Mo Chou (29) <2-in-1>

Confronted with something so odd and shocking, Zhao Ai also froze for a while and almost forgot she was there to hail a cab. 

Yet when she did remember, instead of fetching her co-worker who was waiting patiently for her at the entrance of the mart, she chivalrously picked up the unconscious guy lying in the cold hard ground. This she did without hesitation, her face wreathed in righteousness that made her appear so holy and pure in the eyes of the onlookers.

"Please make way! We don't even have time to wait for the ambulance so stop blocking us!" 

With the help of some kind-hearted men, the bloody young man was carefully laid at the back seat of the taxi and ferried to the nearest hospital which was thankfully only half a kilometer away. 

'I hope this poor guy will not pass away before reaching the hospital.' 

They had Lady Luck to thank for there was no heavy traffic on the road which could have delayed them.