Wang Yu Yan (22)

The security was strict, so the few black ants that sneakily got onto Wang Yu Yan's clothes died before they could trespass into the meeting room. The ones on the other military officers did not survive too. And he, a rankless temporary guard, had no right to participate. This was the reason Jiang Li had no idea what they discussed. 

Therefore, he was just surprised when the girl came out of the room and asked in a low voice. "Sir, if I agree to be your disciple, would you give me the honor of hearing what you know about the fae race?"

"... Huh?" If he were to describe what he felt upon hearing the question, it was indescribably.... awkward.

That offer was made thoughtlessly as he knew that the woman would refuse. His prediction came true, no? She rejected twice.

So maybe he was merely hearing things?

"I remembered Sir saying that he valued my character and brain."