Agatha (56) <2-in-1>

Since the day the Grey couple disappeared from the city together with the duke's trusted subordinates, Agatha felt like the air of the place had become much fresher. As for Jiang Li and Margarette's disappearance, it caused the skies to look more beautiful and brighter than ever.

The royal consort could be seen in a better mood than ever since then. Francis IV even pointed it out one time to her.

"What made my lovely consort so happy these past few days?" he asked dotingly one afternoon when he visited her palatial residence.  

"Because I realized there are just things a person better be without?" she laughingly said, to the puzzlement of the other.

Francis IV looked at her for a long time, but the woman only kept that tantalizing smile on her face, so the king could only reply helplessly, "I don't think I understand. But, as long as you are happy."