone because once a vehicle strayed off even a bit to the left side, it spelled getting thrown off a very tall cliff. Those travelling through this route always keep their speed to the minimum, also preferring not to travel at night or on rainy days.

"You don't want to go home. And I can't bring you to a hotel or the dorm. Here is convenient, if you annoy me, I can have you try how many minutes it will take to fall to the sea below."

His words were very said in a cold tone. But of course he knew, it would be stupid to kill someone he saved before. Humans were weird creatures. In their fits of anger, it was always very easy for them to say stuff they don't truly mean.

The girl repeatedly whispered 'heartless' to herself while watching him throw small stones to the tires of every passing vehicle.

The car was parked at the rightmost lane. It was black so in that dark part of the road, it stood there inconspicuously. Jiang Li vented the irritability in his heart by picking up small stones that he began throwing as far as he could. He also threw some to occasionally passing vehicles.

"Hey, is that fun?" she asked curiously.

He scowled. "Small pebbles thrown at a short distance can't make a hole in the tires no matter how fast I throw them. Those passing cars won't have a flat tire so the owners won't come out charging angrily to us. What's the fun there?"

"Oh. Right," she blurted out. "Sounds only half the fun."

If Na Yu was just thinking straight she would surely comment that he was surprisingly childish, crazy if his occasional tossing of chewed bumble gums into open car window were taken into consideration.

Once bored and seeing the pebble-throwing could no longer give him any amusement, he had Na Yu shouting towards the cliff and the dark sea's direction. She only hesitated for a second, then broke into a laughing mess as she marched towards the safety railings. 

She took a few deep breaths.

A few seconds later, he heard her angrily shouting to the world, her small fists sometimes pummeling the railings.

'Damn you, Gu Cheng!!!'

'You ugly liar!!!'

'I hope you grow many pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and dark spots!!!'

'You're ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly!!!'

'I hate you, you monster!!!'

'It hurts!!!'


She was screaming at the top of her lungs.

'... Let's pray she stays like that for a couple of hours.'

He took a nap for a while seated on the ground and leaning his body against the car door. The drowsiness could no longer be fought against. The loud screams and yells did not stop him from closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. Yet when he woke up an hour and a half later, he raised a brow seeing her still crazily shouting the same lines over and over again.

'... No 'F*ck you, bastard Gu Cheng!', 'I hope you die a eunuch, you a*shole,' or anything like that?'

Feng Ru uncomfortably shook her head, seemingly not liking the profanities. A van had just passed through her. 

Jiang Li sneered and clicked his tongue. This was the problem with someone raised to be so lady-like. "She doesn't even know any curse words. Is damn considered one? Tch. Tch. Her throat is amazing for persisting. A pity she doesn't have a colorful vocabulary."

Feeling a bit refreshed, Jiang would have gladly taught her some of the wonderful profanities he knew if not for a certain red-eyed female poltergeist sending him warning through her cold glares. Annoyed, he snorted and decided to just let the woman be. 

'Yeah. Why should I care more than this. It's only been four days, but I better focused on the band and...'