Su Luxi (13) <2-in-1>

Days passed yet since the last day the female lead came over to the Wade Mansion, Jiang Li did not hear from the Goddess again.

He wondered, was she busy setting up the summoning ceremony? Or were there just other duties making her busy?

It was hard for him to guess since he had no knowledge of what level of power she had and how otherworld summoning works. He turned to the system but it was useless, it couldn't answer him.

It only said to him, 'Host, the Goddess, though mentioned as a powerful and majestic being of this world, is nonetheless a mere extra in the plot. The system deemed her an unimportant character too. Her role is only to summon the villainess. If you ask me about the leads though, I can probably help. But if it's regarding an extra... Ha ha.'

Lying. The damn system was obviously lying since its laughter was very awkward. For sure, it could show him the coordinates of anyone in this world apart from the Goddess.