Agatha (19)

Jiang Li's desire to gain points had never waned. But since he was warned not to ask around about other women, he obediently complied... And made others do the investigation for him. 

How did he afford the investigators and information brokers?

"Husband. Fret not. I can support you for life." The one who spoke was the girl who had been glued to his side since their reunion this morning.

"My title as a princess might have been a joke before the parasite's takeover. But that is because I intentionally hid from the limelight. Behind the scene, I am Holon Kingdom's Queen of Commerce. You won't ever worry about money ever again. Even now I can order people to create a bathtub full of gold for you… How about I call an artisan to make one now? So that tomorrow, my dowry will be ready? If you want, I can even hold a contest so you can pick the best personally," In a sultry voice, Margarette asked the dumbfounded him.