Mo Chou (52)

"Alert those yet to arrive. A ghost king is on a rampage! Surround the perimeter! Make sure it hurts no civilian!"

No one knew or bothered to know, what was on the ghost's mind when she flew towards the highway. 

The spirit hunters only knew they had to follow and hunt her. They only remembered that in the hallway just now, the ghost's unpredictable attacks had hurt several fellow disciples, one still in a coma with his body frozen stiff.

In their mind, she was nothing more than an evil spirit who appeared at a residential area and forced a fellow disciple to chant a city-wide summon. 

A spirit that refused the summon of the underground? Who cares about its tragic backstory? Does this world lack ghosts with sad backstories? Must be exorcised! Purge if it had evolved into a higher-tiered malicious thing that hurts people!