Jiang Ying Yue (16)

It was almost midnight when he remembered he was meant to ask Jiang Yue for details about what happened before and during the disowning incident.

The girl was obviously just trying her hardest to stay awake, wanting to finish what she was doing. He didn't stop her. He knew she always wanted to do her best no matter what challenge was thrown at her. He respected that.

Quietly, he turned around and walked out of the room. When he stepped into the doorway, he saw three maids respectfully lowering their heads at him, looking unbearably nervous.

These three were nowhere in sight when he first came in. Even when he was looking around for writing materials and creating noises in the study, he didn't see even their shadows.

"Greetings, Your Highness." They chorused, but not at the same time, and with their voices shaking.

He didn't speak to them at all. He had seen enough.