Mo Chou (12)

'Get the names of the kids in the village and pair up every beautiful fair-skinned one with a coarse-skinned one.' 

In this mission no one failed, not even Guo Hanying who had 'mistakenly' paired up four boys. 

'Find fifteen mothers who can speak other dialects or have the accent of another province.' 

Fan Zheng completed it late and ended up being paralyzed for minutes. The bad thing was he ran into Zhao Ai and received harsh and unreasonable scoldings from her. The girl did not stop there. Since she was very determined to disgust him, she kicked his… leaving him wanting to roll in the ground in pain, but couldn't. The sensation he felt back then would be one of his most hated experiences in his life.

'Make your phones useful by secretly taking pictures of all the mothers and children here. Learn the art of the paparazzi.'